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Station Post #31 "Sorting Things Out"

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Primary Sick Bay}

Having returned from the shuttle bay, and with another disc, Ramvek had his work cut out for him. He needed to analyze each disc and see if they had anything in common or if they were tailored to each individual. The one thing he needed to do still was have himself checked to see if he was included in the fiasco.

Nurse Stone walked over with a smile "Doctor I haven't seen much of you since your return. This whole disc thing must be keeping you very busy" she stated a little concerned he was working way too hard.

"I have but I need to get theses discs analyzed as soon as possible in case anyone else from the away team has any problems" Ramvek replied "So how's the Commodore doing."

"We're keeping him sedated as you requested and I took the liberty of having around the clock checks on him as well" Heidi explained.

"Excellent. Now if you could do me a favor and check the back of my neck just to make sure I do not have one of those things attached to me" he replied.

" put your head down so I can get a better view of the back of your neck" she instructed. He did as requested as Heidi grabbed a high powered pen light from her pocket and checked the Doctor thoroughly "Looks like you're lucky on this front, they seemed to have missed you."

Ramvek put his head up "Thank the gods. I found one on Ellie Odak but she didn't seem to be acting any differently than usual. I'll have to check the Counselor next just to be sure she hasn't been disced; especially considering the shape her father is in" he commented.

"That 's probably a good move" then Heidi paused "Would you like me to stop by her office and check Isabelle for any discs.....that way you can get to solving this medical mystery" Heidi inquired trying to take some of the work load off the Doctor.

"Yes I would greatly appreciate your help, that way I can start trying to get to the bottom of this. Also let Isabelle know how her father is doing" Ramvek suggested with a smile.

"No problem Doctor. I'll be back shortly" Heidi replied while grabbing set of tweezers and a petri dish.

{Counselor's Office}

Nurse Stone walked up to the door noticing it was open as she knocked then waited "Lieutenant, could I bother you for a moment" Heidi inquired with a smile; she hadn't been to the Counselor's Office since she'd came aboard over a year ago.

Isabelle was sitting on the sofa practically ‘stewing in her own juices’ her vision of John on the other side was still going through her head tormenting her every thought. “Come on in” She offered a brief smile. “What can I do for you?”

"Thank you Counselor for seeing me. Doctor Williams found one of those discs on Lieutenant Kees-Odak and she seems to be fine. He asked me to check you also, well actually I volunteered so he cold get to work on solving this mess; so with your permission may I check your neck area" Nurse Stone inquired.

Isabelle nodded. “By all means. In all honesty I haven’t been feeling myself since we got back.”

Heidi grabbed the light out of her pocket as she instructed Isabelle "If you would tip your head forward a little for me" Isabelle did as requested as Heidi started checking her neck. Moments later "Looks like they disced you as well" she stated while grabbing her tweezers "Hold still.....this won't hurt a bit......there it's been removed" she commented while securing the device "If you're not feeling like yourself you may want to come to sick bay and have Doctor Williams take a look at you" then she paused "Especially considering you are your father's daughter."

Isabelle nodded. “That might be a good idea” she offered Heidi a more cheerful look. “It’s odd, it’s like a...veil has just been lifted from my mind, if that makes any sense?”

"Actually that makes perfect sense. Of course I'm not a Doctor but from what I've seen thus far, once the drug is no longer being ingested by your body it tends to clear on its own rather quickly" Heidi replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I hope so, I have my baby to think of” With that she started for Sickbay, she didn’t want to waste any time.

{Primary Sick Bay}

Nurse Stone and Isabelle walked back into Sick Bay and over to the Doctor who was hard at work trying to unravel this medical mystery "Doctor, Isabelle's here with me and I'm afraid she had one of those discs attached to her neck as well" Heidi informed Ramvek.

Immediately stopping what he was doing Ramvek walked over "Isabelle how are you feeling" he inquired concerned given her father's condition and the fact she was carrying an unborn baby.

“Actually...I feel better than I did.” Isabelle offered a cheerier smile. “I was feeling depressed, upset, my mind was focussed on the image of John I saw. Now I feel a little bit more like myself.”

"That is welcomed news! I have been analyzing Sureth's patch and so far most of the compounds I can identify but there is one that I can not; it is not listed anywhere in Star Fleet's medical database" Ramvek explained then continued " I am anxious to analyze the one Nurse Stone removed from I'm not promising anything at this point.....but if, and that is a big if, they happen to be similar in composition then I may have an opportunity to possibly use some of your blood to synthesize an antidote for Sureth."

“I’ll do anything I can to help my father” Isabelle offered Ramvek a smile. “What about my baby? If there were drugs in my system then won’t it affect my baby?”

"Not necessarily, a women's body has a defensive mechanism builtin to help shield an unborn baby from foreign substances" Ramvek explained "But what I will do, on the side of caution, is have Nurse Stone take a blood sample and check it just to be sure."

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you Ramvek, I appreciate it. I can understand what my father must have been feeling, before that disc was removed I was feeling like I was teetering on the edge of despair.”

"I think I can understand your feelings.....but now you seem to be fine. Apparently being part Betazoid may have diminished the effects of the drug and for that reason I am hopeful for an antidote for Sureth" Ramvek explained with a smile and some hope "Nurse if could please take a blood sample from Isabelle for me."

"Way ahead of you Doctor" Heidi replied already have the instrument in hand "You'll feel a slight pinch Isabelle then we'll be done."

Isabelle nodded. “That’s fine Heidi, whatever you need I’m happy to provide.”

A few minutes later "All set Isabelle; unless Doctor Williams has anything else I think you can can be on your way" Heidi commented with a smile.

Ramvek looked over "I am good for now at least but if you would like to wait a few minutes you can get the results of your blood work." "Nurse if you would please pull a small sample and test it then put the remainder in stasis until I have a chance to go over the Counselor's disc" he commented. "As you wish Doctor" as Heidi set to doing as ordered.

Several minutes later "Isabelle good news. It looks like your blood work is as normal as it's been previously so your baby should be fine" Heidi informed her with a smile.

Isabelle breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you Heidi that’s good to know.”

"I thought the news might put your mind at ease" Nurse Stone replied "So looks like you're free to go and we'll keep you apprised of your father's progress. Hopefully the Doctor will be able to give you some more good news before too much longer."

Isabelle nodded. “I certainly hope so!”

--Hours Later--

Seeing the time, Heidi realized her day was ending as she walked over to Ramvek "Our shift is over so why don't you come back to my place and we can have dinner and relax" she suggested with a smile.

Ramvek thought for a moment "I would really like to work on this a few more hours.....I need to get this figured out" he replied fighting back a yawn.

Heidi gave him a look as she said in a low voice "Look, you've been at this for hours. I can see the fatigue in your eyes and you're not going to get anything done being so exhausted" then she paused "Doctor Williams I'm hereby relieving you of duty for the next eight hours......or do I need to call Captain Callaghan and make it official."

Ramvek grinned "Well nothing like getting ordered about be my Head Nurse.....ok you win....I guess I am more tired than I thought" he replied as he secured his terminal "Let's go."




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