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Post # 9 " The Rage "

Posted on Mon Dec 20th, 2021 @ 4:16pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Character Development
Location: Savai and Star base Mercury/M-69


< Savai >

Until this year on Savai the native Fur had enjoyed their own holidays alone. But this year in support of the new friend ship with the humanoids Furvisn ambassador Fesra invited all to join them

Their quest to hunt native deer like creatures for food for the prides.

" They will never come. The humanoids call us savage. Fhe Federation will as well. You read their charter," old Kozak told Fesra.

" No the leader Sureth will come. He will also make Kodos come. I trust this...Vulcan." Fesra stated.

" They are not like us. They want us to change to their liking...I will not." yelled Kozak to her.

" I am chief now not you old one. We must adapt or perish." Fesra replied.

" The humans will see us all dead...mark me." Kozak replied as he stormed out of the cave. Looking skyward at the floating city he roared and walked off.

Fesra looked forward to the games and also for the humanoid presence.



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