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Post # 8 " After Birth "

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2021 @ 2:25pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Character Development
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


Acting xo and Chief Ops officer Lt Bob Covenant stared blankishly at the viewer as the USS Bohr decelerated just out of the event horizon to the quasar.

" Commander Callaghan I have isolated the quasar but the no sign of the Corjii ship. Perhaps it has entered the sphere?" Covenant conjectured.

Shauna nodded as she looked towards Covenant. “It’s possible” she turned to look at Isabelle who was sitting in a spare seat. “What do you think Counsellor?”

Isabelle shook her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m not sensing anything as yet.”

" Sensors are highly distorted this close to the event horizon. Funny though no ship activity." Bob replied.

Acting security chief Dallas entered the bridge and took position at tactical. Honing sensor he was able to discover a fine point.

" An air lock is open on that sphere. One of our shuttles could easily link up to it?" Dallas coaxed.

Shauna paused looking towards Isabelle before looking back at Dallas. “Alright, take a fully armed security detail, and Counsellor I want you to go as well. You’re the best one to find your child.” She looked at Dallas, “Keep a close eye on her Sergeant.”

" Yes maam." Dallas replied.

Covenant arose and led them to the lift which would take them down to the shuttle bay.

" We will take the shuttle over but at the first sign of danger I will pull us out Counselor." Bob Covenant assured both Dallas and Isabella

~ A little while later, approaching the sphere ~

Isabelle was glued to the view as the shuttle approached the sphere, now they were closer She was feeling the draw of the mysterious place in front of them. “I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but I feel drawn to go in there...” she looked at Dallas right now he was the one keeping her grounded. Her feelings for him were strong.

Something seized the craft and immediately Bob fought to reverse the shuttles course.
" Tractor beam. It's too powerful we will have to to ride it in"

Dallas then added," We are being hailed by the sphere."

The center panel screen showed a Corjii officer speaking in an unknown tongue.

" The universal translation is not discerning the language." Dallas said.

((( Listen to his words ))) Isabella's new inner voice said to her.

Isabelle listened to the voice within, her eyes widened as she realised she was understanding what was being said. “He says...they were expecting us, his master...Wishes to see us.”

Bob was a no nonsense guy and eye balled Isabella.

" Excuse me? Are you talking to someone psychically?"

Isabelle shook her head. “No, I just...understand what he’s saying.”

" The tractor beam is pulling us inside . Hold on." Bob added as the shuttle got dark and then adjusted to the purple light inside.

" Reading an oxygen nitrogen atmosphere Lieutenant." Dallas said reading the exterior settings.

" Counselor ? How do you wish to proceed?" Bob asked Isabella.

Isabelle paused before answering. “I guess we do as instructed, we’ve been invited now we have to see what this...master wants.”

Dallas grabbed his side arm and Bob Covenant grabbed his tricorder and phaser and proceeded to the air lock

" By the book folks." Covenant urged.

" Yes sir." Dallas replied

“Aye Sir” Isabelle nodded as she stood alongside Dallas.

The shuttle opened from the rear and Dallas exited first and then Bob. It was a hanger deck with rows of smaller fighter type craft.

As the sphere itself was large enough to engulf a whole star system one only wandered if other such rooms existed.

" I scan no life signs here." said Bob

“The creatures that reside with this master wouldn’t register as lifeforms in the way we know it.” Isabelle looked at Covenant. “We need to go this way...” she started to lead, following an urge that seemed to draw her towards the centre of the sphere. Just being in the sphere seemed to renew her energy in ways she couldn’t explain.

Leading the group to a large chamber Isabelle stopped as they were enveloped in a mist like cloud, out of nowhere a figure appeared in front of them. “Isabelle...welcome home my child.” He reached out a hand running it over Isabelle’s skin. “The first of my children to survive changing back, though what you are remains inside you. Don’t you feel it?”

Isabelle didn’t flinch at the touch, she simply nodded. “I feel it, deep down within, but it doesn’t control me anymore! Where is my baby!!? What have you done with my son!?”

The voice was not of Heldon but of another Corjii being which emerged.

" Do not fear us . We hoped you would come."

Isabelle stepped back, retreating to the safety of Dallas’ side. “Why? What do you want with us?”

" The gates of the temple have been opened by your sacrifices . The mother of the beloved will always have a place in the celestial sphere. The childs life will open the dimensions portal for all the lost souls to ascend." replied the Corjiian.

