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Post # 57 Girls Night Out

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 4:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[USS Peel]

Now that it was Maria's turn for shore leave she thought a girls night off the Ship might be fun. Tapping her Comm "Private Anderson, Lieutenant SanChez, I was wondering if you'd like to have a girls night out if you're available.

Hearing the call put a smile on Sarah's face since both had been so busy with their duties, any socializing had been held to a minimum "Hi Maria now that sounds like fun. What time did you have in mind."

"How's twenty one hundred sound. The usual attire and I'll meet you in Maine Country then we leave from there" Maia explained looking forward to some time off the Ship with her good friend.

"I'll see you then" Sarah replied happy to be getting off the peel for awhile.

At exactly twenty one hundred Maria walked into Marine Country dressed in her usual party attire; snug low rider jeans, a brown vest over her bare skin, and work boots. Sarah was ready and waiting dressed pretty much the same way as she walked over to Maria "Looking good" Sarah commented with a smile."

"You as well" Maria replied with a grin as she could hear 'cat calls' coming from the male Marines in the area "Stuff it you wished you had a women as hot as us" as Sarah chuckled grabbing Maria's hand as they left the area.


Walking into the Club, Maria could see it was starting to get busy and the music was playing in the back ground. Turning to Sarah "What do you want to drink and anything to eat."

"Draft beer sounds really good and maybe some deep fried veggies to go with it" Sarah replied loudly so Maria could here her.

Maria nodded as she went up to the Bar "Bartender a pitcher of draft beer with two glasses and a platter of deep fried veggie if you please."

Drawing the beer he placed it on the Bar with the requested glasses "Her you go, the veggies will be done shortly and one of the waitresses will bring them to your table" the Bartender explained.

Maria nodded then paid for the order grabbing the beer and glasses walking over to Sarah who had already grabbed a table for two. Pouring each of them a beer "The food will be here shortly" Maria commented then raised her glass "Salute" as the two drank a few sips of beer.

Looking around "Wow this place is rocking tonight" Sarah stated with a smile "After we eat maybe some dancing so I can get my groove on" as she moved her hips to the music which Maria rather enjoyed watching.

Moments later the food arrived "Here you go ladies and I took the liberty of bringing plenty of napkins for you; enjoy" the waitress stated with a smile.

"Thank you and for the extra napkins; I can be a slob sometimes" Maria replied with a chuckle as the lady gave her a wink then turned and left.

Looking at Sarah with a grin "Dig in" as the two friends made short work of the food and polished off the pitcher of beer as they sat and talked playing catchup since their time together had been almost non existent lately.

After some talking Sarah was getting the itch "Maria, you wanna shake your groove thing" she asked with a grin.

She smiled and gave a wink "Sure, let's see what you got girl" as the two moved to the dance floor. They started dancing enjoying themselves for the next couple of hours until Maria commented "Sarah I think I'm all danced out for one evening."

Sarah grinned "Ya, me too. Let's say we get out of here; it's getting pretty crowded. Maybe go back to your place for awhile" she inquired.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Maria replied smiling then the two ladies exited the club and started their way across the Promenade.

Just before they arrived at the Lift Maria heard a male voice "Hey darlin you two want to party" as Maria looked to her right seeing two not so good looking guys standing with a smirk.

"No thank you, we're good" she stated matter of factly glancing to Sarah on her left giving her the look much as to say "Be ready just in case" as Sarah gave a nod of understanding.

"What's the matter bitches, we not good enough for those sweet asses of yours" was the first guy grabbed Maria's arm....big mistake.

Maria looked first at the guy then his hand on her arm "Tell you what, if you don't get those paws of yours off me then you will pay the price" as she could feel the adrenalin start flowing in her body.

The guy laughed "That's some big talk coming from a short little bitch" as he continued laughing.

"I'll show you bitch" Maria stated in a raised voice then grabbed the guy at the wrist and with one smooth motion twisted his arm until she heard the bones go 'Snap'.

Meanwhile his friend looked at Sarah as she stated "Don't even think about it asshole or you'll get what your friend just got" as she shot him a decisive look and the guy just held up both hands and backed off.

