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#40 Something Different

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 4:25am by Commander Kehlani

Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: current


For a few weeks now Kehlani had been working with a group of Klingon weapon smiths from her House. She had a weapon in mind, something that at first would be a House Kehlani thing until other Houses recognized their usefulness and also began to use them. She was covered in soot and sweat as she stood near to the furnace and anvil, hammering away when needed, folding the metals, and then hammering again, and again. For three days she toiled without sleep, driven by her Klingon mind and heart to finish. If she were on Boreth, kneeling before the flames, it would be no different. Klingon stamina was infamous in the galaxy.

So, here she was, the third and final day. She went through all the steps for finishing her weapons, creating the handles, and shaping the business end properly. The smiths around her became interested in her works as she went, seeing she was not going to stop until she was finished. After a bit of time they began to lend a hand in preparing things for her to get the final touches completed. A leather worker showed up with the leather straps she had asked for, the work that had been done, exquisite. It was Rohba leather, and quite hardy. The beasts had proven to be invaluable for various resources. The hours went by and Kehlani ordered the others to leave for a while as she got her new weapons cleaned up and then began to arduous task of applying the leather to the hand grips, working diligently to make sure it was not bunched up, flatly wrapped, and secure. The final result was beautiful.

Kehlani stood up and grabbed her two newest weapons by the handles and hefted them. They were well-balanced since they were useable as throwing weapons as much as they were used to hack or bludgeon. Having learned this fighting technique from a Human on Earth, in the country of Norway, Kehlani went through several fighting katas with the two Viking war axes she had forged. Spinning on her heel quickly her right hand came up fast as she spotted a large wooden stanchion/roof support, and threw the axe at it with the practiced aim of someone familiar with thrown weapons. She was a Klingon, duh!

The axe spun through the air perfectly, the blade striking the pillar and sinking in well enough to stick. The axe in her left hand was lifted up before her eyes as she spun it this way and that, admiring its fine lines and deadly design. She had read about the Vikings while living on Earth in the embassy, and from what she could tell, they were Klingons who had been born Human. No fear, believed in a place called Valhalla, which sounded an awful lot like Sto-Vo-Kor, with the same beliefs and precepts for when a warrior arrived there. Walking across the room she pulled her axe free and walked back before inviting the others back inside to witness what she had made in their completion, and to show their usefulness as weapons and tools. To her surprise the three smiths were accepting of the axes, seeing them as both deadly and easy to carry. Plus, any weapon you can throw accurately with deadly affect was acceptable. Kehlani knew that not all Klingons would find them useful, but for those who would it gave warriors another option for closing with enemies for melee. Qapla'! She thought to herself.

Strapping on her knew equipment belt and harness to accommodate her other weapons and the new axes, Kehlani stepped into the sonic shower to come out squeaky clean a minute later. The three smiths gave her grunting nods as they saw her exit the booth, decked out as any Klingon should be, wearing her new weapons with pride. Speaking in Klingon Kehlani stopped before the three. "I shall have purses of gold-pressed latinum delivered to you this day. Your skills and experience were most welcome. Qapla'!" Having said that Kehlani then turned and walked out of the large smithing building, her stride both purposeful and casual as she moved down the cobblestone street towards the Great Hall of House Kehlani. Even the interior of her Hall had a great amount of Viking influence, with the most important element one of the first things one saw when entering the hall. A long, rectangular fire pit was in the center of the main walkway to enter the hall and approach the Matriarch's chair. Guests would have to walk around it, to either side, to end up in the open space just before the throne if they wished to address the House Matriarch and any advisors she would have present.

The large doors were open and she walked within, making her way around the right side of the fire pit, which was ablaze as always, every day. Getting to her seat after ascending the three steps to mount the dais she turned herself around and sat. "Kudo. Anyone waiting to see me?"

"No, my Lady. Your schedule is clear." She saw his eyes go to her new axes, which she had pulled from their holsters and set down next to her chair. "What are those?"

"You don't know what an axe is, Kudo?" Kehlani was teasing him, of course, and she could see he took it as such. "These are war axes from a Human culture from their past. They were called Vikings, and these war axes caused them to be feared for centuries. No one ever wanted to see a Viking long boat off their coast. They were not squeamish and lived for battle. The only way to reach Valhalla, which is very similar to Sto-Vo-Kor in their culture, was to die in battle without fear. I would suggest you read about them. Perhaps their battle tactics could be used to enhance our own formidable warriors."

Kudo had listened, and as Kehlani spoke and relayed her information about these Viking he actually became interested. Plus, the axes were well made, he could see that from here, and they were light and deadly, which was always a bonus in combat. "I shall look into it. They sound intriguing."

"They are, believe me, my friend." Kehlani said. "Something tells me that if we brought them to the future, at the height of their power, they might give some Klingons a run for their money in melee." Smiling, Kehlani stood up and collected her axes. "I'm going to the hot springs. If anything arises that needs my attention, call." With a nod of goodbye she then left her Hall.



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