#59 Lunch and Messages
Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 3:39pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF} & Cosmo
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
Breaking for lunch, Taavis had met Lasso at a small eatery they both enjoyed. The owner-proprietor had gone with the old Earth/U.S. style cafe from the 1950's. Everything was up to tech standards even if it looked like an antique relic from a bygone era. The people dining talked and laughed but not too boisterous. It was pleasant and the open dining room and dining bar added to the allure. The tables could talk back and forth without shouting or raising their voices too high, depending on distance.
Lasso sat across from his girl. "So, your day been busy?"
"Not really," Taavis admitted. "Same duties, different day. The only surprise was yesterday. I had a visitor I've known for years, who happened to have just made captain, and it was agreeable to catch up with her."
"Her?" Gavin's eyebrows raised in mock interest in another female. "Got any pics?"
"Picture yourself with a broken nose." Taavis quipped. "Will that suffice?"
Lasso chuckled. "No, it won't. But, that's why I love you. You can take it and dish it out."
Using her Vulcan discipline Taavis was able to keep herself from physically responding to what he had just said. It was the first time he had openly and casually professed love for her. In that brief moment of thought she was pleased, having fallen for this rough and ready fellow months ago. However, she had felt reticent about openly saying so seeing as how he did not seem to share the sentiment as deeply as she had. So, hearing that she casually replied. "I love you for being my confidante. You keep me grounded when no one else can."
"Glad I can help, babe." Gavin took a bite of his steak salad and chewed, swallowing the portion and sipping his drink before continuing. "Back to the previous mention. Is this Captain assigned to M-69?"
Taavis had also taken a bite and dealt with it as he spoke, responding in kind. "Not yet. I am looking to see if she can fit in somewhere. Her last posting was, to say the least, unappealing. So, she transferred off of that ship and is now on extended leave." Just as Taavis made to mention this new Captain's name, her own name was spoken aloud from the entrance.
As Cosmo and Green were moving along the Promenade, Ro had glanced into a small cafe establishment, liking the decor. That was when her eyes saw Taavis and another officer sitting and having lunch together. "Cosmo, let's go in. There's Captain Taavis." Cosmo turned his dome that way and gave out a sound that mimicked the word yippee, and he rolled right in and bumped up against the left calf of Taavis. Green spoke up as they entered. "Taavis. Good to see you again."
Taavis gave a nod as she chewed, wiping her mouth as she stood to meet their guest. Gavin rose to his feet, as well. "Ro. Always a pleasure." She looked down to Cosmo and patted his head. "And, you too." Finishing her greetings to the newcomers, Taavis then motioned back and forth between Gavin and Ro. "Lieutenant Gavin Lasso, meet Captain Rogue Green."
Lasso extended his hand, shaking the woman's firmly and respectfully. "A pleasure, Captain Green."
"To you, as well, Mister Lasso. But, please, in situations such as these my name is Ro." Green gave a smile.
"Fair enough, Ro. Call me Gavin, then." He motioned to the two empty chairs at their table. "Join us?"
Taavis was not opposed to the visit and gave a nod when Green looked at her askance. She knew that Ro was not one to interfere or disrupt privacy if she could help it. "You are more than welcome, Ro. Cosmo, too."
Green pulled the chair out that she was standing right behind, sitting down as the other two joined her. Cosmo rolled around the table and bumped Gavin's leg, using his droid warbles to emit a 'hello'.
"And, who's this," Gavin asked, smiling at the unusual automaton.
"That is Cosmo," Green replied. "A personal invention and my constant companion. My mechanical son, if you will." The smile on her face at the introduction spoke volumes about how much she cared for the machine.
Lasso looked back down. "Nice to meet you, Cosmo. I can see you're well built and solid. Your master did well in the construction."
Cosmo gave a thank you sound and then rolled over to place himself next to Green. As he did so a call came through from Taavis's badge.
"Captain Taavis, Ensign Cavender."
"Go ahead, Jessica."
"Captain, we received a message from the USS Nazgul. They are heading back to M-69 at maximum warp. According to the message, from Captain Bjorgo, SOCOM contacted him and he may need to disembark immediately for Earth upon his return. He said you would understand why."
Taavis sat and listened, her face going back to the professional expression she wore most days. "Thank you, Miss Cavender. Let them know the message has been received. Make sure a docking arm is open for their return and have Captain Bjorgo report to me as soon as he arrives."
"Will do, Captain. Cavender, out."
Tapping her own badge to make sure it closed, Taavis then looked to those sitting before her. "It seems there are changes in the wind."
"I gathered that," Lasso responded. His eyes did the glancing at Green a couple of times, messaging his lover with expression as to her earlier quandary as to what to do with Ro Green.
Green leaned back in her chair as she had heard all that. ~The Lord works in mysterious ways~ she thought ~As does the Core~
Taavis caught the eyes of her man. It would seem that fate had intervened in her current command hierarchy. "Captain Green. If this situation calls for Captain Bjorgo to move on to Earth, would you be willing take command of the USS Nazgul. She is a light cruiser, Reliant-class, and has an experienced crew. Since you were looking to change up, and your rank is now a factor, the command transfer should take minimal time to enact."
Green was not going to play coy on this. "I would relish the opportunity. I am tired of big cruisers, anyway. There are times when the ship size is a hinderance, not a bonus."
"I can't argue that." Lasso said, smiling. "Flight Control Chief, so I like smaller vessels."
"Then it is decided." Taavis said. "Should Bjorgo give up his command to aid Starfleet Command, then the USS Nazgul will fall to you, Captain Green. You spent over 15 years aboard two ships for the majority of your career. Going from Chief Engineer to Number One. Your qualifications speak for themselves."
"Thank you, Captain Taavis." Green responded, her countenance now in professional mode. "As I always say when taking on new assignments; you'll have my best."
Taavis cracked a grin. "I expected nothing less. I'll need to get to my offices and begin the transfer paperwork. With the message from Bjorgo I am sure he is going to leave as soon as possible for Earth." She stood up and went around the table, lovingly placing a hand on Lasso's left shoulder and squeezing slightly. Leaning in Taavis gave him a couple of pecks on the lips. "Apologies, Gavin. This needs to be seen to. Rain check?"
"You got it, babe." Lasso smiled, then snatched one more peck before Taavis walked out of the restaurant. He looked to Ro and gave a pseudo-sheepish look. "I'm a lucky man."
Green smiled. "I agree. Taavis is a singularity but, if you know how to navigate it, it won't do you harm. Anyway," she waved that off. Their relationship was none of her business and frankly, she really did not care to hear about the hair pulling and jumping about of others right now. "I should get ready to move. I have bags to pack in my quarters." Ro stood and shook hands. "Good to meet you. Maybe we can all lunch together before Nazgul needs to depart. Until then, Gavin, take care."
Lasso watched ehr back as she left, her little Cosmo following along like a well trained pet. Chuckling quietly to himself, glad his lover had something to do, he went back to eating and chatting with those around him.