"Ah!! my arm! you broke it" the first guy stated in pain.

"Told you to get your mitts off of me!!" as Maria looked at Sarah "Let's get out of here" as the two ladies entered the lift and left for home.

Sarah looked at Maria "What a couple of assholes" then she paused "We won't get into trouble for this will we. I don't think the Lieutenant would be too happy with me."

Maria grinned "You won't but I may not be so lucky. Besides you were just standing there anyway" she commented wanting to make her friend feel better.

"If anything should come of this, rest assured I'll back you up one hundred percent as your witness" Sarah replied with sincerity in her voice.

"I know you will" as she leaned in and gave Sarah a kiss "Let's go back to my quarters and not let what just happen spoil the rest of out evening." as Sarah nodded with a smile.

[Secondary Sick Bay]

Meanwhile the first guy was in some serious pain and made his way with his friend to see a Doctor to get his arm fixed. Walking towards the door it slid open as the lights came on and he heard "I am Doctor Gram. please state the nature of the emergency" as the EMH materialized.

"Just what I need a Computer trying to doctor me" he thought to himself "I want to see a real flesh and bones Doctor; not some computer program" he stated matter of factly.

The EMH looked at him for a moment having already run a scan seeing the broken arm "Very well" as she tapped her comm "Doctor Williams, please come to Secondary Sick Bay at once."

Hearing the call Ramvek answered "What seems to be the problem Doctor Gram" he inquired dressed in civilian attire since being off duty.

"There is a male here, about forty with a broken arm demanding to see a flesh and bones Doctor" the EMH replied.

"On my way" Williams stated as he left his quarters. Arriving at Sick bay he walked in seeing a guy sitting on the bed holding his right arm. Walking over to him "Good evening I'm Doctor Williams; I understand from the other Doctor you have a broken arm in need of repairing."

"Well obviously" he replied with sarcasm which didn't set very well with Ramvek considering the late hour.

"Let's have a look" as Ramvek scanned the arm "So what happened to your arm" he inquired.

Knowing he would have to leave out some details to avoid any backlash from the incident "This women broke my arm" he replied "And I was just trying to have a conversation with her."

"So can you describe this dangerous women" as he was getting a good look at the scan results.

"Hmm young, maybe five eight, short black hair, nice ass, and big knockers" came the reply.

Ramvek wasn't too pleased with this guy's description "I think I may know the young women you are referring to" then he paused "And if she's who I think she is I doubt she's in the habit of breaking someone's arm just for fun. So tell me, what really happened" thinking this guy was a scumbag who liked preying on young attractive innocent women.

The guy just looked at the Doctor for a few moments trying to cover his own ass "I already told you."

Not believing he was being honest Ramvek moved his arm slightly "Ouch! that hurts! You some kind a quack or a Doctor. I already told you what deaf?"

"Sorry" Ramvek commented "So what really happened" as he moved the guys arm again only a little more this time "What the fuck!!! You trying to kill me."

The Doctor was starting to get a little irritated at this point "You see how this is going to work or do you enjoy pain. Now be honest and tell me the truth" he insisted as he started for the broken arm once again.

"Ok!! stop!! I asked her to party with us but she refused so I grabbed her by the arm. She insisted I let go but I guess I didn't and this was the result" he confessed knowing the jig was finally up.

"Now that wasn't so hard being truthful, now was it" Ramvek replied happy to know what really happened as he began re-fusing the bones in his arm back together. After about twenty minutes had gone by "Ok the arm is all set" then he paused "A word of advice if I may.....the next time a women tells you to remove your hands from her person I strongly suggest you do as requested."

"Thanks Doc for the fix....and I suppose you're right" the guy finally stated then he stood and left the Sick Bay.

Doctor Gram walked over "Doctor Williams if I may query.....did you cause that Patient pain on purpose just to learn the truth of what happened concerning the alleged incident?"

Ramvek grinned "Why Doctor Gram, I would never cause harm to a Patient.....have a good night" as he left to return to his quarters and finish enjoying his evening.


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security officer
USS Peel

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base M-69


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