Isabelle looked a little alarmed. “The child’s life? You’re talking about my son!! Where is he? He needs me, I have to take him home!”

" The Heldon delivered the child to us and it was given the immortal birth. As its mother you will be the Blessed Incubus of our faith." replied the voice.

Bob looked to Dallas and then eyed the wall containing illuminated hyroglyphics. One of which showed a baby being placed inside a box of some kind emerging as a full man with sun beams all around it.

" Do not show her this." Bob warned Dallas.

“Me? The Incubus!” She looked at Dallas alarmed by the sound of that. If she was their Incubus then she would be expected to stay. “I can’t stay here, I just came to find my son and take him home!”

Bob had heard enough and quickly joined the Counselor just as a large door with pure white light opened and a dark figure stood.

" Listen we are in search of a lost baby, a new born humanoid baby. Return it and we will kindly leave. If you do not the Federation will return here with more ships and peoples like us to retrieve the child."

Isabelle was struggling to ignore the light, something inside her was pulling her towards it. “Lieutenant I need to...” She slowly started toward the light unable to stop herself.

" Come Mother into thy son's glory."

Dallas then made an executive decision and picked Isabella up and returned to the shuttle with Covenant to boot.

Closing the door Bob fired up the shuttle and hoped he would be able to escape.

The shuttle 180 degrees spinned and Bob pressed maximum thrust propelling them quickly oit of the bay.

" I am sorry Isabella it was a trap. I could feel it." Dallas explained.

" Shuttle 5 to USS Bohr we are hot for home." Bob radioed.

~ USS Bohr ~

Shauna was quickly on the other end of the comms. “Understood Lieutenant, we’ll meet you half way.” She looked to the officer on helm. “Set course to intercept the shuttle Ensign.”

~ Shuttle 5 ~

Isabelle sat visually upset by what had occurred. “All I wanted was my son back! What have they done to him? What have they done to me!?”

" Isabella I am not sure what was on the other side of that light but Covenant took some scans and it seems these Corjii have some interesting beliefs. I will let you see these pictures on the wall." Dallas said showing Isabella the video.

A baby was placed in a box and emerges as an adult with light all around it.

" Are you okay?"

Isabelle looked as white as a sheet. “In that doorway, I saw a figure standing in the light waiting for me. It couldn’t have been...could it!?” She looked up at Dallas. “What if these drawings aren’t just belief, what if they possess this technology? That could have been son!” She shook her head. “I don’t know John...I really don’t know.”

" We are approaching the Bohr. Commander Callaghan will want a full report. I am sorry but we had to get out of there." Bob Covenant added.

Isabelle nodded. “I know, I was a risk back there. They just wanted their new incubus.” She sighed. “I need to talk to Doctor Hiri.”

" She is back on the station. Dr Ito is aboard." Bob interrupted. The entered the Bohr's shuttle bay and securely landed.

Moments later the Bohr reversed course and headed back to the station.

Stepping off the shuttle Isabelle looked towards Dallas. “I need to speak with Doctor Ito, I’ll be on the bridge once I’ve spoken with him.”

Dallas nodded as he headed with Covenant to the briefing room.

Heading for Sickbay it didn’t take long to get there. As she walked inside Isabelle approached Ito. “Doctor...I need you to run a thorough scan on me, there’s something going on that I don’t understand. Am I still just me?”

Ito quickly jumped over to Isabella. " Come in and let me examine you." Ito said as he began a full medi-scan. " All readings are within normal range. What are your symptoms?"

Isabelle paused. “It’s not so much’s me, understanding the Corjii language, and I hear a voice in my head but it’s like it’s part of me!”

" Was the universal translator in play and what are the voices telling you? You were given a neural inhibitor to prevent psychic communication." Ito stated as he read her medical chart.

“ universal translator. The voice was came from inside my mind. Last time was when I was changing into the vampiric creature, when I could hear the master’s voice.” She sighed. “I’m not showing any signs of changing again am I?”

" No Isabella but the inhibitor may have worn off. Do you wish another?" Ito asked.

Isabelle shook her head. “No, thank you doctor” she offered a smile. “My senses are a part of me, I need them.”

Ito then added " You were out played but next time you will be ready."

Isabelle nodded. “I will indeed” She smiled warmly. “Thank you Doctor.” With that she headed for the bridge to join everyone else.



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