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Post #50 Friends Reunited

Posted on Mon Jun 24th, 2024 @ 6:00pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[Peel Captain's Quarters]

Captain O'Connell finished and sent off a report to Fleet Captain Taavis explaining their last Mission concerning the Gola. Since that was behind him now Jamie could relax and concentrate on meeting up with a friend from long ago. After grabbing a nice shower he attended to his other personal needs. Before dressing he decided to contact Kat to see what she might have planned.

Throwing on a pair of shorts Jamie walked out in the living area over to his terminal and sat. Securing an off ship line he contacted Katlyn "Hi Kat it's Jamie, I was wondering what you'd like to do today. I have the next twenty four hours to be on leave."

Hearing that fit right into her plans for the two of them "Actually I took the liberty of reserving a room at one of the hotels on the base; that includes a hot tub if you're interested" Kat explained with a grin thinking things were working out perfectly.

"That sounds like fun; I could use a day away from the ship. So where do you want to meet up" Jamie inquired looking forward to whatever she had planned.

"Meet me at the Mirage Hotel in an hour.....oh ya pack a light duffel....swim suits optional" Karlyn commented with a big grin "And by the way this little get together's on me so don't worry about bring money with you."

"Sounds good to me, thanks. So I'll see you in an hour then" Jamie replied with a smile excited to see an old friend. Jamie packed a small duffel besides wearing a pair of shorts with a button down shirt and sneakers.

[M-69 Promenade Deck]

Walking to the Hotel Jamie saw Kat waiting for him as he walked up to her "Hi Kat, you look as lovely as ever."

She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek "You always did have a way to make a girl feel good" as she winked then grabbed his hand as they walked in together.

[Mirage Hotel]

After securing their room key card Kat unlocked the door and the two entered. This was a good sized room with a hot tub in one corner and a large bed in the other plus a table with a platter of chocolate covered strawberries on it and a bottle of wine on ice, with two chairs.

Looking at Jamie "So what do think" she inquired with a grin.

"This is a really nice room; matter of fact it's larger than my Captain's Quarters aboard ship" he replied with a smile curious as what Kat had planned for their stay; although he could only imagine.

"Why don't you go change into your swim trunks while I pour us a glass of wine" Kat suggested wanting to get things moving along.

Jamie decided to have a little fun "Swim trunks? I thought you said they were optional" as he tried to keep a straight face.

"I'm game if you are Captain O'Connell" she replied in a very sexy voice.

He laughed "Actually I have them on under my shorts" Jamie stated as he removed his shorts and shirt placing them on the bed.

Leaving the two glasses of wine on the table, Kat walked over to Jamie and entered his personal space "Looks like someone's been working out" she stated with a smile was she ran both hands over his pecks "Umm, very nice."

"That was about the only good thing that came out of my relationship with Heather; she taught me the value of staying fit" he replied with a grin.

"I for one am glad she did" with a coy smile "Make yourself comfortable and I'll go change into my swimsuit.....I won't be long" as she gave him another kiss on the cheek.

Shortly Kat walked out of the bathroom "So what do you think Jamie" as she turned in a circle giving him a good look.

Looking up "WOW!" was about all he could say. Kat was wearing a very tasteful blue bikini; let's just say enough skin was showing to be very alluring and sexy.

Walking up to him "So you like?" she whispered in a sultry voice "Play your cards right and I might let you get me out of this bikini later."

"What's not to like; you look fabulous" he replied now knowing what the day would most likely bring "And that my dear Kat would be my pleasure."

"Thanks Jamie; so let's try out that hot tub shall we" Kat commented with a smile as she submerged her lower body into the warm water. Jamie grabbed the two glasses of wine and joined her.

As they sipped their wine Kat was very close to Jamie before taking his glass and setting both on the floor outside the tub. Leaning in "Why don't (as she kissed his neck) we see (more kissing) about exploring (still more kissing) our friendship" then she gave Jamie a very passionate kiss lasting for quite a few minutes.

