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#56 Homeward Bound

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 11:40pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Captain Bjorgo was on the Bridge as he sat in his chair and was reading emails and reports. As he scrolled and used his speed reading, Tore's eyes caught an email from Starfleet Command, Strategic Operations Command. Going back to normal reading he then re-read the letter. There were some serious issues going on, and with the message coded and flagged as classified, Bjorgo made sure no one was standing nearby who could read over his shoulder. When the Bridge yeoman came through he put the PADD face down on his lap, tapped his signature, and picked the PADD up again once the personnel had moved on.

"Miss Jasmin," Bjorgo spoke up. "All stop."

"All stop, aye, Sir." The Nazgul dropped from warp and came to a standstill.

"How long until we reach the Gola?" The Captain asked.

Jasmin checked the ETA on her screen. "Right around four hours, Captain."

Bjorgo gave a nod to himself since Jasmin was facing forward. He contemplated several courses of action over a few seconds and then began to speak. "Turn us about. Make way for M-69, maximum warp."

Jasmin, already tapping as he began to give orders, spund her chair to look back at him. "Maximum warp, Captain?"

"Did I stutter, Lieutenant?" Tore watched as she shook her head no, a bit of trepidation in her gaze as she realized she had questioned one of his orders and that that could earn her a demerit in her file. "Please,follow my orders, Jasmin."

"You got it, Sir." The fiery Arab woman got focused and within ten minutes the USS Nazgul had flipped a bitch in space and jumped back to warp at her maximum warp speed.

"Lieutenant Qeritas." Bjorgo looked over as he said this, seeing her turn to look his way. "Contact the Gola and inform it that we will be delayed in meeting with it. We have our own needs to see to. Give it our apologies as best you can."

"Yes, Sir." Qeritas acted as if she was tapping keys, opening her link to the Gola and relaying the message with all sincerity. She had detected something, a presence she knew well in this sector, and the Nazgul was now heading back to where that presence was currently emanating from. Play the role, she told herself, things are about to get that much more interesting.

Bjorgo got to his feet. "Jasmin, when you're set, you have the con. I'll be in the Ready Room." With that said he left the Bridge promptly.



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