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#41 A Target of Opportunity

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 2:56am by Commander Kehlani

Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: current


Her braided hair still damp from being at the hot springs, Commander Kehlani was back in her combat gear as she entered the Command Information Center in the House Hall. All of her strategists and military leaders were present so she barked out a single word as she approached the electronic table they all stood around. "Speak!"

Kudo, her trusted advisor and one of her House stewards, spoke up. "One of our probes detected an anomaly out on the fringe of known space. A lonely star system with no other stars around it for light years, is showing heavy industry. Thankfully, the probe was cloaked and we had it sit still and observe, yet move into the system at 1/4 impulse. There is a massive mining operation going on there and they have secured a Cardassian space station and moved it there. It's an old Nor-class facility like DS9. It is in full operation if the probe's sensors are correct. There are dozens of ships out that way, none of them belonging to any government we know of. All markings on them are civilian, with no governmental affiliation or military designations."

Kehlani looked at the star chart for the star system in question, asking her questions as she read the data collected so far. "Is that confirmed? Last thing we need do is attack a place belonging to the Federation."

Another officer spoke up. "Matriarch, there is no evidence that this is related to the Federation. It has to be pirates or the bloody Orion Syndicate!"

As he finished Kehlani went to say something when another officer cut in. The woman, a lieutenant commander, stepped forward and looked across the table at her Matriarch. "This is a bonus for House Kehlani, my Lady. They are here, nearly in our back garden, and they have a resource we could exploit should we raid and overtake them." Several officers around the room grunted and stated their agreement briefly.

These officers were here to be heard and offer their observations. Kehlani did not correct her for interrupting...this time. "Yes, that is true. So, Commander, tell me. What resource is there? Do you even know? We should rush in like targs escaping a forest fire, not knowing their defenses or what may lay in wait? Your drive is commendable, but we need more information before I agree to assault this place, or lay demands on them from our House." Kehlani's eyes moved to her advisor. "Kudo. Have my command crew report to the IKS Foes Bane. A bird of prey is needed for this mission. I will take the duty upon myself." She then glanced around. "Are we in agreement? More data before we strike?"

"So," the burly male from earlier asked. "We are going to attack?"

Kehlani gave a grin. "We are. When the time is right and we have more data. It is high time House Kehlani be recognized not only for its beauty and location, but also for our fighting prowess. Our House should cause even the most hardy of enemies to pause a moment upon hearing that name. Plus, as the Commander stated, there are resources there that someone finds worthy enough to mine for. Hopefully, it's not a coal mine." The room chuckled in unison. "If it is not something we wish to mine for we'll just make off with the Nor-class station. Kor'Kang could use an orbital defense platform to protect the drydock."

More chuckles went around the room as each officer in here agreed completely with the Matriarch. Better to use Cardassian junk as a shield first, then use the other assets as needed.

"Get your crews trained up for the next few weeks." Sheyla ordered. "Let them know that the glory of battle is near at hand. I will board the Foes Bane and head out that way. Qapla'!"

"Qapla'!" They repeated in unison, then saluted her with fist over heart.

Kehlani spun on her heel and left the room. Kudo would automatically step into his position and bring out his stewards chair as he administered House Kehlani. Once out in the main chamber for the hall, Kehlani tapped her comm. "Kehlani to Foes Bane. Bring me up!" She disappeared in the glowing red light of the Klingon transporter.



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