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Post # 54 An Evening Out

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 2:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 2:32pm

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[USS Peel]

Angel walked into her quarters taking off her comm badge and tossing it on the desk. She headed straight for the shower to get cleaned up and dressed for what she hoped would be a delightful evening off the Ship.

After toweling herself off, Angel grabbed the appropriate undergarments then went to her closet to pick out a civilian outfit for the evening. After some searching she settled on a pair of form fitting black leather pants, a low cut rose colored top, and black flats. Once dressed she looked in the mirror and brushed out her long wavy brown hair which she would wear down and loose for once. Now she splashed on her favorite perfume as she looked herself over "Hmm....not too bad for a First Officer" as a smile came across her face.

Walking back out into the living area Angel grabbed a quick water as she placed her comm badge in her clutch bag; she never left the Ship without it just in case. Securing her quarters Angel headed for the Promenade Deck.


Walking into the establishment Angel looked around thinking "Wow. This is a really nice place" as she made her way to the bar. Sitting she did notice a few others at the bar as the Bartender walked over "Hello Miss, welcome. What can I get for you" a tall muscular handsome man inquired.

"I'll have a Risen Sunrise" Angel replied with a smile.

"One Risen Sunrise coming right up" the Bartender answered returning her smile. A couple of minutes later "Here you go Miss; enjoy" then he walked down the bar to attend to other customers.

Angel sat sipping her drink when she heard a male voice to her left "Hi you a drink." Angel looked over seeing this creepy looking guy thinking to herself "Come on girl you can do much better than that jerk" "No thank you I'm good" she commented. Meanwhile the Bartender stood a few feet away drying glasses listening to the verbal exchange between the two.

"You sure.....I mean we could have a few drinks then retire to my room and see what pops up between us....if you get my drift" the creep commented all the while trying to position himself to have a peek down Angel's top.

"Thanks for your generous offer but I'm really not interested" Angel replied trying not to be rude thinking "I just might have to put this guy down if he doesn't go away."

About this time the Bartender had heard and seen enough as he walked over " Hey pal are you deaf! The Lady said she wasn't interested. Now here's what's going to happen; you either be on your way and leave the Lady alone or I'll be forced to escort you to the front door and trust me you're not going to like it" he stated sternly.

The guy looked at the Bartender then at Angel "Huh!! and turned and left the bar.

"Thank you Sir but I could have handled that jerk just fine" Angel commented with a smile.

"Yes I bet you could. We're trained to make sure creeps like that don't bother beautiful Ladies like yourself.....another drink."

"Yes thank you, another sounds good" Angel replied wondering if this night was going to be a bust or not.

A little while later Angel had just about polished off her drink thinking "Maybe I should just call it a night and return to the Ship. Things aren't going like I had hoped."

Minutes later Angel heard a very pleasant voice with a lovely accent "Hello you a drink." Looking to her right Angel saw this tall, well proportioned women with long red hair, big green eyes, and a few freckles on her face dressed to the tee "Yes, I'd like that but only if I can return the favor" while thinking "Since guys seem to be a bust...why not."

"Bartender another drink for my friend and I'll have whatever she's having" the Lady commented then looking at Angel "I'm Erica Montgomery by the way and you are" Erica inquired with a smile.

"Hi Erica Montgomery, I'm Angel Devroe....It's very nice to meet you" as she extended her hand with a big smile.

Shaking hands Erica placed her other hand over Angel's hand "You as well.....your name suits you by the certainly are a vision" she replied hoping she wasn't laying it on too thick and scare this lovely lady off.

"Thank you Erica; you're not so bad yourself" Angel replied with a smile "Would you like to garb a table and get away from the Bar since this seems to creep night here."

Erica laughed "A sense of humor, I like that and yes let's grab a table and keep the creeps at bay" as the ladies walked to a table for two and sat.

After sipping their drinks Erica inquired "Angel so what do you do for a living when you're not perched on barstool looking all gorgeous" as she smiled.

"Thanks. Actually I'm First Officer on the USS Peel; a Federation Starship attached to this Base. And what do you do for a living when you're not being your beautiful self."

"Touche'. I'm Commanding Officer of the Freighter Calypso and before you ask we are a Federation registered ship. We're contracted with Star Fleet and deliver supplies to various outposts like this one. That's why I'm here, we have a delivery for M-69" Erica explained "So what size Ship are you on?"

"I'm on a Saber Class ship with a Crew compliment of 60 and has ten decks. What's the size of your freighter" Angel asked liking the way this evening was now going.

"Well certainly nothing quite that large. It's a Sentinel Class freighter with four decks and a Crew of 10 including myself; mostly men but a few other women" Erica replied enjoying Angel's beauty.

The ladies sat and chatted for a couple more hours about different things when Erica asked "So would you like to take this to my hotel room and talk some more....maybe see where this leads" as she reached across the table placing her hand tenderly on Angel's hand.

Placing her other hand on Erica's and looking into those beautiful green eyes with a smile "Please don't take this the wrong way but I'm not in the habit of jumping into bed with the first pretty face I see.....and yours is very pretty" Angel explained.

Erica left her hand where it was as she smiled "No you don't strike me as a one-night-stand kind of gal" she replied "Intelligent and gorgeous....I like that in a women. Tell you what I'll be around every so often for a delivery and if you're here at the base maybe we can get together again; if you'd like."

Angel returned her smile "Yes I'd like that and thank you for understanding" she replied really liking this gorgeous women.

"I didn't really think you'd accept my invitation but I thought I'd give it a shot" Erica commented "But that Angel tells me volumes about your character which I find rather refreshing.

Before Angel could say anything in reply she heard a noise "Oh sorry that's me" as she pulled a device out off her pocket looking at it "I'm afraid Angel duty calls; we're unloaded and need to head back to Port for a reload" as she stood with a smile "Walk me out?"

Angel stood as well "Yes I'd be happy to" she stated wanting to spend even a few more minutes with this amazing women. Erica offered Angel her hand which she gladly accepted as they walked into the Promenade. Looking at Angel Erica asked "Could I give you a good night kiss?"

Even though she had only kissed a women once before she decided to go for it as she leaned in and whispered "Yes, I'd like that" and gave Erica a very nice kiss; this lasted for a few minutes which Angel found to be exceptional.

After the rather delightful kiss Erica stepped back a few paces and with a smile "Nice kiss....I'll see you soon" as she tapped her device and disappeared from sight.

Angel made her way back to the Peel being very happy with the evening and hoped she would get to spend some more time with this beautiful creature named Erica Montgomery.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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