Grinning "I'm game if you are" he replied then returned the passionate kiss in kind for who knows how long. After the kissing Kat smiled as she removed her top tossing it on the floor "I don't need that anymore" then she kissed him once more with purpose and intent as Jamie started to caress her breasts.

Whispering in her ear "I had forgotten what a gorgeous body you have" Whispering back "Thanks, now kiss me" as the two locked into a feverish kissing time together.

Shortly the kissing ceased as Kat whispered "Let's dry off and take this to the bed" as she smiled so looking forward to what was to come next. Exiting the tub they both removed the rest of their swim suits as Kat handed Jamie a towel "Would you be so kind" as Jamie smiled. They spent the next several minutes drying one another off playfully and sensually.

Jamie lay on the bed as Kat joined him reigniting the fire between them as they made love for the next few hours. Finally Kat lay next to Jamie with her head on his chest both being tired and quite pleased.

Propping herself up on her elbow she commented "I have a confession to make. Almost since I kissed you that time on that broken down old Star Base I've been imagining this day together."

"Since we're making confessions I have one as well" as his hand found it's way to her gorgeous body "That was a very special kiss one that I have thought of often over these part few years" then he paused "That's probably one of the reasons my last relationship went bust; among other reasons" he replied with a smile.

"If you don't my asking what did happen between you and Heather" Kat inquired being curious more than anything else.

Jamie grinned "Things started coming between us....and since she was working as an Infiltration Specialist with a rather attractive young Trill women I guess it was inevitable that they would end up falling for one another given the type of work they were doing together. Although that did deflate my male ego a bit but obviously I got over it."

"I was just curious not that males any difference to me whatsoever" as Kat gave Jamie another kiss. Smiling "You hungry, I could order room service."

"Yes I am rather hungry now that you mention was all that exercise" he replied with a smirk.

She got very close and whispered "Baby we're just getting started" then kissed Jamie once again "So what would you like to eat."

"I'd like a burger and fries; that sounds really good right about now" he replied still appreciating seeing her gorgeous naked body.

"Coming right up" as Kat stood and went to the room terminal to order them both dinner.

Jamie stood as well and started to put on his shorts to look decent when Kat stated "Jamie O'Connell what are you shorts for you. I've waited a long time for this and I want to see that naked well toned body of yours every minute until we checkout of here."

He tossed his shorts back on the chair with a smirk "And I suppose you're going to answer the door as naked as a jaybird" he commented teasingly.

"Well no silly I brought a coverup to wear for a few minutes anyway; besides I wouldn't want to get the delivery person all hot and bothered, no would I" Kat replied with a giggle that Jamie hadn't heard in a very long time.

Shortly there was a knock on the door "Room Service" as she motioned for Jamie to go into the bathroom "Just a minute" as she threw on her coverup and answered the door. Opening the door the young man rolled in the dinner cart as Kat gave him a tip then locked the door after him. "You can come out now" she stated as she walked towards the bathroom still covered. Walking up to Jamie she gave him a kiss then whispered "I thought you might like to remove my cover up." He happily did as requested then gave her another kiss before saying "Dinner smells really good." "Yes let's eat and we can have desert after" she commented with a wry grin.

As they sat eating at the table, still both quite naked, Jamie inquired "Kat you had mentioned before there was something you wanted to talk to me about; besides the obvious of course."

Kat swallowed her burger then took a sip of wine "I almost forgot between your sexy body and our love making. About a two day trip from M-69 there is a planet that a big company has built a complex on. The Owner contacted me and wanted to contract my services to take care of his Computers, which as he stated are probably thirty or so systems. I of course took the job so I'll be in this area a lot. Maybe we can see each other when you're docked here; that is if you'd like to" as she grinned.

Jamie smirked "Asks the gorgeous lady sitting naked across from me who has literally 'wined me and dined me' and who I have had amazing sex with these past few hours.....yes of course I'd like to spend much more time with you" then he paused "The next festivities are on me."

"Fair enough" Kat replied with a big grin as they finished their meal. After a few more sips of wine she stood and offered Jamie her hand then they walked back to the bed and became comfortable once more. They chatted for a few minutes when Kat grinned "Ready for desert?"



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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