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#58 Avoiding Confrontation

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 1:37pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Cosmo

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Rogue Green had been sitting in the club when she caught a small ruckus between a few ladies and a couple of filthy, chauvinist males. As she had been ready to intervene and aid the women there was a sudden squawk of pain as one of the women had pressure locked the man's arm and then twisted and popped the bones. ~Bravo!!~ she thought.

Ro always found it irritating when good times were interrupted by those with low intelligence and no common sense. Any idiot with half a brain should know that assaulting anyone on a Starfleet facility was a guaranteed stay in the lush accommodations of the brig. But, there were always those willing to test those waters, and all too often, they drowned for their efforts. Finding that amusing, and done with the night life this evening, Green stood up and began to walk out. Cosmo, her droid companion, rolled along next to her right leg when out of nowhere a booted foot pressed against Cosmo's rotund body, applying enough pressure downward to halt the little automaton.

"What's this then?" Asked a man who had stepped from the crowd. He was funky, ugly, and his breath smelled like rotten fish and stale cabbage combined. So, Green figured he had either just ate something horrible or, his personal hygiene was not a priority. She was sure it was the latter as she looked him up and down quickly, denoting his greasy appearance. More than likely a crew member on a private freighter.

Green decided to answer as Cosmo rolled back and hid behind Ro's right leg, his domed head peeking out. "That is my companion. We're leaving so please, let us be."

"Not so fast," came out in the slurred speech of too much booze. "What is that thing? Do you have any for sale?"

"No, and no. He is the only one of his kind so he is not for sale?" Green made sure to look the man directly in the eyes.

"He?" The man asked incredulously. "It's a male? How is that possible?"

Several people stood around and watched, not saying anything as the man's inebriation was apparent.

Calling on the Core, Ro spoke casually but with a bit of non-offensive force. "I think you've had enough to drink for the night."

The man stopped in mid-thought, eyes blinking a few times before he replied. "I think I drank too much tonight."

Green continued to speak in that tone. "You need to go back to your ship and rethink your life."

"I need to go back to my ship and rethink my life." He said this in a defeated, sighing tone.

"You need to apologize and move on." Green said.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for messing with your machine. I'll be going." He then walked out the door ahead of Ro and took the first right onto the Promenade.

Standing there in her civvy attire; black tank top over top of a black sports bra, black combat fatigue pants bloused into knee high Starfleet combat boots, Ro noticed the others standing around and staring at her in amazement. She gave them a nod, grin, and shrug, then got moving again. She turned left as they departed the club. Cosmo began to speak at her in his bleeps, whirs, warbles and whistles. She glanced down at him from time to time as they walked along and chatted. "We were in no danger, Cosmo. Drunkards tend to be cowards and their minds are weakened by their state of drunkenness. Easy to redirect." He gave a response. "I'm glad it wasn't violent, either. But, he left a boot smudge on your carapace so we'll head to our cabins and take care of that. The ladies like a sharp dressed man, you know." Ro gave him a smile.

Cosmo had responded quite a bit and she got them to stop as she squatted to look him in the eye. "You're not ready to leave the Promenade? No problem. Club Bliss is down the way we're headed. I'll get a bar towel and swipe the ick away from your body." She knew Cosmo was excited at being aboard such a large station, and he was taking in everything and committing it to his data banks. Green stood up and they got moving again, continuing to talk as they went.



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