#48 Back To Work
Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 10:36pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
Taavis had a lot to think about. Leaving her quarters, and Lasso behind within them, she made her way through the station at a casual pace. Duty minded elements crossed her mind and she applied solutions to each as she went, ready to enact her choices the moment she was at her desk. The other portion of her thoughts were on her new love interest. Gavin Lasso had proven to be quite the companion. He was funny, intelligent, had a touch of wisdom from his long years of life, and simply just was. She had never met anyone like him before. One minute Taavis would see him shrug off something, then the next minute he would be peeved over something she considered mundane and easily overlooked. But, that was what Humans often referred to as 'opposites attract'. Taavis now fully understood what that phrase meant.
Smiling to herself like a young adult woman, Taavis stepped within the confines of her offices for the Fleet Captain. She was greeted by the staff present and, as she always did no matter which mindset she was in, Taavis returned the salutations. "Good to see you all this morning. I need all the reports on the attack of that beast while I was away on Durana. Please, see to it."
They acknowledged her order, respecting the fact that she had said it in a tone of suggestion even though they knew it was a direct order. Many of them preferred the Romulan half of Taavis. Her Vulcan half tended to be stiff and cold, with little regard for the feelings of others. No one would ever tell her this, but they all enjoyed RomTaav over VulcanTaav.
Getting back to her office, Captain Taavis sat own and began to read the starship reports from the sector.