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Post #24 The Call

Posted on Tue Oct 19th, 2021 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Captives
Location: Starbase Mercury

Lily was woken from a deep sleep. The voice in her head was back, and was stronger this time. It had come into her dreams, showing her the ship it had come from. You must join me here. It urged her. Then it had urged her to wake up, and she had felt her eyes pop open. She could almost feel the presence in her mind. It made her feel disorientated. She looked over and saw that Isabelle wasn't on her biobed, and sat up in alarm.

Then she felt a pulling, and slid out of bed. Her mind was overwhelmed by the urge to go toward the person calling out in her mind. She couldn't identify who it was, but she needed to be there, and as soon as possible. She edged out of sickbay, wanting to make sure she wasn't seen. Something inside her knew the people here would try to stop her.

After slipping out of sickbay, she hurried in the direction of the alien ship. She had to get there as soon as possible.

The Brol exited the lift and saw Lily coming , as it immediately projected itself into her mind.
((( No go Friend Lily )))

Brol was strong in her mind, but the Master was stronger. "I must, Brol." Lily said, almost stumbling as the competing minds nearly overwhelmed her. She felt a surge of adrenaline and pushed forward. "He calls me. I must answer."

((( No this is not right you are Lily of the Star Fleet.)))

Lily paused, uncertain. "I am... Lily Crawford...Starfleet..." she mumbled. But the blood in her veins sang to her of Heldon of Corjii. "I am infected, Brol. I will hurt others." With that, she ran off.

Brol was disheartened that his link mentally had failed to reach Lily.

Lily made it onto the alien ship. She needed to find Heldon.



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