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Peel Post # 5 "Getting Acquainted"

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 11:27pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 11:35pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 2}

Yesrin woke early the following morning after boarding the Ship. Throwing back the covers, she headed straight for a nice hot shower then dressed in her usual black uniform; since she was the only Intelligence person aboard Ship her uniform color would set the standard.

After dressing, and making sure all the insignias were exactly in order, Yesrin headed for for the replicator for some sort of breakfast when she sensed Jen [I can't believe you're going to eat considering your morning today.] She grinned as she whispered "A girl has to keep up her strength you know" when she decided on what to eat "Computer, one bowl of granola cereal, skim milk, blueberries, and a mug of black coffee" came the order. Moments later Yesrin grabbed her breakfast and went to the couch to enjoy her meal.

With breakfast concluded Yesrin quickly cleaned up, grabbed her PADD so she wouldn't hopefully get lost again, and headed out the door. As she was going to the lift [ Where we headed first.] "Going to go see Captain O'Connell is the first order of business before anything else" she thought in reply to Jen's inquiry.

{Deck 1}

Exiting the Lift Yesrin walked onto the Bridge checking her PADD for the Ready Room location; then proceeded only to see the door closed. Palming the door chime she straightened her uniform and waited for a reply.

The Captain was going over the personal file for the latest Crew member when he heard the door "Come in" Jamie replied closing the file and setting it aside for the moment.

Yesrin entered and walked to within three feet of the desk then snapped to attention with eyes straight ahead "Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen reporting for duty Captain."

Jamie saw a rather attractive young Trill women standing in front of him "At ease Lieutenant, and please have a seat" he ordered. with a smile.

After a nod Yesrin sat in the offered seat, feet flat on the floor, back straight, and her hands folded in her lap.

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant, I trust your travel here went well and I hope you found your Quarters acceptable" Jamie commented.

"My transportation was adequate as our my Quarters" then she paused "Actually I find my Quarters rather cozy" she replied starting to feel a little more at ease.

Jamie could still see the tension in Yesrin "Lieutenant, feel free to relax....I don't bite" then he paused "Well maybe just a nibble" he commented with a grin.

As hard as she tried Yesrin couldn't help but grin "Begging your Captain's pardon but old habits are hard to break" as she began to relax when she heard Jen [ I knew it, I served with him on the Endeavor] he commented being rather excited to be seeing an old friend [ When you're done please allow me to speak to him] "When I'm finished yes" she thought.

"Actually your timing is remarkable, I was going over your personal file when you came in and may I say your training is insane both hand to hand combat wise and also Intelligence wise as was well" Jamie commented be quite impressed.

"Thank you Captain, I have been very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time" Yesrin replied thinking this Officer is far from the norm she had worked for in the past.

"I'm sure you've noticed the Peel is a rather small Ship compared to other Ships of the line but she is fast and fully armed. That being said we do have a room on deck four, an unused Science Lab, that we don't use. If you would like that could be turned into an Intelligence area with an Office" Jamie explained.

"That would be great Sir, I'm in the habit of using my Sources to gather intelligence for whatever Ops may come my way and it would also give me a place to store my Tech I use for infiltrating, that way I can get it out of my Quarters since it is on the small side" Yesrin replied happy about the offer.

"Good, that's settled then. Take the opportunity to check the room out and if there is anything you need to make it more practical then please let myself or my First Officer know since we'll be at the base a few more days" he concluded with a smile.

"Thank you Captain and I will do as you request as soon as I can" Yesrin replied as she heard Jen [Now can I speak to him]. "Go ahead" she thought. A smile came across Yesrin's face as Jen started to speak through her "Riley old man, It's so good to see you after all these years."

Jamie was a little taken back for a moment; there was only one person who ever called him by his middle name and with a grin "Ok, that's where I've heard the name Jen before. Yes it's been a long time my friend. The name threw me off since the last time I saw you you had a different host" the he paused "I can only assume David met his demise."

"Sadly he was caught in a warp core breach and didn't make it out in time. After I was rushed back to Trill this young women became my new host and I much prefer Yesrin's line of work compared to that of an Engineer, no offense."

Jamie chuckled "None taken. "It's certainly good to see you again even if you don't look quite the same" he replied.

"You finished now?" Yesrin thought. [ Yes thank you ] Jen replied. "Obviously you know I'm joined so in the event I should parish it's vitally important my body be put in stasis and transported back to Trill as quickly as possible" Yesrin stated.

"Absolutely, and just for your knowledge I have had Trills under my command before so rest assured I will do everything in my power to fulfill your wishes" Jamie replied "I would like you to meet my First Officer before you leave here" then tapping his Comm "Commander Devroe please report to my Ready Room." "On my way Captain" Angel replied.

Moments later Angel entered the room and Yesrin stood out of respect "You wanted to see me captain?"

"Yes, Number One Please allow me to introduce Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen our new Intelligence Department......Lieutenant this is Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe my First Officer" O'Connell commented.

Angel looked at Yesrin for a moment then gave the traditional Japanese greeting with a bow at the waist and a head nod "Sesh'sae Yesrin Jen" Angel stated still bowed.

Yesrin was stunned at this women's insight and returned the gesture in kind "Sesh'sae Angel Devroe" then both women stood and Angel offered he extended hand "It's very nice to meet you Lieutenant Yesrin Jen and welcome aboard the Peel" Angel commented with a smile.

Shaking the offered hand "It's very nice to meet you as well Commander" then she paused "But how did you know I was joined."

Angel smiled "I'm Betazoid and I was able to sense not only that you are joined but also to a Japanese Samurai; it's an honor to meet you both" she stated, meanwhile Jamie sat not really knowing what had just transpired between his two Officers.

"Perhaps you would like to watch me train some time" Yesrin commented with a smile.

"I can do you one better.....I have studied Martial Arts for years and wouldn't mind training with you; that is if I'm not imposing" Angel commented with a grin.

"It would be my honor to have you train with me some time" Yesrin replied as she heard Jen [ I like this one ] as Angel gave a nod of acceptance. Looking at Jamie "If is there anything else Sir.....I have a couple more stops to make today."

"Just welcome again to the Crew and if you need anything please feel free to ask the Commander or myself and our doors are always open" Jamie concluded "You are dismissed Lieutenant.

"It was a pleasure to meet both of you and thank you for making me feel so welcome" Yesrin replied then turned and left for her next meet hearing Jen [ This is going to be a great assignment ] "Yes it most certainly is" Yesrin thought.

Angel sat in front of the desk looking at the Captain "She's going to be a real asset to the Ship and it's Crew" she commented.

"Yes I get the same impression" then he paused before continuing "I have to ask, what was that exchange between Yesrin and yourself when you first met" Jamie inquired.

Angel smiled "I could sense she was not only joined but has been trained in the ways of the Samurai Warrior......that was a Japanese greeting and I did so to honor her and her abilities" she explained with a smile.

"Considering how accomplished you are in the Martial Arts that exchange makes sense now that you have explained it me" Jamie replied "Nothing like getting schooled by my First Officer." Of course Jamie wouldn't have it any other way.


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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