#29 A Check In
Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:10pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo
Character Development 2023
Location: M-69
Timeline: current
With M-69 no longer at Yellow alert over the creature, Taavis stood in the Operations center at her station, manned by one of Lasso's people. "Contact the Nazgul," she ordered. "I need to speak to Captain Bjorgo."
The man acknowledged and within moments Bjorgo's smiling face was seen on a floating holographic screen. "Captain Taavis, good to see you."
"You, too, Tore." Taavis said, meaning it. There was something about this man that caused people to just--like him. She could not decide if it was his always chipper attitude, or that suave, sexy smile, or the casual way he exuded Alpha male energy. "How is the Nazgul after your encounter?"
"We're good," Bjorgo replied. "Nothing a bit of maintenance can't overcome. I have a damn fine Chief Engineer so I know that all will be well within hours. Doctor Sheyla is seeing to any injuries that may have occurred with the few bumps and shaking we took."
Taavis was relieved to hear that. "I'm glad. We need all your data on this creature sent over immediately. Coded, of course. Will you be able to stay in the area? Your messages said you had an away team out in a shuttle. Are they in need of support?"
Bjorgo stood up and placed his arm casually along the upper portion of Ensign Jazmin's station, which had him standing pretty much next to her. "I would like to go back, but it is a Delta Flyer, so they have warp capability and a sturdy vessel to count on. But, they are diving into the tail of a comet to aid a damaged mining freighter. That could cause issues."
"I see," Taavis said. "Contact them, see if they need you, then get back to me. If you are uncomfortable with letting them rely on themselves then by all means return to them. However, if you could return in a timely manner it would be appreciated."
Tore turned his head to glance around at his Bridge crew, a smile forming as his face turned back to the screen/viewport. "Begging your pardon, Captain Taavis. We would prefer to go back for our people first, then return for whatever you have in mind. That way we'll be fully committed and not have thoughts of our crew mates lingering."
"Understood, Captain." Taavis said. "Go see to your away team, Tore. Get back to me when you can return."
"Fair enough, Taavis. Thank you." He stood waiting for anything further.
Giving him a nod of understanding she spoke. "We'll see you when you return. Taavis, out."
On USS Nazgul Bjorgo gave a grin, then looked over at Jazmin and winked, his grin growing into a smile. "Stellar job today, Ensign. Proud to have you." He gave her a friendly squeeze to her shoulder and went back and sat down. "That goes for all of you. Job well done. Now, let's go get our people."
Within minutes the Nazgul turned and warped out of the Lagoon.