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Station Post #7. " Where is a God part 1"

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2024 @ 12:45pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Commodore Sureth
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:48pm

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Holo Deck One >

Sureth had a few minutes to himself and thus went to where he always liked to go to relax. Not his quarters but to his old chair aboard the USS Bohr.

More so the holodeck where he had recreated the surroundings of his old ship. Sureth found himself giving a chuckle as he read one of the pages of a new book about ancient Vulcan.

=/\= Commodore Sureth to Captain Callaghan. Can you join me in Holodeck One?=/\=

Deke Rivers paused at Ops to just say hi to the Captain when the request came.

" Well here it is. It had to come sometime." Deke jested.

Shauna shrugged her shoulders. “On my way Sir” with that she offered Deke a smile and headed for the holodeck.

" If he kisses your ears ...that is just weird." Deke added.

< Holodeck One >

Finishing the chapter Sureth put his book aside and stood up at Shauna’s arrival.

Recent events prompted Sureth to consider a trip back into the nebula where the supposed goddess Hadah resided.

When Shauna arrived Sureth posed his question.

" Number One with both the USS PEEL and NAZGUL on assignment how soon can you be ready for an away mission?"

“An away mission?” Shauna gave Sureth a surprised look. “Are you sure Sir? We have 2 ships away from the station as it is. I don’t want to spread our resources too thin.”

" Good point. I think I will take a crew and return to the planet inside the nebula then. Doctor Williams and his party gave a decent report but it has been a while and I want to make sure contact with us hasn't contaminated the species. Who was the deity, Hadah?"

“All I know of Hadah Sir is that she and Lieutenant Kees-Odaq had contact whilst the Lieutenant was held captive. Might I suggest you take the Lieutenant with you?”

" Unfortunately Lt Odak is aboard the Nazgul. He apparently left the ship without informing anyone and our Ferengi privateer left the station. They fell into trouble inside the nebula and were rescued by the Nazgul. What about his wife Lt Kees?

Shauna couldn’t help but grin. “That’s who I was talking about Sir. Lieutenant Kees is known by her married surname Kees-Odaq.”

" I see. Forgive me that was a senior moment mistake. Lt Kees-Odak would make an excellent choice. The Federation Bureau of Planetary Treaties wants that planet catalogued. I want to meet this Hadah." Sureth apologised.

“I’m not sure if you’ll get to actually meet her Sir, from what I read in Ellie’s log she only heard Hadah’s voice she didn’t actually get to meet her face to face.”

Sureth walked with Shauna out of the holodeck and back to Operations.

" Perhaps myself going to that planet is not as good an idea as I thought. We will need to check in with the Nazgul and Peel for updates. " Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. "The Peel already reported in Sir, they're taking the entity they found back to the Mutara Nebula, roughly ten days round trip." she paused. "If you wish to talk with this Hadah, why not try asking Ellie, she may know how you could do that."

" That is a very astute thought Captain. "

< Science Labs >

With Sayvek away Ellie Kees-Odak was very busy holding down the station making her unaware of Sureth's arrival.

Sitting at one of the science stations Ellie was busy cataloguing samples onto the station computer. In the background soothing music played quietly adding to an air of serenity and calm in the lab.

" Remarkablly efficient Lieutenant . I am told you may be the only person aboard with the ability to commune with the entity Hadah. I want to explore that." Sureth stated lowly.

Ellie gave Sureth a surprised look, she hadn't even realised he was there. "I don't know about commune Sir, Hadah spoke to me when I was being held captive. I do have this..." she pulled open a drawer where she kept the token she'd picked up. "Last thing she told me was that she was going home, she wanted Starfleet to protect her people in her absence."

" Fascinating . I am reading a book and a paragraph reminded me of that mission. I started thinking about Hadah. I want to return to that planet and I need your help Lieutenant. " Sureth replied.

"I'd be glad to help Sir" Ellie smiled warmly. "The people did say we'd be welcome back anytime."

" A second point is the Federation Bureau of Planetary Treaties needs diplomatic relations with that world. I would like for you and Dr Williams to accompany me on a mission back to that planet. We need to establish contact and detail the planets coordinates, designation and willingness to join the Federation " Sureth replied. " It is time this station did more than just shoot at bad guys."

Ellie nodded. “I think Hadah would like that for her people Sir, knowing that they’re part of the Federation protected and safe. Though I guess we have to convince the people of that.”

" As I intend to. Lieutenant are you up for a return visit?"

Ellie nodded. "You bet I am Sir! This pregnancy isn't going to stop me from getting out there." she smiled warmly.

Sureth felt his scientific voices calling and having this Federation mandate fueled his desire to return to that planet to see it for himself.

" Make arrangements to leave with in the day. Btw your husband is safe aboard the USS Nazgul. He was assisting a ship when it fell into a gravitic trap." Sureth attempted to reassure.

Ellie nodded. “Let’s just say I have faith that he’ll be fine. I may not have believed in the prophets before, but recent events have opened my mind to the possibilities.” She smiled warmly.

" Bajoran? I forgot he is Bajoran. I will contact you with more details." Sureth said as he exited.

“I’ll look forward to it Sir” Ellie called after Sureth before the doors swished closed.

Sureth exited and the familial sounds of the room returned.


Federation Bureau of Planetary Treaties.


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