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#21 Rise and Vertigo

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 1:05am by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Reflections of Shadows
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: current


Coming through the fog of unconsciousness, the mind finally able to see the light of the surface as it rose to the conscious, Billi came to. Her eyes began to flutter to open, the brightness of Sickbay at first causing her to wince as the eyes began to slow the flutters and actually open. She knew she was in Sickbay, she remembered coming here. Her head felt like someone had used it as a bass drum in a metal band. As her memory began to piece together what had happened to her she remembered the foolish moment she had wrapped her arms around the Q who came to challenge the imposter. A Q that had become almost entirely energy rather than physical. Like an elephant kicking a house fly away the Q had zapped her with a energy pulse that had cooked her legs and arms and flung her back into the forward viewport on the Bridge. That thought caused he to wince as she remembered the flash of light that had accompanied the back of her head impacting the solid transparisteel wall. She remembered the others looking to her well being, and then being transported to Sickbay. After that things were hazy.

Lifting her head Billi looked down the front of herself, which brought more discomfort from the pounding headache, but also the whiplash her neck was recovering from. There was her body, covered by a blanket, and only wearing her bikini briefs. To get to her wounds and broken bones she assumed Medical had had to remove her sports bra. Nothing for it, Billi got her elbows under her enough to sit up with a grunt, the blanket falling down to uncover her chest, and which she made no move to correct. As an Orion woman there was no shame in nudity, it was a part of her culture, and if others could not respect that then they could be embarrassed for the rest of their lives. Not her problem. Her head fell forward into her hands as she rubbed her face and temples, then massaged her neck at the base of her skull enough to ease the taught muscles and relieve the sharpness of the pain. The longer she was conscious, her eyes adjusting back to every day sights, the more her pain was easing. It felt like she had been on a week long bender and was now dealing with the hangover.

Bringing her hands back to examine them, Billi turned them this way and that several times. The burns had been mended all the way up to her elbows, but there were telltale signs that they had just been healed. The skin was new, shiny, and more sensitive due to not having been repaired long enough to have adjusted to environmental conditions. Billi was not at all disappointed by that, knowing that it could be much worse. Of course, as an Orion female, her vanity would have her returning a few more times to make sure that all scarring would get removed. Reaching out she moved the blanket from her legs, examining the front of her thighs where they too had been burned by electrical discharge. They were not as bad due to the uniform pants, but they too would need more care in the days to come. ~Okay~ she thought to herself ~Here we go~

Looking around, seeing that so far no one had noticed she was sitting up and moving, Billi swung her legs to her left and let them dangle over the side of the bed. There was a bit of vertigo as she turned and having been bashed in the head in her past more than a few times she knew that that was due to concussion. How bad was yet to be seen. Easing herself off the bed, her tush slowly sliding off until the balls of her feet touched the deck, Billi felt that maybe things were not as bad as she thought. Letting her weight settle she took a half step forward to get her feet apart enough to provide a better base. Like a drunkard her vertigo hit and she careened to her left. Missing getting her left hand on the edge of the bed for support, she stumbled sideways with her right hand shooting out as she caught sight of a possible aid to remaining standing. In her rush to correct herself she did not note that it was a tray cart, and had not been locked in place. So, when her hand grasped the edge of the tray the cart was pushed away due to momentum, causing her to loose her footing and go crashing to the deck with the tray still in hand, which clattered to the deck as all that was upon it did the same. In the quiet of Sickbay it was quite the ruckus. "Shit," she hissed out, tossing the tray aside and remaining on the floor angled on one hip whilst her two arms kept her torso upright.

She knew someone would come to investigate so Billi got on her tush and swung her left arm up high to grasp the edge of the biobed and pull herself to her knees, her head coming up like a child in hiding after she had made a mess.

Len came out of the office when she heard the crash. She looked around, noting that the Commander was not on the biobed that they had left her on. She saw the dark hair of Billi and she started walking towards her. "Are you alright Commander?"

