#28 Setting the Chess Board
Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 2:29pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Character Development 2023
Location: Fleet Captain Offices
Timeline: current
Lieutenant Commander, also known as HoD Kehlani and Matriarch, made her way through starbase M-69. Of course, being a matriarch, she had an entourage of staff and guards with her. One guard, a trusted Klingon male by the name of Rekar, watched carefully those around their party, his eyes belying suspicion for all. The other guard was a bekk trying to earn his place in House Kehlani, and he was, to say the least, always on edge with those beings around them. His eyes were the eyes of a brutal killer ready to decapitate anyone foolish enough to come near the House Matriarch without permission.
The third male in this small party was an elder Klingon, his hair and beard whote as fresh snow, with eyes that beheld wisdom and experience years beyond anyone else in the group. Including his Matriarch. Kehlani knew that such men were always needed, to offset the impatience of younger Klingons and show them that calculation was the key to success, not rushing in where Fek'Ihri fear to tread. It was the wise commander who came out victorious, a person capable of reigning in their bloodlust long enough to make sound decisions and win the day. Kolor, son of Rolor, was Kehlani's advisor and voice of reason during such times. And, he had yet to fail her in any way, nor give her reason to not trust him. Kolor also kept a close eye on the Klingon M'Kar, the one who had been named the Steward for House Kehlani; to run things while the Matriarch was busy serving the Empire.
As the group moved along with their stoic yet deadly appearance, others on the Promenade who saw them coming stepped out of the way, not wanting to cause a ruckus. If others missed their approach then Rekar would loudly voice a directive; "Make way!" When that gruff and powerful voice said such, the people would then move aside so they could continue un-hindered. Having passed through the Promenade from their airlock where Foes Bane was docked, Kehlani led her entourage to the offices of Fleet Captain Taavis. "Wait here," she told them, entering when the three took up positions along the wall outside of Taavis's domain.
Taavis looked up as her office door opened, reviewing the data from USS Nazgul in regards to the creature they had lured from an asteroid field to the Lagoon. A being that now seemed inert. Her assistant had opened the door and motioned politely for the Klingon commander to enter. Taavis got to her feet, hands down at her sides even as she stood with feet shoulder-width apart, her stance that of one ready to face off with another. She waited for Kehlani to cross the office, and when the Klingon had come to stand where appropriate when one visited the Fleet Captain regarding fleet business, only then did Taavis address her. "Greetings, Matriarch. Thank you for a timely arrival after being summoned to speak."
"It was the least I can do, Captain, for M-69 and the Federation allowing a Klingon colony in this sector." Kehlani gave a respectful nod to the Captain. "What is so important that you summoned me right before the first Great Hunt on Kor'Kang?"
Taavis casually stepped around her desk to stand just before her guest. "I have a question. One which will determine your fate and position here on M-69."
Kehlani met her gaze evenly, hooking her thumbs in her belt and straightening her spine so that her chest puffed out slightly. "Ask your question, Captain."
Taavis could see the stance of someone ready for a confrontation, expecting confrontation. "Very well. My question is this. Whom do you serve, the Empire or the Federation?"
Considering the query carefully, Kehlani took a few moments to mull it over, her stance becoming more relaxed as the seconds passed by. Her face had turned downward, her eyes staring at the deck without seeing it as she contemplated an answer. Finally, those eyes came back up to meet the Captain's, showing both courage and honor within a being Taavis considered a friend and colleague. "I am a Klingon first. There are many facets to who I am, and whom I serve. Myself, first. House Kehlani will be a beacon of honor and integrity for all the Empire to see. If that Empire proves to be cowardly and corrupt then it is my duty to pull my House away from such actions and maintain our honor."
Taavis remained stoic, letting Kehlani go on and finish her answer. She should have known that such a question presented to any Klingon would be layered with more than a simple statement. With the numerous rituals and beliefs in honor and courage it did not surprise her that the Matriarch would speak of layers and complexities.
Seeing she was going to be interrupted, Kehlani continued. "Having said that I will say that my allegiance is to my people; the Empire. But, you know my record, Taavis. When there is need for quick action, no matter who it is, I will respond."
"Too true," Taavis said. "So, with that answer I can ascertain that your service out here will be for the Empire, mainly. What about your Starfleet obligations?"
Kehlani reached up to her top left area of her metallic sash, where her Starfleet combadge sat next to her House symbol. Plucking from the sash she handed it over. "I resign my commission as a Starfleet officer, relinquishing all responsibilites and privileges that entails." When Taavis held her left hand out, palm up, Kehlani dropped the badge into it.
Holding her hand in place for a few moments, Taavis looked at the badge. According to the personnel file, it was the same combadge Kehlani had been given when she was inducted into the Starfleet ranks, given a full commission, and sent out to serve. "This is not an easy decision I take it?" Her fingers curled around the badge as she dropped her hand to her side.
