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Post #49 Homeward Bound

Posted on Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 6:37pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 6:45pm

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



Now that the USS Nazgul had left for home about an hour previously, Captain O'Connell was satisfied the Gola and her offspring weren't in any sort of danger as he ordered "Helm plot in a course for M-69....warp 8 if you please; let's go home."

"Course plotted in Captain....initiating warp 8 now" Helm replied happy to be flying again instead of just sitting parked.

Looking to Number One "After all this I think the Crew deserves a couple of days of rest and relaxation on the Base; that is unless our Fleet Captain has something pressing and needs us on another mission" Jamie stated with a smile.

"Now that sounds like a great idea; give the Crew a chance to unwind and get their heads back on straight" Angel replied with a smile looking forward to getting off the ship for a bit doing whatever" then she paused "Hopefully everything is quiet on the home front; this Crew does need the break."

"Yes they do" Jamie answered "Now that things have quieted down how would you like a home cooked meal in my quarters.....say eighteen hundred....casual attire; unless you have other plans of course."

"Let me check my social calendar" Devroe replied teasingly while grinning "No, my calendar's clear this evening; I'd like that."

"Excellent....dinner it is then and it'll give us a chance to relax and chat" Jamie commented grateful for the company this evening.

[Captain's Quarters]

After Jamie returned home the first order of business was a nice warm shower and a quick shave. Then dressed in a pair of pants and a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to three quarter length so as not to get any food on the cuffs. Slipping on a pair of Mocs Jamie went out into the kitchen to see about dinner for his guest and himself.

Opening the Fridge he grabbed a pot of chili he had prepared a few days ago; the one thing about chili it tasted better after sitting for a couple of days to allow the flavors to marry. Jamie placed the pot on the stove on medium low heat to warm up dinner slowly so as not to burn the food. While that was going on Jamie set the island table then placed salt, pepper, hot sauce, and some mini tortilla chips to dip in the chili. He also grated up some cheddar cheese to melt on top of the chili for that 'melted goodness'.

Now that it was getting close to eighteen hundred Jamie opened a bottle of red wine, and grabbing two glasses, decided to pour himself a drink. At exactly eighteen hundred his door chime went off "Punctual as usual" he thought "Come in" he stated in a loud voice.

The door slid open as Angel walked in looking as lovely as usual "Hi Jamie, what smells so good" she commented taking in the smells of dinner.

"Hi yourself" he replied noticing just how nice Angel looked "Please have a seat....dinner will be ready in a few of wine?"

"Yes please" she replied with a smile as she sat in her usual seat at the island table which was across from Jamie's usual place.

Pouring her a glass if wine "Here you go" as he placed it in front of her as he smiled "My don't you look nice this evening" Jamie stated returning her smile.

"Thanks Jamie and you look very comfortable" Angel replied with a grin "It's always refreshing to see the Captain wearing something besides the uniform.

Placing a bowl of chili in front of her "Careful it's hot. Also there's salt, pepper, hot sauce if you want more spice, shredded cheddar cheese to melt on top, and tortilla chips for dipping if you'd like" Jamie explained as he sat across form Angel.

Angel couldn't help but smell the mouth watering dinner "Oh this smells so good" as she fixed the chili to her liking and grabbing a few chips for dipping. Taking a bite and chewing "This is delicious; you've outdone yourself Jamie."

Swallowing his food followed by a sip of wine "Thank you, it does taste pretty good at that" he replied with a smirk. The two officers sat and chatted through dinner until finished.

After dinner was over Angel stood "Here let me clean up....that's the least I can do after such a wonderful meal."

"Ok, but let me help" Jamie replied not minding being in close proximity to Angel as the two made short work of the task. Grabbing two more glasses of wine they adjourned to the couch for an evening of great conversation.

The two friends sat and chatted for awhile when Angel asked "Jamie there is something that I want to discuss with you; may I speak freely."

Jamie smiled not knowing quite what to expect "Always, especially when it's just the two of us; I thought you knew that" he replied.

"Yes I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it" Angel replied then continued "Let me start by saying you are a great Captain....probably one of the best I've ever served under."

"You mean served with" Jamie commented "I don't think of you as a subordinate but rather my work partner. I believe we make a great team."

