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Post #006. All aboard

Posted on Sun Nov 21st, 2021 @ 1:04am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Edited on on Sun Nov 21st, 2021 @ 1:04am

Mission: Character Development
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent


< Bridge >

The Bohr was a work horse and now even more so as it prepared to leave orbit. Lt Covenant, niw the Ops officers had just received nominal on all systems.

Sureth beamed over and headed to the bridge to greet Commander Callaghan.

" Number One how soon til you depart? Sensors showed the Corjii ship near the sphere. It is believed it made contact with the vampire and the baby was taken then." Sureth told Shauna.

“The Bohr should be ready to go anytime now Captain” Shauna looked towards Sureth. “If your grandchild is there we’ll find him and bring him home.”

" I trust you Number One. I will be just a hologram away.”

Shauna nodded. “Is Commander Taavis not joining the Bohr Sir?”

" Commander Taavis duties will center around the station. For now I want you to be this vessels XO and acting Captain. Lt Covenant will be your Operations Officer and Second officer."

Shauna nodded. “Aye Sir. In that case we’ll get underway, I don’t want to waste anymore time. I’ll keep in touch.”

Sureth touched Callaghan's shoulder and then moved to the rear turbo lift.

" Thank you Commander."

Shauna nodded. “We’ll depart as soon as Counsellor Veran is aboard Captain.”

" She is in Sickbay already Commander. That is where I am heading." Sureth said as the doors closed.

< Station Sickbay>

Isabelle was ready to go home, after several days in Sickbay she was starting to get bored of staring at the clinical environment, having called upon Dallas she was waiting for him to arrive, she was hoping he’d walk her home.

Dallas rushed down to sickbay from the Bohr's bridge having been there since they rescued the girls.

" A penny for you thoughts?" John greeted.

Isabelle offered a smile, just seeing John made her feel happier. “Hiri says I’m fit to leave Sickbay, I was hoping you’d walk me home?”

" I would love to but I am on duty. And we are sort of still aboard the Bohr. Captain Sureth wanted to make sure you rested. How are you feeling, physically I mean. I can't imagine the horror ..." Dallas panned out as his words got clumsy.

Isabelle offered a brief smile. “I...I’m okay. I just need some time.”

He then added , " Commander Callaghan was ordered to go search for the baby."

Isabelle perked up at the sound of that news. “I want to go! He’s my son, I want to be there if he’s found!” She have Dallas an almost pleading look.

" Captain Sureth thought as such. That's why we let you sleep. Dr Ito will be looking in on you now. Can I bring you some food or we could go to the observation deck? " Dallas asked.

“Food would be lovely, how about we pick something up and eat it on the observation deck?” Isabelle offered a smile. “A picnic lunch maybe?”

" You've got it my lady. Now let me walk you to your quarters." Dallas replied.

“My quarters? What about the Bohr? If I’m going with you then we need to go to my quarters there...please.”

" Dr Ito had you assigned to this ships Counselors quarters. For now they are your's as well. " Dallas said taking her by her left hand and his right.

Isabelle smiled relieved. “That’s good to know. I need to find my son John, I feel so...lost without him! What do they want with him?”

" Dr Hiri and security are interrogating the creature as we speak.”

Isabelle was silent for a moment. “I...want to see it, to ask it why! But I..” She shook her head. “I’m afraid what it might say.”

" It is on the station under high security." he said as they walked out of sickbay. As they walked the lift opened and Captain Sureth stood waiting on the lift. It had been a while and he hoped to check in on his daughter.

" Isabella it is agreeable to see you," he greeted.

“As it is you father” Isabelle offered a smile. “Thank you for allowing me to go out on the Bohr, I need to be there if they find my son.”

" I thought perhaps your empathy would help in this situation."

Isabelle nodded. “I hope so father, I need to find my baby!” She took a deep breath keeping her emotions in check.

" I will be unable to come with you . Mr Dallas please watch over my daughter."

" I most definitely will sir," Dallas replied.

Sureth kissed his daughter and allowed them to enter the lift with him. Departing for the transporter room a few decks later.

John then looked to Isabella.

" I will find your son Isabella or die trying." Dallas promised.

Isabelle shook her head. “Thank you John, but I don’t want you risking your life.” She looked into his eyes as they stood in the lift. “I’ve lost so much already, I can’t lose you as well. You’ve come to mean a great deal to me in a very short space of time, I think that’s why I...” She motioned to his neck where she’d bitten him in her vampiric state. “Chose you and not anyone else.”

" Well to be honest in all the crazy that was the best part." John smiled.

The lift doors opened and he walked Isabella to the door of her quarters.

" Well we're here. You need to rest Counselor." Dallas told her.

Isabelle nodded. “Would you...can you come in for a little while? No biting I promise!” She offered a smile. “To be honest I don’t want to be alone.”

" Isabella you are not alone any more." Dallas replied.

((( You will always have me tooo))) a sinister inner voice added.

Isabelle tried to ignore the sinister voice uncertain whether it was in her imagination, or if it was real. She had been through a lot lately. “I know John, I just need to feel that if only for a short time.” She invited him inside hoping he’d stay.

John cuddled with Isabella on the sofa ironically humming an old Cavalry song from Earth's past.
" Around her head she wore a yellow ribbon she wore it in the spring time and in the month of May. . "

Funnily enough John’s humming proved quite soothing, Isabelle was soon fast asleep comforted by his embrace and the sound of his voice.



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