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Post # 52 Good Things Must End

Posted on Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 7:36pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[Mirage Hotel]


They chatted for a few minutes when Kat grinned "Ready for desert?"

--End Snip--

Jamie smiled "There's always room for desert" he replied then proceeded to tickle Kat and had her laughing so hard which he loved to hear.

"Ok I give" she stated as Jamie stopped looking into her gorgeous steel blue eyes with a smile and gave her a very passionate kiss. The couple's passion returned as they made love on and off, reminiscing in between, into the wee hours of the morning.

Jamie lay with Kat's head on his chest and his arm around her "My dear Kat as much as I have enjoyed the amazing sex, I think I'm spent" he commented with a grin.

Looking up at her lover "I know what you mean I am as well" then she paused "Jamie today has been a dream that I've had for a very long time.....thank you for not only some pretty awesome sex but for your tenderness and caring" then she gave him a very, very passionate kiss.

After Jamie smiled "It was my pleasure, to say the least. I hope we can continue being with one another and see just where this leads" he replied with sincerity in his voice.

Kat smiled "Yes, I'd like that Captain O'Connell" as she nestled beside her lover and they both fell asleep happy but exhausted.

[Next Morning]

Jamie woke at zero nine hundred and quietly slid out of bed to use the facilities, he really needed to brush his teeth, trying very hard not to wake Kat. Returning he saw Kat sitting up in bed covered from the waist down only "Good morning beautiful, sleep well" he inquired as he went and sat on her side of the bed.

"Good morning to you too handsome and yes I had a great nights sleep" as she leaned forward for a good morning kiss then his hand went to a familiar place. Kat looked down with a smile "You seem to have a fondness for the girls."

Realizing what he was doing Jamie quickly removed his hand "I'm sorry I didn't me....." as Kat put her two fingers over his lips "I was kidding.....I love your touch" as she kissed him once again placing his hand where it had been a few moments ago.

"I guess I can't keep my hands off that gorgeous body of yours" he replied with a grin "I ordered some coffee which should be here soon and yes I threw on my shorts so I could answer the door."

"I guess I'll let you wear some clothes now" she replied with a giggle "So what time do you need to be back on the ship.....maybe we'd have time for a romantic shower first."

"I should be back at noon time so I think I could squeeze in a shower with you first after coffee of course" he answered as a smile came across Kat's face. Moments later the door chime went off as Kat rushed into the bathroom to freshen up some as Jamie answered the door.

A young man brought in a cart with coffee and some pastries "Here's your coffee Sir and the pastries are on the house" the young man commented as Jamie gave him a generous tip.

After the door closed Kat came back out refreshed wearing her coverup as she sat at the table "That coffee smells so good" she commented as Jamie pour each of them a cup and sat across from her. Enjoying their coffee and pastries they sat talking some more. When finished Jamie wheeled the cart out into the hall for retrieval by the Hotel.

As he turned Kat stood naked once again with a big grin "Ready for that shower now?" Jamie ripped off his shorts and chased Kat into the bathroom hearing her giggling the entire way. The couple enjoyed a very lengthy romantic shower together before toweling off and dressing.

Jamie packed his duffel noticing something was off "Kat you seem to have become there something wrong" he inquired not knowing what was up with her while hoping it was nothing he did.

Sort of smiling "I guess I'm a little sad this wonderful day has to end; that's all" Kat confessed.

Walking up to his lover "I am too.....but I'm looking forward to spending many more wonderful days with you as time goes on."

Kat gave Jamie one more romantic kiss "You better.....I don't want this to end anytime soon" she commented feeling somewhat better.

"It won't I promise" he whispered with a smile retuning her kiss "I should be going and I will see you soon" as Jamie grabbed his duffel and walked out of the room before he changed his mind.

[USS Peel]

Captain O'Connell returned to his quarters, putting on a fresh uniform then headed to the Bridge still thinking about his lovely time with Kat; but he quickly dismissed those thoughts as it was time to get back to reality.

Exiting the Lift Jamie walked over to Angel "Anything to report Number One" he inquired.

Noticing Jamie's demeanor she replied "No Captain, everything was as you left it" then she paused "May I see you in your Ready Room for a moment."

"Sure. Lieutenant you have the Conn" as the Officers left the Bridge.

[Ready Room]

Entering Angel closed the door behind them as she smiled " was your time with Kat.....I've been dying to find out; that is if you don't mind sharing."

Jamie smiled "Since a gentleman never kisses and tells; let's just say we may have engaged in some pretty awesome sex and had a wonderful time together" he replied "But the good news is Katlyn has contracted with a big company in this Sector to keep track of their Computer Systems so hopefully we can see quite a bit more of each other."

"That's wonderful.....I'm very happy for you both. You really like her don't you Jamie" Angel inquired pleased to see Jamie so happy.

Jamie grinned "Yes, more than I have admitted to myself.....that is before yesterday. So enough about me. I'm back so why don't you get off the Ship for a day and see if Mr. Right's out there for you."

"Actually I'm going to take your advice Jamie from the other evening. I'm going to go to my quarters shower then get 'dolled up' and go hang out at the bar at the Sebastian for awhile, since that's an upscale establishment, and see what happens; maybe I'll get lucky" Angel replied with a big grin.

"Great! You do that and happy hunting" he commented with a grin "But please be careful; there's a lot of jerks out there."

"I will thank you Jamie but I'm well able to take care of myself" she replied with a grin.

"Yes I know you are. Have fun and I'll see you when you get back then" Jamie stated as Angel turned to start her shore leave.

The Captain returned to the Conn, sat and went over some reports with the thoughts of his lover still fresh in his mind.



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer


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