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Post #7 Chance Meetings

Posted on Mon Dec 13th, 2021 @ 7:55pm by Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Character Development

Lily had been so exhausted after the first treatment that Dr. Ito had decided to set her up with a hoverchair. "The station is large enough that you're going to have trouble getting around if you can't walk around sickbay without getting tired." he told her. "I'd keep you here, but I want you to get some good sleep in your own bed. Come back tomorrow for your next treatment."

She had thanked him, and headed back to her quarters. However, the chair was taking a little getting used to, so she decided to go down a few extra corridors to get some practice in. She knew this area was set aside for crew quarters, but with the station so sparsely populated while Starfleet reallocated personnel, she didn't expect to meet anyone.


After the briefing with the Captain Nora went back to her quarters on the Station to grab a pad with the specs of the USS Bohr to study it. Then she headed out the door. When she stumbled across a woman in the corridor. Nora approached her to say hello and get to know her “ Hello, I am new on the station. I’m Nora.”

"Hi Nora, I'm Lily." Lily said, somewhat cheerfully. "Chief science officer. I'm sorry, I'm trying to get used to this thing." She tapped on one the arms of the chair. "I didn't expect to see anyone here. What's your position?"

"Hi Lily, nice to meet you. I wasn’t expecting someone either. The Station feels so spacious and empty at same time. To answer your question. I am the assistant chief engineer of the station and Chief engineer on board the Bohr.“ Nora replied. "When did you come to the station, Lily?" Being curious, hoping that the question wasn’t to personal.

If she was the assistant chief engineer on the station, that must mean that they also had a chief engineer. It sounded like they were finally getting some personnel. "Welcome aboard. I've been here... let me see now, how long has it been?" Lily asked herself. "Time can be so odd, you know. I don't think it's been more than a week. We've been short handed, grabbing whoever can get the job done to finish getting the station in order and deal with the situations we've found here. It's been a bit... grim, honestly. I'll be glad when we have our full crew complement aboard. Some of the locals are decidedly not friendly."

"Thank you. If you have been here almost a week earlier than me then this crew will be a very young one.“ Nora replied. "Who are those locals that your are talking about? Nora asked

"Well, there are the locals who live on the planet below us, and they're great. I don't know too much about them, except that there seem to be two species who are sentient, possibly three." Lily began. "There are also a race that comes from within the supermassive black hole. They have technology that allows them to travel in and around it. Some of them are terrifying, though. One got on the station and killed several crew members. Counsellor Veran and I barely escaped with our lives."

"Oh“ Nora exclaimed "That’s very frightening. How are you and Counsellor Veran?“ Nora asked
She now understand more why the captain wanted her to get on board the Bohr rather quickly.
Those hostile alien are a danger to us others.

"I'm glad to be alive. The counsellor is understandably distraught." Lily told her, unwilling to talk about the child. "I encountered something which attacked me on a cellular level and I'm getting treatment for it, but my energy levels are very low. I really must go rest now."

"It was nice meeting you. Get well soon and I hope to see again.“ Nora said.

"As do I." Lily replied.

Nora waved goodbye. Then continued on to the docking port of USS Bohr.



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