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Post # 39 " Manifest Destiny "

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 3:21am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Sickbay>

Dr Hiri was very pleased to have her step son Leaf back on the station,even if for a while. Leaf had returned to get medical clearance to complete the academy.

He had left home a Brol but evidentially the humanoid genes of its DNA had resulted in a humanoid hybrid of the being.

" Sit up here on my table and let me run some tests." Hiri instructed Leaf.
" Hiri I am fine. I just need this medical waver ." Leaf reied in perfect terran standard language.

Hiri's tests resulted in a conclusion of nominal standards. But having a second opinion from a chief medical officer would only help Leaf's chances.

" Dr Williams do you have time to see a patient?" Hiri asked.
The hulkishly large green man smiled at Ramvek as he sat on the biobed.

" Hi Doctor Ramvek I'm Leaf Brol, Starfleet Cadet."

"Yes of course; there's always time to see a patient" Williams replied with a smile as he walked to to Leaf's bio-bed "Cadet Brol very nice to meet you" with sincerity in his voice "So what can I do for you Cadet."

" I came home to visit Hiri. But because of my genetic make up I need a Chief Medical Officer to vouch for me so I can join Starfleet Academy. " Leaf said.

" Sir Leaf is a product of a Brol/Humanoid joining of sorts. He started out as a sapling but apparently he had enough humanoid dna to evolve into the thriving boy here today." Hiri added.

Being that Hiri was an excellent Doctor, Ramvek trusted her judgement implicitly, he glanced over her findings barely just to fulfill protocol. Looking at both of them "I'd be more than happy to sign off any forms you may have for the Academy" he replied pleased to be able to help this future Star Fleet person.

" Thanks Doc," Leaf smiled. Hiri purred and her tail swished as this was a good thing for Leaf.

" One question though Doc's. The Doctor at the academy is concerned I may not stop growing. Technically I am only two years old and already this big. " Leaf stated.

Ramvek thought for a few moments "I would give it another six months and see how much more you have grown. If your rate of growth hasn't slowed down by that time you can be given some medication to slow down how fast you are growing" then he paused briefly "Being part Brol, your growth rate accelerates early on but should slow down by that time. I would hesitate to medicate you for that at this time however. I will let the Doctor at the Academy know about our conversation" he concluded not overly concerned about Leaf's rate of growth.

" Does that mean I have to wait to join the Academy?" Leaf asked.

"Not at all. Matter of fact I will write up a recommendation that you can include with your application" Ramvek explained as he grinned "Being the CMO of a Star Base should pull quite a bit of weight with the Academy."

" Thank you Doctor Williams." Hiri replied for Leah.

Sureth was also still in sickbay and over heard the situation. Though not in any real authority he knew how he would handle such a predicament but waited to see how Ramvek would handle this.

" Ramvek that was very noble of you. Young Leaf is the only known being of his kind. There are no records of an humanoid/Brol mating. His success will be ours." Sureth told Ramvek.

"Unfortunately you are correct, I can only go by what I know about the Brol's physiology. Considering how unique Leaf is I want him to have every opportunity that we and Star Fleet can afford him" Williams replied quite pleased seeing Sureth's current mental state "But thank you all the same; he will be the second unique individual I have helped get into the Academy."

" Second? Do tell me more." Sureth lit up.

"Surely you remember a young Furr by the name of Labno; this was prior to relocating M-69. He worked with Lieutenant Johnson learning how to become a Medic so he could be a healer for his people" Ramvek explained then continued " He went off to the Academy and that was when you were gracious enough to promote me to Lieutenant Commander so I could mentor this young man."

" I certainly remember that. I should have promoted you to Commander. That was a tragedy to lose that system. Beaurocrac is a bitch. Doctor when can I leave sickbay?

Ramvek was a little lost for words at the sound of Commander for a moment "Sureth I am pleased to be a Lieutenant Commander and thank you for your confidence in me as well as my Staff" he replied "And yes I agree, that was tough losing that system despite Star Fleet's orders" then he paused a moment "You have come a long way Sir so I feel confident that the best medicine now is for you to leave Sick Bay and spend the rest of your healing time in more familiar surroundings. However if you should feel like you are losing control over your mental faculties I want you to promise me you will return to Sick Bay immediately; although I don't feel that is a concern."

" I will Doctor. In a few weeks let's review that promotion. " Sureth replied as he sat up on the side of the bed.

At that moment the doors opened to reveal Isabelle, she smiled as she walked over to Hiri. “Hello Hiri, I thought I sensed a Brol onboard.” She looked towards Leaf. “Who might you be?”

Leaf smiled and then stood up, his hulking physiology clearly showed how excited he was to meet Isabella.

" I am Leaf, Leaf Brol. You are...beautiful." Leaf reacted.
" Leaf this is Isabella Dallas the ships counselor and my friend. Isabelle this is Leaf . He was a sapling from a most unique joining of Brol and another friend of mine Amethyst Raymond." Hiri added.

Isabella couldn’t help but smile at being called beautiful. “Thank you Leaf, it’s wonderful to meet you. Brol and I used to be very close, I was almost Brol myself.”

Sureth stood up and stretched as he hadn’t been out of bed much. Looking around the room he immediately spied his daughter Isabella. Walking her way he also saw Leaf and Hiri.

" And me without my holo device. Dr Hiri your step son has...evolved." Sureth mused.
" For real Commodore. Has Doctor Williams allowed you liberty?" Hiri replied.

" Hopefully soon more than that."

Sureth turned around to see Ramvek behind him.

" I would be content to sleep in my own bed soon." Sureth replied.

"I'm sure you would" Ramvek answered "Spend tonight here in sick bay and tomorrow I'll see about releasing you for a few days of rest in your quarters" he replied.

" I accept those terms." Sureth replied.

Ramvek grinned "I thought you might" he stated.



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