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#46 Taking the Plunge

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 12:43am by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF}

Location: M-69
Timeline: current


Taavis was laying on her left side, her head placed on Gavin's chest/shoulder as her body was next to his, one leg thrown over his under the sheet that covered them both up to the waist. They had spent a good amount of time in ardent lovemaking, and her being Vulcanoid, she had the advantage there with stamina. But, in her mind, that was plenty okay. It allowed herself the pleasure of slowing down and enjoying intimacy, not just lust. Now, they lay together with Gavin's back up against her headboard as she leaned on and into him as his right arm was over and around her shoulders. He rubbed her right shoulder with his fingers as he took a pull off of the cigar he had lit, then handed it to her. Taavis sat up cross-legged and took the cigar, puffing a few times before handing it back. "Orion? It's as good as I remember." The sheet still covered her lower body even with her left thigh and hip exposed all the way up her side, but as for her torso, she let that remain exposed. Logically, they had just made love so hiding her body would be futile.

"Yes, Orion." Gavin said, taking the cigar back. "I don't get out much and they're not illegal. Don't know many freighter bums who deal in cigars."

"I know a few," Taavis stated. When he offered it to her again she waved it off. There were empty drink bottles around her bedroom where they had taken them, began to drink and carouse, and then ended up 'playing cards' under the covers. She had drank her fair share of kali-fal, whereas Lasso had consumed a Merlot from Earth that he liked. Chateau Picard. "I'll send some messages out, Lover." She rocked forward to her hands and knees and gave him a quick kiss as the sheet slid away from her body. She sat back down and covered her lower half again. "My man won't go without a cigar if I have anything to say about it." She gave a cheeky grin.

"Whoa! Tough gal, huh?" He chuckled at her and winked. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't smoke the darn things that much. If you get a hold of some, cool. If not, no biggie."

Taavis gave a quiet chuckle as she watched him. All his movements, his facial expressions, and how OCD he was about certain things. Little things, which she found amusing. "I like cigars, though."

Gavin looked at her sidelong, eyes half closed in a cynical expression, not missing the sexual innuendo as a crooked grin formed on his face. "Yeah, I gathered that. I won't tell anyone, though. Promise."

Giving a laugh Taavis threw the sheet aside and advanced, straddling his hips with his part of the sheet still between them. "You better not," she said as she kept laughing and leaned in for a kiss.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hot cherry, here." He moved the cigar stub aside, mashing it out in the ashtray quickly as she attacked him with love. As her lips met his they kissed deeply for a good amount of time before she simply sat up on his pelvis and looked down at him. He was not randy, nor was she, it was playful antics between adults. Plus, linens between them would prevent that anyway. "In the morning I have to check on the status of the USS Nazgul. Visiting the Duran Folk was beyond brilliant, but they did insist that Tore be sent out for any further diplomacy. I think that little gal has then hots for Captain Bjorgo." She giggled. "Picturing that in my head is amusing."

Lasso simply lay back and enjoyed the company. He smiled up at her as she spoke, admiring her body and that beautiful face as she sat up without any shame. One thing he had learned about Taavis was that she did not appear to have any shame when she was enjoying life. She had warned him that at any time she will catch herself and then the stoic Vulcan side of her would gain command. Gavin knew both sides and could deal with that. But, while this Taavis lasted, he was going to enjoy every nuance of it, and then when she decided to go back to Vulcan discipline it would become his mission to make her break character. Teasing, faces at her when no one else was looking even if they were in the room, all that. She would never be bored while around Gavin Lasso.

"What are you thinking about," Taavis asked, seeing his eyes go far away for a few moments. Her own eyes showed a bit of anxiety, that perhaps she had overstepped who she was as this Taavis.

"You." Lasso said. Smiling up at her he went further. "Your beauty, your brains...the whole package."

Leaning forward Taavis kissed him again, talking into his mouth as they smooched. "I don't mind...being spoken for..."

Lasso answered her by wrapping his arms around her and then rolling her over on her back as he lay against her propped up on the elbow of the arm that was now beneath the back of her neck. They kissed with passion for several minutes, hands roaming, but still did not reach the need for another round of 'cards'.

"I need a shower," Taavis said after they broke the kiss and she lay there in his embrace, enjoying every second of it.

"You do stink." He responded with a cynical chuckle.

Taavis playfully slapped his chest. "You muppet. Hush up and join me, boyo."

"Yes, Ma'am," Gavin replied, the two of them rolling off the bed and then playing grabby-hands with each other on the way to hot water and cleanliness.



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