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#2 A Roundabout

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 3:24am by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara"
Edited on on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 6:10pm

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Reflections of Shadows
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant JG Kara, now feeling much better after the ministrations from Doctor Sheyla, was at her post going over all the data and research that both Peel and Nazgul had gathered. After what Captain Bjorgo had told her about this Mutara sector and this Khan fellow, she was a little more in-depth with her investigations. She knew nothing of this Genesis device, either. The only way she could know was to access her biosynthetic implants from the Iconians. That not high on her priority list and she shunned the idea. There were times when it activated on her own and the only conclusion to that was that she was still being watched by her old Iconian masters. They were still out there using quantum technology, subspace rifts, and a plethora of other technology they had invented in their long, 200,000 year history as the most predominant empire ever to exist. The old Orion Empire had been almost as large but they eventually gave into their baser instincts and instead became criminals and sexual deviants. But, that was an empire too from a certain point of view.

"Anything new?" The Captain's voice asked from behind her.

Kara turned enough to glance back over her shoulder. "Not in regards to the Gola, Sir, no. This is personal interests and curiosity about this sector. I'm hoping this new venture with the Gola will unravel some more answers to so many questions."

Qeritas left her station on standby and walked over, hands clasped behind her back. "I couldn't help but overhear. Would you care for some assistance, Lieutenant Kara?"

Bjorgo looked over as Qeritas approached, ready for her usual banter. Instead, she seemed to be getting on board with how things worked around here, even offering to help someone else. "That's up to you, Kara. You're the Science Chief."

Kara spun her chair around enough to stand. The three of them stood together, with Billi coming over to join them. It made speaking to them easier on Kara, not having to strain her neck to look up at them or back at them. "Any assistance would be welcome. You have my thanks. There are still frequencies and broken transmissions in this area of space, yet no ships have been allowed here for quite some time. Could you find out who they belong to?"

"I can do that," Qeritas said with a smile, taking the offered PADD with the information on it. She made no move to walk away.

Billi observed the interaction of the three, then spoke up. "Captain, I just want you to know I have a bad feeling about this. You would think the Gola had had enough of us and would want to be left alone. It never showed any interest in getting to know us, and now this? I am skeptical, Sir."

Bjorgo took that in without judgement. Billi was Number One for a reason. It was her duty to point out any, and all, possibilities. To be the bug in the Captain's ear when needed. He took her reticence seriously. "I see your point, Billi. I do. However, this may be the start of something better for the Gola. No one ever tried to talk to it before, except the Enterprise under Kirk, and now us out here at sixty-nine. Kara took a chance when she did what she did, and that chance paid off despite the injuries she sustained."

"Due to the reactions of a frightened parent, Captain." Kara interjected. "It was like that animal on Earth, uhmm..." She snapped her fingers a couple of times to get her brain to click on the word she was looking for. "Bear. Like bears, Sir. It was a mother bear protecting its cubs and reacted to what it thought was a threat."

"I wasn't blaming the Gola for its actions, Kara." Billi explained. "It was instinctual, I get that. It's the turning around when it called, and it wants to speak to you. I don't know, it just feels...odd."

Qeritas stood there listening to them. ~Oh ho ho~ she thought to herself. ~If they only knew what was yet to come~ Playing the quiet observer she did offer a bit of advice. "How about we go into this with a positive outlook, Captain, Commander. No need to be sitting on edge before we see a problem. That will make us jumpy and could cause poor judgement. Just saying, Sir."

"Understood, and thank you for your input, Lieutenant Qeritas." Tore said. "We'll do as we always do. Enter into the situation and as things progress we improvise, overcome, and adapt. It is how most exploration missions begin and end so, we'll play it by ear." He grinned at Kara. "No offense."

Kara quirked an eyebrow in a very Vulcan-like posture as she contemplated why that would be an insult. "None taken, Captain."

With the decision made to continue as they were, the group broke up and went back to their duties while the USS Nazgul continued on her course.



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