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Station Post #26. " Gravity Falls "

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 12:44pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Arriving unannounced Dr Hiri called upon Captain Callaghan for assistance.

" Shauna what is wrong with me? Myar has not come by in days. " Hiri yowled.

Shauna offered Hiri an understanding smile. “Maybe he’s just busy, or something else is keeping him away.”

" Or someone else. It's that new ship and that Chief Engineer. How do you compete with that?" Hiri pouted.

“You be yourself” Shauna offered what comfort she could. “Don’t give up that easy.”

Hiri pouted again.
" How's your love life. I heard you had two chasing after you?" Hiri teased.

Shauna give Hiri a surprised look. “I didn’t know that was public knowledge.” She paused. “Let’s just say Deke and I have decided to make a go of things, see where it leads us.” She smiled.

" He is a wild card. Doctor Williams should be back soon. I can't wait. Sickbay has had so many injuries you would think everybody has a jinx. " Hiri replied.

"Well don't forget it's a station Hiri, there are more people here than there would be on a starship. There's bound to be more people come to Sickbay." Shauna offered a smile. "Though excessive numbers would require looking into."

Hiri nodded and ironically fell to the floor making her look like a 4 legged lioness.
" See what I mean?" Hiri replied as she composed herself and stood up.

" Captain Sensors are detecting gravitic shifts around the station. I adjusted the scanners and have found this is true on all decks. Something is causing the stations gravity controls to intermittently stall." Ltjg Nic Covenant at Ops reported.

"I'm guessing that's what causing all these little incidents?" Shauna sighed. "Do we have any idea what's causing the stall? I want it investigated and sorted as soon as possible. In the meantime we need to warn people." she hit the station comms.

"Attention all hands and guests...We are currently experiencing the effects of intermittent stalling of the station gravity systems. We are currently attempting to find out the cause of the problem, in the meantime please take extra care as there have already been injuries and accidents due to this malfunction. Thank you."

Shauna looked towards Covenant. "Inform any incoming ships we are not allowing any more people to board the station until the gravity systems are fixed."

" Aye,Aye Captain." Nic replied.

Shauna sighed. It looked like it was going to be one of those days.

Continued reports came in all over the station but it wasn't realized until Lt Sayvek made his way to the OPS.

" Captain I was aboard the Wallace vessel and used its sensors to determine we have entered into temporal dilation anomalies. Originating several parsecs away . It appears to be dissipated now but anything closer to the event horizon has to be feeling the effects of time around them." Sayvek reported.



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