"Not at all," Kehlani answered. "It was an honor to be allowed to serve with the brave men and women in Starfleet. However, I am a Klingon and my people need to be seen to. I cannot disregard the obligations that entails, especially since the founding of House Kehlani."
Taavis half turned and set the badge on her desk, turning back to face her guest. "I have spoken with Admiral Aaron Stone and he has a solution in the event that you chose this course. Would you be averse to serving Starfleet in an honorable fashion? Meaning that your Klingon rank will be honored as equal to Starfleet personnel. There is, of course, a catch."
"Pray tell," Kehlani said.
"You will serve here on M-69. Given a position to reflect your continued commitment to the alliance our governments have had for over a decade now." Taavis explained. "You won't be expected to be here every minute of every day, and while you are away, I will see to your department as a part of the Fleet Captain responsibilities."
Kehlani finally broke into a crooked grin. "I would like to know which department, Captain. As we all know a Klingon counselor would be a horrible idea. The patient would whine, the Klingon would say 'STFU, next', and no healing would occur." She then chuckled at her own joke.
Taavis gave a slight grin and a twinkle of humor in her eye. "That would, by far, be my last choice. No, Commander. I refer to the office of Strategic Operations. Your directives and orders would be for Starfleet, but having a Klingon perspective could be just what M-69 needs, since this base is horrible at defending itself. It gets boarded more often than passenger transports. It provides you an office as a Klingon officer, to staff with Klingons to work alongside Starfleet personnel. And, provides you an office as Envoy to the Federation from the Klingon Empire."
Kehlani began to pace back and forth casually, her hand coming up to rub her chin in thought. As she went back and forth in paces, she glanced at Taavis here and there while she spoke. "A chance to serve Starfleet but remain Klingon. To wear our uniform rather than yours. A place to confer with those wanting better relations with the Klingons in this sector." Timing her steps perfectly, Kehlani stopped directly in front of Taavis, facing her once again. "I accept." She glanced over Taavis's shoulder. "I will need my combadge back."
Taavis reached back and took up the badge, handing it back to her newest Strategic Operations Chief. "I am glad you won't be leaving us, Matriarch. I have placed you, but keep in mind, your fealty is to Commodore Sureth and Captain Callaghan as much as it is to me and Starfleet. If it is not Federation business, we have no right to interfere in your actions for the Empire unless they conflict with Federation operations out this way, or happen within our claimed territory."
Raising her right hand up in a motion to hold fast, Kehlani gave a respectful nod of understanding. "I know, Captain. I assure you, if it is within UFP territory, we will notify this station when it occurs. However, depending on the situation, you may arrive too late to stop...victory." Her hand dropped.
"All situations are fraught with mitigating circumstances, Commander." Taavis said. "We don't expect you to sit idle and take shots while waiting for us to arrive. This is a meeting of the minds for security and safety, similar to the days of Martok and Sisko at Deep Space 9. Remember," she added with a grin and a wink. "With great responsibility comes a great amount of paperwork."
"Ugh!" Kehlani groaned out. "You have made this decision less glorious, already!" She then gave a Klingon belly laugh, showing she was not too pleased by paperwork, but that she would make sure to do her duty by laughing off the responsibility that comes with it.
Taavis giggled along with her. "I cannot argue that. As you can imagine my day is inundated with paperwork."
"Consequences?" Kehlani asked, her eyes still filled with mirth.
Taavis gave a nod. "Consequences."
Feeling that this meeting was over, or at the end, Kehlani slapped the Vulcan woman upside her right arm in a gesture of friendliness and Klingon oomph. "I shall go and arrange my offices."
Taavis gave a full smile, her own eyes now filled with mirth to match her guest. "Remember, Commander. You can't kill anyone for 'slouching', or a perceived dereliction of duty. There are ways and means for that."
"Yes, yes," Kehlani said, her tone taking on some cynicism. "I am aware of my...limitations. Is Mister Wallace still the chief of intelligence?"
"He is," Taavis responded. "Is that an issue?"
"Not at all," stated Kehlani. "Just curious. He seems a rather high-strung individual. People like me can use people like that for certain things. Plus, what better way to sneak into a place than on a Bird of Prey, fully armed and just waiting for an opportunity to make the enemy suffer."
"I'm sure he'll find that to his liking." Taavis said. "I, myself, don't know him as well as I should, but he is a key figure in Sureth's command staff. Plus, his family has served Starfleet for some time, now. As far as I know he may even hate Klingons and all they stand for." Taavis used her Vulcan discipline to remain stoic as she said that, trying to get a rise out of this ambitious Klingon.
Kehlani, trying to read the Captain and failing, responded. "That is his folly, if it is true. Once he partakes of a Klingon victory celebration his heart will change. They always do." Spinning on her heel Kehlani headed for the door, tossing over her shoulder. "I shall see you later, Captain. May you die well!" And then, she was gone.
Taavis stood there for ten seconds, now staring at the closed door, a slight giggle to herself as she shook her head. "This choice may make, or break, me," she said to herself, returning to her chair and getting back to her paperwork.