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Station Post # 51 " UPGRADE"

Posted on Tue Jun 25th, 2024 @ 3:04pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Sickbay>

The next morning Sureth awoke from the medical bed and addressed Dr Williams.

" Not that I have not enjoyed your Company but when will you clear me for duty?" Sureth asked of Williams.

The Doctor thought for a brief moment "Before I give you my answer, I have a question for you" then he paused "Sureth do you see yourself back as the C.O. of M-69."

The Doctors words entered the Vulcans wind and then tugged at his heart next. The illusions Vulcans gave off of having no emotions did not serve Sureth well today.

" If I am not commanding this base then I must be dead. I was given this command with the promise that I would retire when I can no longer command. I do not think today is that day." Sureth replied.

Ramvek grinned "Well said Commodore and you just answered my question" as he paused briefly "I am releasing you from Sick Bay as of now. Take the next few days to relax then come back and see me. If all is well then I will clear you and reinstate you as fit for Command since I was obligated to exercise my CMO authority due to your mental state at the time" he explained looking forward to Sureth getting back into the saddle.

" That will bode well with some of my future plans." Sureth replied.

< That Evening >

On his first night out Sureth decided family time was
more important than anything else. Tapping his new com badge Sureth called Isabella.

Isabelle was more than happy to spend some time with her father now he was on the mend. Arriving at his quarters, her son in her arms she pressed the chime.

" Enter." Sureth said as the door opened revealing a uniquely decorated room. " I am having a celebration."

“Wow! I love it.” Isabelle offered a smile as she entered and looked around.

The decorations consisted of gold tinsel and various musical notes as decorations.
" Did you ever learn how to play a Vulcan lyre? I synthesized one. Your mother never seemed to like my playing."

“I can’t say I did, but I’d like to see how you do it” Isabelle smiled as she settled her son down on the floor with some toys to play with.

Sureth lifted up the instrument and then began to play add lyrics to a song he learned.
" Please open the door
Nothing is different, we've been here before
Pacing these halls
Trying to talk over the silence
And pride sticks out its tongue
Laughs at the portrait that we've become
Stuck in a frame, unable to change
I was wrong
I'm late, but I'm here right now
Though I used to be romantic
I forgot somehow
Time can make you blind
But I see you now
As we're laying in the darknessas
Did I wait too long
To turn the lights back on?

Stopping the music Sureth looked up at Isabella.

" Suban told me to loosen up. Am I too loose?"

Isabelle couldn’t help but grin. “To be honest you seem to be...different, but in a good way. I’ve never actually seen you behave this way before, less the staunch Vulcan.”

Sureth paused.

" I was thinking about that. There was a time when being Vulcan was me. But now I think I just need to be Sureth. Part of that is restoring others faith in me as Commodore." Sureth replied.

“No one has lost faith in you father” Isabelle offered a warm smile. “They’re just worried about you that’s all. Actually I was going to ask you to teach me more about what it is to be Vulcan, I’ve never really learned the intricacies of Vulcan culture and how to be a daughter worthy of that culture.”

" You already were. Isabella you are a daughter of two wonderful cultures. Most Vulcan's today stay stoic. Some, including your sister Suban, embrace a more emotional side . They laugh, the cry and the love with great emotion. I always put duty and honor before my relationships. Now that I am older I think I am reconsidering my perspectives." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded and smiled. “You are all we have now father, with John...gone, I have no one else besides the children.”

" I am sorry I allowed that...Witch to over come me. My weakness was not revealed until I returned here and availed a self fulfilling prophecy. My biggest fear was to lose command. As for John, I will do all I can to help find him. Until I see his remains I will not accept his death." Sureth replied.

“Neither will I” Isabelle nodded. “I know if he’s alive, he’ll fight tooth and nail to get back to us.”

" Once a marine always a marine." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him. His strength.”

Sureth then looked around the room.and found what he was looking for. Bringing it over to Isabella he slowly opened his hand.

" John gave me his first dog tags before he made 2nd Lieutenant. It says In God I Trust. His deity is very important to him as are you." Sureth declared.

“May I...” Isabelle paused. “May I see them?”

Sureth handed the chain to his daughter.
" I think he would want you to have these."

Isabelle took the dog tags holding onto them brought tears to her eyes. “The last time we talked I was annoyed with him! I didn’t like that John was assigned as a pilot! I was scared I’d lose him!!”

" John is a soldier. Soldiers have an internal drive to serve. It is trained to them that there are 3 kinds of people. The wolf, the sheep and the sheep dog. Marines are the sheep dog that protect the sheep from the wolves of this universe. Right now the Breen are acting Wolfish in the Alpha Quadrant.” Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “All I know is if John is out there he’ll find a way back, even if he has to fight tooth and nail to do it.”

Sureth then tapped his Comm badge.
" Commodore to Dr Williams I am ready to return to duty at your discretion."

Williams heard the call from Sureth "Computer locate Commodore Sureth" he stated. "Commodore Sureth is in his quarters" came the reply. Tapping his Comm "Commodore I am on my way to you now" there was no time like the present.

Arriving at Sureth's quarters Ramvek palmed the door chime and stood waiting for an answer.

By this time Sureth had changed into his duty uniform and greeted the Doctor .

" You came just in time. I am ready to return to duty Doctor." Sureth replied.

“Right now?” Isabelle gave her father a wide eyed look. “Aren’t we supposed to be having some family time first? Or has that just been cancelled?”

Sureth paused .
" I have to be back in command of this base in order to perform my duties Isabella. One of which is to assign a team to go looking for John. I can not ask Captain Callaghan to make that decision.”

Isabelle offered a more relaxed smile. “I know you have to be back at work father, but I worry about you too.”

" To do anything else would make me obsolete. " Sureth replied.

Arriving at Sureth quarters, Ramvek saw the door open. With a respectful knock he then walked in seeing Isabelle there as well. With a smile, looking at Sureth, "Good evening, so let us say we get you back in the saddle again" the Doctor commented with a smile.

“As for the party, Doc come in and have a night cap with us. You can make your decision tomorrow." Sureth added. Sureth then poured the Doctor a glass of chilled Sparkling Wine circa 2026 earth.

Ramvek graciously accepted the glass of wine "I have already made my decision, Commodore you need to resume command of this Base; but we certainly can wait until tomorrow to officially reinstate you" he commented being pleased seeing not only his C.O. but his friend back to his previous self.

" That is great to hear Doctor. One of my first duties is to let you know we have been approved to host an off campus Academy for Starfleet. I gave them your record and profile Doctor and you were approved to teach at the academy. Of course this happened before our incident but the reply came an hour ago. Captain Rivers will be an adjunct professor of command and I want you to proctor the Medical Students Doctor Williams. Congratulations!" Sureth replied.

The Doctor stood looking at his C.O. not quite believing the news while looking for the right words "Thank you Sureth....I certainly was not expecting this" as he paused for a moment "I look forward to help shaping these young minds and thank you for your continued trust in me."

“Congratulations Ramvek!” Isabelle smiled warmly as she looked towards him.

" Actually I hope to have all my senior staff involved in this project. Isabella you most likely will assist with any student's seeking a career in psychology. I will be assisting as I can with the sciences and this Base will be thriving with life. So let us have one more round and toast to the future of Starbase M-69. " Sureth added.

"Thank you Isabelle and to you as well. Sounds like M-69 will be taking on another facet as it continues to evolve" Ramvek commented with a big smile.

“It sounds wonderful” Isabelle smiled warmly. “Thank you father, I’d be honoured to help the next generation of cadets.”

Sureth was very pleased and looked forward to returning to work.



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