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Station Post #30 "Home Again"

Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 12:03am by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 52}

Doctor Williams walked out of the Shuttle Bay being very glad to be back home. Grabbing the nearest Lift "Deck 41" he requested wanting to checkin with the Main SickBay before depositing his duffle in his Quarters. It was good to be back home, although the break was rather refreshing, but now it was time to get back into his normal routine and more importantly he wanted to see Heidi and spend some quality time with her since his conversation with Elana back on Vulcan.

{Deck 41}

Heading directly to Sick Bay Williams walked in......stopped dead in his tracks..... surprised to see the place almost full to capacity. Spotting his Head Nurse he walked over "Hello Nurse Stone, what is going on around here; why so many Patients" he inquired with a smile; it was good to see her.

Heidi looked up from her Patient with a big smile on her face having recognized that voice "Doctor, thank the gods you're back. We have been inundated with Patients these last few days" she paused looking at Ramvek desperately wanting to throw her arms around his neck and give him a great big kiss, but that would have to wait as she explained "Apparently the Base was having a problem with the gravity cutting in and out causing people to have numerous scrapes, cuts, and bruises."

Looking around the area he could see all the people waiting to be looked at "Let me go stow my duffle in the Office and I'll give you a hand getting these people seen to" he commented with a smile.

"That's a very kind offer but you must be tired after your long trip" Heidi replied but glad to have him back wanting to spend some down time with him as soon as she could.

Ramvek let out a sigh "I am tired but you need the help more than I need to rest" he stated with a grin then he lowered his voice so only she could hear him "If we get these people out of here so you don't go over your shift then you and I can have dinner in my quarters.....that is if you would like."

Heidi was elated with offer after not seeing him for some time "You've got a deal" she whispered as her smile returned. Ramvek stowed his bag in the Office then grabbed his Doctor's coat and walked back out into Sick Bay Proper.

Everyone of the Staff were more than happy to see the good Doctor back, not that Dr. Hiri didn't do an outstanding job in his absence, but it just wasn't quite the same around Sick Bay in his absence. The next four hours were spent looking after and initiating medical procedures on all the Patients in the area until the majority of the Crew had been treated and released to return to their duties.

Before anyone realized it their shifts were coming to a close as their replacements came walking in and conferring with those still on duty. After Heidi brought her replacement up to speed on everything she walked over to Ramvek with a whisper "Let me go back to my quarters for a quick shower before we meet for dinner" she stated with a smile.

"Good, that will give me a chance to do the same and get this traveling smell off me" he replied with a grin. Heidi nodded and left Sick Bay for her quarters while Ramvek put the coat back in his Office then quickly said hello to the Beta Shift before leaving.

{Deck 43}

After a very refreshing shower Ramvek threw on some comfortable clothes before unpacking his duffle and seeing to its contents. Walking out into the living area he grabbed a bottle of wine from the wine cooler, something he had installed awhile back, and grabbed two glasses just before his door chime went off. Opening the door Heidi stood all smiles as he invited her inside. She walked up to him and did something she had wanted to do for some time; threw her arms around his neck and gave him a very passionate kiss then looked into his eyes "I am so glad you're back.....I've missed you so much" she whispered with a smile.

Ramvek smiled back "And I have missed you as well. Would you like a glass of wine and sit before dinner; you must be exhausted after the apparent day you have had."

"Yes that would be nice" she replied before making her way to the couch and sat which felt so good. Having already uncorked the bottle of Picard Rose, to let it breathe, Ramvek poured each of them a nice glass of wine then sat handing one to Heidi "Here you go, enjoy" he commented with a smile.

The two talked for awhile when Ramvek asked "What you you like for dinner."

"Surprise me, but nothing too heavy.....I don't think my body could handle it; I'm exhausted after today" she replied with a grin.

Ramvek thought for a moment 'How about scrambled eggs and toast; that is a pretty light meal but filling" he suggested.

"That sounds good; yes that would be fine" Heidi replied. Ramvek went and ordered their dinner from the replicator. A few minutes later he returned with their meals. As they began to eat Heidi inquired "So what did you do while on Vulcan."

After swallowing his mouthful of food "Well I saw my Parents whom I have not seen in years" he replied then continued "I ran into a long time friend who I haven't seen since just before I started at the Academy; it was good to see her after all these years" he replied not thinking too much of it.

Of course Heidi picked up on the 'she' in his comments "So an old flame then" she inquired starting to get a little jealous.

"Not really an old flame more like a whirlwind romance" he replied then paused knowing that was the wrong thing to say "We were both young and this is the first time we've seen each other since."

"So nothing happened while you were on Vulcan then" she inquired very seriously not sure if she wanted to know.

Ramvek grinned "Oh good grief no.....matter of fact we ended up talking about you" he explained.

"Me! why were you talking about me" a very surprised Heidi inquired being quite pleased that nothing happened during his time away.

"Well she asked me if there was anyone special so I told her about you and how I was struggling to balance my duty and private life."

"And what did she say" she asked feeling a whole lot better about the situation.

He just grinned "She suggested that I just go for it if that is what I wanted" he replied as they finished their meal. "Here let me take care of these dishes......another glass of wine."

"Yes please" Heidi replied wondering if he was going to take this women's advice or not.

Returning to the couch Ramvek sat even a little closer to Heidi and smiled "If you are agreeable, I would like to continue our relationship when off duty and see where it goes. I do need more of a personal life and I would very much like it to be with you."

This was something she had wanted for awhile as she smiled "I would like that very much" she replied just before Ramvek leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss "Me as well" he replied with a smile.

The couple sat enjoying being together, with Heidi's head leaning on his shoulder, listening to Heidi's favorite music relaxing after a very hectic day. Shortly he noticed Heidi was fast asleep on his shoulder; he smiled to himself and was not about to wake her up as he placed his feet on the table and was ready to join her in 'sleep land'.



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