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Station Post #6. "Aftermath"

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2024 @ 3:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:48pm

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41}

Now that all the remaining Patients had been cleared from Main Sick Bay, after the gravitational failures on the Base, Doctor Williams knew it was time to do a inventory of all medicines which he endeavored to do every three months.

Walking over to his Head Nurse "Lieutenant are you busy at the moment" Ramvek inquired with a smile.

Looking up from what she was currently involved in she returned the smile "Not really, I'm just keeping busy now that we seem to be devoid of patients; not that I'm complaining after all the hustle and bustle around here the past several days. So what's up Doctor."

"I need to do a inventory on all medicines both here and Secondary Sick Bays and wondered if you would like to lend a hand" he inquired.

"Sure thing, besides it'll give me something constructive to do instead of just doing 'busy work' which I'm not particularly fond of anyway" Heidi answered glad for the distraction.

"Good let me go grab my PADD and we may as well start here first before going down to Secondary Sick Bay" he commented before returning to his office for the device. Returning "Ok, we may as well get started" as they both walked over to the medicine cabinet.

"You count and I'll type' Heidi inquired.

"Sounds good" he replied handing over the device to Heidi. Starting at one end of the top shelf Ramvek called out the name of the drug and quantity, double checking their work as they went along. After about an hour the cabinet was finished as they made their way into the back locked supply room doing the inventory in the same fashion.

After Main Sick Bay was completed Ramvek walked over to Doctor Daniels "We will be in Secondary Sick Bay finishing the medicine inventory should you need us for any reason" he commented with a grin.

Daniels looked around Sick Bay "I don't think you have to worry about that happening" he replied with a grin of his own.

"No probably not" he answered before he and Heidi headed out. Walking to a nearby Lift the doors swooshed open as Ramvek made a gesture for Heidi to enter first, which she did with a smile.

"Deck 198, Sick Bay" he called out then turning to Heidi "If you are free after work, would you like to go out to dinner with me." After a brief moment of thought "Yes that would be nice; I think I'm getting tired of replicator food" she replied happy to be spending time with her favorite Doctor.

Moments later they were at their destination as the lift doors opened and Heidi exited first followed by Ramvek. Walking into Secondary Sick Bay the EMH was automatically initiated "Hello I am Doctor Gram, please state the nature of your medical emergency" then she realized who had just walked in "Doctor Williams, Nurse Stone so nice to see you both again."

"Hello Doctor Gram. We are here to do a medicine inventory so you can relax" Williams stated with a grin wondering what its response would be.

"Relax? I am not familiar with that concept" Gram stated somewhat perplexed at the moment.

Ramvek couldn't help but chuckle "No I suppose not; let me restate my last comment. Doctor Gram feel free to return from where you came" he commented.

"Very well Doctor Williams" as she disappeared back into the Computer.

"I still can't get used to her being so literal when spoken to" Heidi commented with a grin as the two Officers set to work performing the needed inventory. Being this was a secondary facility the amount of medicine on hand was quite a bit less than what they had counted a short time ago. The inventory was completed in a shorter amount of time as the two Officers exited the area and returned to the Lift.

"Deck 41, Main Sick Bay" he called out before turning to Heidi "I am going to upload the data to the Computer so it can process the numbers overnight; I can check the results in the morning" he commented "I will swing by your place at eighteen hundred if that is convenient for you."

"Sounds like a plan and yes eighteen hundred is fine" she replied just before the Lift doors opened and Ramvek smiled before exiting. Walking into his office he set the PADD in its cradle for the Computer to upload the data and make the necessary calculations. Tomorrow would be another day, but right now he had to get ready for dinner.

{Deck 43}

Ramvek walked into his quarters and grabbed a nice hot shower to wash off the day. After dressing in civilian attire, Ramvek was ready to go. Securing his Quarters he made his way to Heidi's as was his usual way.

{Deck 32}

Williams walked up to Heidi's door and palmed the door chime waiting patiently for a response. Moments later she came to the door "Hi ya. I'm ready if you are" she commented then gave Ramvek a quick kiss. "

"Yes I am ready" he replied noticing that she always looked so cute and sexy in civilian attire; something he had grown to appreciate as they made their way to the nearest Lift.

{Deck 198}

Walking onto the Promenade Deck, the couple made their way to their favorite little Pub. It was quiet, had great ambiance, and the food was really good. Grabbing a table for two the couple ordered dinner and chatted while waiting for their meals to arrive.

After their meals arrived they continued with their conversations while enjoying the food "I don't know about you Ramvek but I'm just as happy with having Sick Bay a little slower; a few of those days it was crazy busy" she commented with a grin.

"That it was" he replied "The only good thing about being so busy, it makes the time go by quicker."

"I guess but it's also quite exhausting being that busy constantly" she answered "Plus there is a greater chance of making mistakes which I hate doing."

"I know what you mean, we can only hope our mistakes are not bad ones and thankfully that is a rarity being that busy" he stated. They sat for the next couple of hours talking and enjoying a few more drinks.

"Think we should be going soon" Heidi inquired with a smile starting to feel the effects of the day.

"Yes, that probably would be a good thing" he replied then the couple left the Pub to head back to their quarters.

{Deck 32}

Arriving back at Heidi's she unlocked her door then turned "Would you like to come in for a few minutes" she said in a low voice.

"Sure but just for a few minutes, I think we both could use a good nights sleep" he replied in kind.

After the door closed Heidi walked up to Ramvek placing her hands around his neck looking into his eyes "You know Doctor, one of these times when we have the same day off I would very much like you to spend the night here with me and see what develops between us; if you would like too that is" she commented a little nervous about his response.

Ramvek smiled "I believe that could be arranged Nurse" as he gave her an affectionate kiss "I would like that" he replied in a low voice.

"That makes two of us" Heidi responded with a big smile.

"I should probably be going so we both can get some sleep" he stated with a grin "Besides I need to check the inventory results in the morning first thing as well."

Sharing one last kiss Ramvek left to go home before he changed his mind. Heidi sat on the couch thinking "What a wonderful guy Ramvek is" which made her smile.



Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Head Nurse

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base M-69


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