Smiling "Yes we do make a great team and I'm learning from you every day we serve together" she stated "I also think of you as a very good friend that I enjoy being with; besides being a great cook."

"I feel the same way about're my closest friend on this ship" Jamie replied as a terrible thought entered his mind "You're not leaving this ship are you?"

"No of course not, I still have so much more to learn before I would even entertain the idea of having my own ship" she stated then paused "I have a very personal question to ask you if I may."

Now Jamie was really confused as to where this was leading as he simply replied "Ok, shoot....ask away" he answered.

"How do you see me as a women.....physically I mean" she inquired nervous about she was about to hear.

Taking a long breath then turning to face her " Angel you are a very intelligent, beautiful, sexy women. I'd have to be either stupid or blind not to see that" Jamie commented with a grin.

"Then why have you never said anything to that effect" she inquired.

"Because Ms. Devroe I didn't want to take a chance at either ruining our working or personal relationships. You have to know how much I appreciate you not only as my First Officer but as my friend " Jamie asserted then asked "Why are you asking after all this time working together?"

"Because I value your opinion and your honesty" Angel stated with a smile "Seems like most of the men I meet are jerks. I wanted to make sure it wasn't me attracting assholes."

Jamie chuckled at her statement "Angel I can assure you it's definitely not you; and yes men can be jerks depending where you meet them" he stated then paused a moment "Perhaps you should try an upscale establishment maybe you'd have better luck. From my perspective with your looks and personality you could have any, and I mean any, guy you wanted."

Angel smiled "Thank you Jamie for saying that and your honesty" as she stood "I'll give it a try and see what happens" she replied.

Jamie stood as well "Glad I could help; it would please me to see you happy."

Angel leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for listening.....see you on the Bridge" she commented then turned and left for her own quarters.

[ Next Morning ]

Captain O'Connell walked onto the Bridge as Comms informed him "Captain a personal call just came in for you."

"Ok, send to my Ready Room" he requested as he made his way to his Office. Sitting at the terminal a friendly face appeared "Hi Jamie, hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."

"Katlyn this is a nice surprise. What's going on" Jamie inquired with a smile happy to see an old friend.

"I'm parked above M-69 and was wondering when you'll be back from your mission" Kat inquired with fingers crossed.

"Good timing Kat. Actually we'll be back probably with the hour" Jamie replied still smiling.

"If you can get away I'd like to see you plus I have something I want to talk to you about" Kat replied happy at the news.

"We'll be at the Base for a few days and the Crew has shore leave so yes I'd like to see you again."

"Awesome. You have my frequency so call me when you're ready" Kat replied "See you then, Kat out."


Captain O'Connell made his way to the Conn when he saw Number One walk off the lift "Good morning Commander" he commented with a grin.

Walking over and taking her seat "You as well Captain" as she gave Jamie a grin.

Whispering "Katlyn just called so I guess we're going to see each other; at least I know what I'll be dong on my leave" Jamie commented with a grin.

"That's nice to hear you deserve some female companionship other than myself" Angel whispered back with a wink.

"Captain we're approaching M-69, Sir" Helm called out.

"Drop us out of quarter impulse" O'Connell ordered.

"Aye Captain, as you command" Helm replied making the necessary adjustments.

Tapping his chair comms "Traffic Control this is the USS Peel. Is Docking Bay 58-2 available for us" Jamie inquired just to be sure.

"Welcome home Peel and yes your docking bay is ready and waiting for you Captain" Traffic Control replied.

"Helm you know the drill" Jamie commented with an order included.

"Aye Sir, starting my approach now" Helm replied and set to work getting the Peel put to bed. Several minutes later "Captain the ship is secure awaiting your order to power down."

"Make it happen Helm" Jamie ordered being very glad to be back at the Base. Opening a ship wide channel "Attention Crew, this is the Captain, thank you for all your great work during our last mission. We will be docked at the Base for a couple of days so shore leave is granted standard rotation. Get some rest and enjoy the change of scenery. O'Connell out."

Looking at his Number One "I may as well get my report done for Captain Taavis before I do anything else" Jamie commented not really looking forward to the task."

"You better get that report finished before you see Katlyn; one last thing to think about" Angel whispered with a smile.



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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