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Post # 005 " The Next Orders"

Posted on Tue Nov 16th, 2021 @ 12:00pm by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Mission: Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Following post 001

< Starbase Mercury >

Sureth was far from stopping his search for the lost infant but the station also had to be taken care of as well. Calling for his new Executive Officer and Chief's of Engineering Sureth awaited their arrival to operations.

As she arrived at operations the doors opened and Nora saw the Captain waiting for her. “Sir, you asked for me to come to Ops. How can I be of help, Sir ?” she addressed the Captain as she approached him.

" Lieutenant welcome to Starbase Mercury such as it is. While we wait for the others to arrive let me thank you for accepting my request. It could not have been easy to leave the luxury of the Federation for this far out assignment? Never the less no where will you be more needed than here. When you applied for the Bohr's it was still on patrol a year ago but the discovery of this planet changed a few things. You are still the ships new Chief Engineer but you will also double as the stations assist chief. There is enough work to go around " Sureth greeted and made known to the new Lieutenant.

"Thank you, Sir." she smiled as she replied. "it was not easy but I'm happy to be here. I am looking forward to my new assignment. I will do my best as your Chief and Assistant Chief. It will be a new learning curve for me and I'm excited to get to know every one here." Nora continued.

" We are building a wonderful team and the Bohr is a work horse. Were I to invoke a human emotion I would say it was my first love." Sureth replied.

Having been seeing to her own private vessel Taavis heard the summons and closed own her Romulan runabout. Making her way through the station, having said 'on her way', Taavis arrived in the room in shirt order. "Captain, Lieutenant, it is agreeable to see the both of you. Where am I needed, Sir?"

" We we're discussing dual roles. Lt Nora Ejo this is the station XO Commander Taavis. " Sureth greeted. " The Lieutenant is the station Assistant Chief Engineer and Chief Engineer on the Bohr."

"Using your vernacular, Lieutenant, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am sure we will get to know each other in the days to come." replied Taavis.

Thank you Commander, I am looking forward in getting to know you too, Sir.” Nora replied to the Commander.

Taavis gave a stoic expression but there was a lighthearted ambience behind her eyes. She looked to her CO. "Captain Sureth, it is an honor to serve with you again."

" You as well Commander. Once Lt Fuller arrives I will fill him in and then we can discuss your duties . Lt Commander Callaghan will meet with me later concerning hers. Do either of you have any questions of me?"

“No, Sir. As for now I have no question.” Nora replied to the Captains question.

Taavis responded to the query, as well. "Currently, I have no questions, Captain. I'll reserve the right to query after hearing my duty roster." Her eyes 'grinned', but her face remained stoic.

" Agreed Commander. In the meantime I am concerned about the security issues with this station. We are lacking a Chief of security." Sureth replied.

Sureth looked around and raised an eyebrow. " Has anyone seen Lt Fuller? I will have to speak to him as well later. Lt Ejo report to the USS Bohr and begin your engine shake down. Commander Taavis until we have a full time security chief I want you to step into that role as well. Commander Callaghan and Master Sergeant Dallas will be taking the USS Bohr out to search for the Counselors baby. I need the creature in the brig to be properly interrogated. Can you do that for me?" Sureth seemed to beg.

" Do you understand your orders Chief?" Sureth asked Ejo

“Understood, Sir” she replied to the Captains request. “ Sir, I presume that ship is back and docked. There is probably no time to unpack my belongings at the station? Nora asked the Captain.

" Make haste Lieutenant. Time is of the essence." Sureth replied.

“Ok, Sir. I’ll be on my way to USS Bohr and Setup my quarters there. After my return I’ll get properly settled on the station.” Nora said. “I will introduce myself once I am on board.” She continued



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