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Station/Nazgul #14 Deserved

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 12:44am by Captain Tore Bjorgo
Edited on on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 5:33pm

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Tore was cooking and checking on foods that were almost finished. As he did so he glanced around his quarters seeing all the familiar faces. His L-shaped buddy bar was full on both sides, with every stool claimed and occupied. Of course, his own stool was reserved with Billi on his right and Sheyla on his left when he was sitting. The two of them were at the buddy bar in their seats, but they guarded his chair in a pleasant way, letting folks know that that was the Captain's chair. But, above and beyond that this was an impromptu gathering, more or less. It was his traditional Captain's table with anyone who wanted to attend being allowed to come in and enjoy. The beauty of a Reliant class was that it was a light cruiser with far less crew, so these kinds of things were easier to pull off. The other factor were those who felt anxious about sitting around with their captain, drinking and trading stories on a more equal level. Some people just had a hard time wrapping their head around that.

Being Captain was a lonely place. The crew just could not relax most days while trying to have an every day conversation with their CO. The distance between superior and junior seemed too much for them to deal with so they kept their distance. It was an unfortunate circumstance that he did not care for, but understood. He was glad that over the past few months he had proven to his crew that no matter what, no matter the topic or circumstance, they could come to him and talk one on one. Lead by example. He would never ask his crew to do anything he was not willing to do himself. Trust. It was essential to command.

As he was finishing his thoughts he pulled the Yankee Pot Roast from the oven, setting it on the heat pad he had prepared. After setting it he grabbed the knife and fork he would use to slice the meat, his entry door opening and causing him to look up. Resch and Jazmin came in. Tore grinned to himself as the two guests of honor, unbeknownst to them, came in. They were told to help themselves to the drinks and the appetizers. Both of them went and poured themselves some wine, then went to the buddy bar. Two stools next to each other had been vacated, the two previous occupants leaving to see to other things. They got comfortable and began to chat with those around the seating area.

Bjorgo set the cutlery down and then cleaned his hands, removing his apron. While everyone was distracted he went to a small kitchen drawer and pulled it open, taking out two small jewelry style boxes and pocketed them. "Everyone!" He raised his voice to get their attention, and they settled down as he came in to them and stood a pace from the buddy bar. "Everyone, please. This is a tradition carried over from the days of Christopher Pike. A captain dining with his crew to get to know them better. Though it is not official in Starfleet's eyes they are all for it. A ship alone in space has no one else but each other to rely on. I may command this ship but I am, by definition, crew. We all suffer the same fate."

As he spoke Bjorgo had them mesmerized, all of them looking his way. Their eyes told him they respected his view on things, and trusted him completely. Tore had no doubts that every officer in this room would give their lives to save him, as he would do for them. "Having said that I would like to honor two of my officers for their exemplary service and dedication to duty. Ensign Resch, Ensign Jazmin, please stand to be recognized."

The two officers looked at each other, then at the Captain. The confusion in their eyes was plain but they trusted him and stood up, taking one step towards him before stopping.

"You two have performed your duties above what is expected. This proves that being average is not in your job description." Bjorgo said, pausing a few seconds before continuing. "You are anything but ordinary by Starfleet standards. Recognizing that as your commanding officer I put in for promotions, and Admiral Stone in all his wisdom, agreed. So, as of now, both Ensign Resch, and Ensign Jazmin Al-Sahir are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant JG, effective immediately, and with all duties and responsibilities that entails." He then busted out with a cackle and a big smile, shaking both their hands and hugging them as he handed them their pips in the boxes from his pocket."

Everyone in the room applauded the promotions, with whistles and a few cheers going out for the two newest lieutenants in Starfleet. They got handshakes and hugs from all. Nazgul was a varied crew but the majority were Human, or near-human in their cultures and ways of life. Hugs and handshakes were the norm for occasions such as these. "Congratulations, you two," Bjorgo said, shaking hands and giving each a hug. "This is well deserved and slightly overdue. Please, lieutenants, make yourselves at home."

The two officers thanked everyone for their support and then took their seats again. The pot roast was divvied up and distributed evenly to those who ate meat, with the rest of the evening being dedicated to camaraderie.



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