With Doctor Holbrook on the opposite side of the bed from her, coming her way, Billi placed her forearms on the bed and exposed her upper half at shoulder level, keeping her twins from view. "Yeah, yeah. I got up and the grav plating musta malfunctioned. I toppled over into that cart." She casually thumbed over behind her right shoulder where the cart was, but fallen over she knew that Holbrook probably could not see it until she got close enough to change the angle of vision. "Or, you can take the truth for what it is. I got brave, stood up, and my head didn't quite agree. Can I borrow your shirt?"

Len nodded, "I'll be right back." Len goes back into her office and grabbed one of her extra uniform undershirts. She goes back to the Commander, "Here you go, it should fit."

"Sweet," Billi said, standing up and taking the shirt, pulling it on over her head and adjusting it. She finger combed her hair back, felt some vertigo, and quickly placed a hand on the bed to keep herself steady. "Do you have anything to offset vertigo, Doctor. Mister Loewen needs relief, I'm sure."

A male yeoman came into Sickbay, his angle bringing him in from behind the Orion. His eyes went to her backside and the lithe, athletic legs and immediately corrected to come up to meet Len's eyes. "I, uhhh, just wanted to let you know, Doctor. Captain Green is back aboard and has taken command again. We're still heading in to M-69 to try and assist."

Still using the bed for support, Billi looked over her shoulder. She saw the flushing of cheeks on the man. Her face went back to Holbrook. "Len, please, get me back to work. Whatever it takes within medical protocols." The man, after another glance at the emerald backside, quickly departed.

Len grabbed a hypospray from a different tray and put medication into tjr hypospray that would help with Vertigo and would be safe for Orions. She came up to Billi and applied it to her neck. "That should work for the Vertigo. How bad does the concussion feel?"

"I still have a bit of a migraine, but nothing I can't manage," Billi explained. She already felt the affects of the medication and stood tall, no wooziness or vertigo. "A damn sight better, thank you. Last concussion I had I felt the need to vomit on occasion, but not with this one. We are tougher than we look, we Orions, being similar in anatomy to Vulcans. Maybe that was my saving grace." Billi had said that while going over to the replicator and ordering her uniform, which was in the memory. A folded set of clothing appeared even as she finished speaking and she scooped them up, coming back to the bed. Without shame she stripped down to nothing and began to dress in the clean duds.

Len had grabbed a PADD when Billi went to get her clothes. She began inputting data and looked up when Billi came back to the biobed. She saw her story to strip down and Len went back to inputting data. "Alright, I'll release you for duty, but if the headache gets worse or you start to get nauseous then you are to report back here."

"You got it," Billi said, being practiced at quick changing clothing. Getting her slacks on she pulled the socks on quick, then slid her feet into her boots one at a time. Bjorgo was right back when he was captain, the old Kirk era uniforms were the best for duty (SNW uniform) and he had approved them for Nazgul as ship's uniform. No one had changed it yet and even Green was wearing it now. She got her sports bra on and then pulled her red shirt on. "I don't want to be a hinderance, so if I begin to feel anything bad I will get my ass back here, Doc. You have my word. Keep charting, be back in a minute." Billi ran to another section of Sickbay, to the sonic showers in the back and stepped into one fully clothed. The sonic energy ran up and down her body and cleaned it, as well as, her uniform even though it was brand new. It took all of two minutes and she came back to Holbrook. She looked around and did not see what she was looking for, then remembered the tray items scattered on the floor. There amongst the items and devices was what she sought so she took it up and placed it on her uniform: her combadge.

Len finished charting. "You are now cleared," she said with a smile.

Billi shook her hand, covering the handshake with her other hand to show she meant what she was saying. "I appreciate this, Len. I mean it." Releasing the hand she gave Holbrook a nod of respect and left Sickbay.


Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

Lt. Commander Billi
Executive Officer/Number One
USS Nazgul


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