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Peel Post # 4 "On The Way"

Posted on Sat Dec 16th, 2023 @ 11:52pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Sat Dec 16th, 2023 @ 11:56pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[USS Peel]

{Deck 1}

Captain O'Connell sat at the desk in his Ready Room looking over the Crew Roster checking everyone's years of service to see who might be eligible for either a increase in pay or promotion when he was interrupted "Captain, Admiral Stone is on the horn for you Sir" Comms informed him. "Patch it through to my Ready Room" Jamie replied wondering what was on the Admiral's mind.

Moments later Jamie's question was about to be answered "Jamie, how's it going" Stone asked. "Good Sir, we're having some minor repairs done on the Aft section of the Ship giving the Crew a break in routine for a few days: but I'm sure there is something else on your mind."

Stone just smirked "You know me too well Captain; but yes I have some news for you. Because you have been assigned to such a volatile area of space, we've decided an Infiltration Specialist with an Intelligence background would be an asset to your Crew" Aaron explained.

Jamie sat listening intently "It never hurts to have another pair of hands on board, so who and when can we expect an addition to our Crew" he inquired.

"Glad you asked. Sometime within the next twelve hours Lieutenant Junior Grade Yesrin Jen will be arriving at M-69 and will transfer to your Ship which should be an easy process for her since you're docked at the Base" Stone concluded.

"Sounds good Admiral, we'll keep an eye out for her and make her feel welcome when she does arrive" Jamie replied with a smile.

"I would expect nothing less Captain. I'll let you get back at it then. Stone out." Jamie sat back in his chair thinking "Jen, boy that name sounds familiar" but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it.

{Freighter Prometheus}

Lieutenant Junior Grade Yesrin Jen sat at a table in the Common Room aboard the Freighter, Star Fleet had arranged for her transportation to Star Base
M-69, where she would start her new assignment; the USS Peel.

Looking out the viewport she could sense Jen asking her [ So you getting nervous about our new assignment ]. "No not really, at least not yet anyways, but we'll see once my feet hit the Base" she replied with a grin. [ You'll be fine I'm sure ] Jen replied trying to boost her confidence. "I am wondering though what kind of person the Captain is; is he a good C.O. or not" Yesrin thought. [ If the C.O. is who I think he is, then yes he is most definitely a good C.O. ] "I guess time will tell" she thought before sitting back trying to relax before her life would change yet again.

==Two hours later==

"Lieutenant we'll be arriving at the Star Base soon if you want to make your way to the Transporter Room" the Pilot informed Yesrin over the Comm.

"Thank you Pilot, I'll be there momentarily" she replied was she stood up, grabbed her duffle, and was on her way "Ok my Friend here we go" she thought to herself.


Yesrin materialized on the Base looking around trying to get her bearings when she heard Jen [ Crap this place is huge ] "It certainly we need to find an information desk and get some directions." Looking up she saw what she was looking for a short distance away. Walking up to the desk "Excuse me Ensign, I need some directions to the USS Peel which I understand is docked here at the Base" she explained.

The Ensign looked up and smiled "Let me check for you" as she typed into a Terminal "Yes the Peel is docked on Deck 58, gangway number two. If you take the Lift over there it will take you right to the Ship" she explained with a smile.

"Thank you very much; you're a lifesaver" Yesrin replied returning her smile then grabbing her duffle turned and boarded the Lift "Deck 58" she called out as she sensed Jen [ Nervous yet? ] "No, more anxious than nervous." Moments later the Lift door opened and Yesrin walked off seeing the gangway to the Ship. Pausing for a moment Yesrin grabbed her PADD containing her transfer orders then proceeded up the walkway to the entrance stopping at the Security Desk.


With PADD in hand Yesrin said "Hello I'm Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen transferring to the USS Peel" as she handed Security her PADD.

Taking the PADD "Welcome Lieutenant, we've been expecting you" he replied while checking her in then grabbed another PADD and handing it to her "You are now officially a member of the Peel's Crew. Contained in the new PADD is a map of the Ship and your Quarters assignment along with a temporary security code."

Taking the PADD "Thank you Sir, I'm looking forward to serving on the Peel" Yesrin replied then entered the Ship. Once inside [ That was easy enough ] Jen stated in her thoughts as she studied the map "Ok we need to find a Lift; our Quarters are on Deck 2" she whispered out loud looking around the area but not really seeing what she was looking for.

Lieutenant SanChez walked around a bend in the Corridor when she spotted a women looking around carrying a duffle over she shoulder "Excuse me, you look like you could use some help" Maria commented with a smile.

Yesrin turned "Yes, I'm a bit turned around I'm afraid....could you point me in the direction of the nearest Lift" she inquired returning this women's smile.

"You must be Lieutenant Jen, I'm Lieutenant Maria SanChez Chief of Security; I received a call you had check in so I thought I'd come and find you in case you needed some help" she replied "Here this way" as Maria started around another bend in the Corridor with Yesrin walking along side her until they came to the lift.

"Thank you so much for your help Lieutenant, it was very kind of you to come to my rescue" Yesrin replied with a grin "I think I can manage from here."

"You are very welcome but that's what we do here on the Peel.....we help each other out and work as a team.....Captain's orders" Maria stated with a chuckle.

"I'll have to remember that for future reference" Yesrin replied with a big grin then turned to find her new home as Maria smiled and went on her way back to her Office.

{Deck 2}

Walking off the Lift it wasn't long before Yesrin found her new home. Keying in her Security Code the door swooshed open as she walked in dropping her duffle looking around "A little small but very cozy I must say" she thought as Jen commented [ Well at least you won't get lost in here ]. Yesrin had to chuckle "Well you certainly wasn't any help" she whispered as she looked around at her new home spotting her crate against the wall in the living area being pleased it had arrived ahead of her.

Taking her duffle Yesrin walked into the bedroom to put her things away. When finished she decided to check out the bath. Walking in she was pleased with the amenities "Well this is work just fine" she thought "Nice size for one person."

Walking back into the living area she grabbed a bottle of water from the replicator then proceeded to the couch and sat putting her feet up on the table letting out a long sigh "This has been a very busy day" she said out loud. [ Yes it has, time to relax?] Jen replied. "Yes it's definitely time to call it a day and relax. Tomorrow I'll go see the Captain and introduce myself then we'll go from there." [ Good idea] Jen replied as Yesrin laid her head back against the couch glad to be at her new assignment.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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