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Station Post # 8 " Love,Lust and Dishonor part 1"

Posted on Mon Dec 18th, 2023 @ 5:18pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Kahveq & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Station holodeck

Shauna stood in the holodeck facing off against a holographic Klingon opponent, her last encounter with Kahvek had proven she needed more practice with her Bat’leth. She was in the middle of striking her opponent when she saw Kahvek out of the corner of her eye.

" So now you are imagining me. I am touched Captain. You need a real opponent." Kahveq replied.

Shauna smiled. “Actually I wanted to brush up on my technique, but I’m sure you can teach me equally as well as my opponent here.”

" It is always a good day to fight. COMPUTER three male warriors with traditional vestments." Kahveq yelled.

Shauna stood back to back with Kahvek, for this he would be her partner until just the two of them were left. “Bring it on!” She smiled a wry smile as she challenged the opponent closest to her.

Back to back they accepted their attackers, each easily killing one each. But with each kill the program evolved and the third became twice as tough. Kahveq pushed Shauna aside as he wanted the kill but the hologram proved too good and went after Shauna. Kahveq then attacked him from behind but that only seemed to make him meaner.

Shauna was struggling with the level of difficulty, but she wasn’t willing to give in. “We have to do this together! Double team!!” She waited for Kahvek to go in for the kill, attacking from behind while Kahvek was attacking from the front.

Dodge and parry and then an elbow to the ear staggered the beastly bulging Klingon enough for Shauna to land the finishing blow. Throwing the Holo-Klingon down to the floor.

Kahveq then turned to Shauna with fire in his eyes as his predators heart beat fast as he threw down his bat’leth and pulled Shauna’s hair to pull her closer.

Shauna wasn’t going to complain she threw down her bat’leth allowing Kahvek’s advances. She was learning to be a Klingon inside if she wasn’t one on the outside.

" Captain I am trying to control my urges but I must warn you..”

“NuqneH” Shauna looked Kahvek in the eyes as she spoke.

That was all Kahveq needed as he yelled out " COMPUTER lock the door."

Shauna smiled. “Computer...reserve holodeck for another hour.” With that she returned to giving Kahvek all the attention he required.

~ Sometime later ~

Clothing strewn across the battle scene area, some of it in a tattered condition, Shauna lay breathing heavily after a rough & tumble love making session with Kahvek. “I honestly....don’t know what’s gotten...into me!” She smiled as she rolled onto her side looking at Kahvek.

" I do, It is me." Kahveq chuckled. " In my culture you would be mine. "

“I’ll admit I don’t know much about Klingon culture.” Shauna smiled as she took in his skin, and scars no doubt from previous battles. “What if I was to say I like that idea?”

" But we are not on Qonos. We are here and you are a Starfleet Captain." Kahveq replied. " When you are with Me I just As the grandson of Waroq I face dishonour for his actions in leaving Qonos and the Empire. I can not take you as my mate."

Shauna nodded. “Why Kahveq? You are a Klingon warrior, you have proven yourself in battle. As has Waroq. Does that mean nothing to the Empire? It doesn’t matter to me, in my eyes you are every bit an honourable warrior. One that would be welcome in the Federation, this station could be a base for your ship.”

" Waroq is old. His actions to leave the Empire has resulted in our dishonour. This goes to three generations. Any child of mine would be affected. This feels so good to be with you but it can not go beyond a physical relationship. " Kahveq replied.

Shauna nodded. “Then I guess that’s what it will have to be, it seems I’m cursed to find myself in a situation with men that leaves me with an uncertain future.” She moved to pick up her clothing. “We should get moving, others may want the holodeck.”

Kahveq got dressed and walked her out just as Captain Deke Rivers exited the lift heading their way. Kahveq brushed his left shoulder as they passed.

" Fancy meeting you here." Deke nodded to Shauna. " I have been waived, given Judicial pardon by General Thirmon. I was told you were here working out. Who is the big guy who just passed me. What did you do beat him up?"

“Ohh that’s Lieutenant Kahvek, we were err...sparring together. I needed the practice.” Shauna offered Deke a smile. “So you received a pardon? What changed Thirmon’s mind?”

" Not sure. He just said not to leave the station so here I am. Want to fool around or something? Ah you're probably already warn out? " Deke replied seemingly unaware of what had just transpired.

“Actually I’m a little tired right now Deke.” Shauna offered an apologetic smile. “Actually...on second thoughts...we should talk.”

" Oh Boy, talk. Let's go to this little bistro on the lido deck. It's new but the scenery is jiving." Deke replied.

Shauna nodded. “Give me a few minutes to grab a shower? You’re welcome to wait in my quarters, I won’t be long.” She smiled warmly.

Deke smiled but not wanting to mess up replied. " I will get us a table."



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