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StationPost # 53 " Germination"

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2024 @ 5:13pm by Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Day 2 of Leaf's return to Starbase M-69 Dr Hiri introduced him to Ltjg Nic Covenant, who had also once been a Cadet aboard the Bohr.

At a small diner on the Promenade Nic nodded as they approached.
" Hello Doctor Hiri and you must be Cadet Leaf Brol?I'm Nic Covenant, operations officer on this here spinning top."

Leaf snapped to attention as Nic was a senior officer.

" Non of that here. Here I am just Nic. Have a seat and order. I'm having a caesar salad...oh I hope that isn't offensive?" Nic replied.

Leaf smiled Hiri yowled.

" What do you eat Leaf?" Nic asked.
" I make a synthetic elixir for myself. I have some bones and even teeth but my skin make up is a vegetable husk consistency. " Leaf replied.

Hiri then interrupted.
" That is a story for another day Lieutenant. What Leaf needs is some pointers before joining the academy."

Nic nodded.
" First thing is know what you want to learn. Then study like there is no tomorrow. If you fail try again. Sometimes failure is the best teacher. Get into a good study routine. One night a week stop and play a game or do something fun. I do not recommend fraternization while at the academy. Especially if you want to be an officet."

" Well unless I find a Venus fly trap that just looks good I have nothing to worry about," Leaf joked.

Hiri cupped her face.

" You hang here I am needed in sickbay," Hiri said as her com badge chirped.

Leaf complied and when Hiri was gone he sat down with Nic.

" We are both dudes, what's the fun life like here?"
" Leaf it is a station. There are rec decks,pools,holo suites you name it." Nic replied.

" Holo suites? That sounds neat." Leaf replied.

" Yeah just fill in the questionnaire on the screen and the holodeck will do the magic." Nic replied.

" Well let's go?"
" Now? I just started my dinner" Nic replied.
" Come on sir. Please."
" Fine." Nic replied as he placed the salad into the disposal.



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