#22 Ready to Engage
Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 6:44pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Marz & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current
"Has all our sensor data been sent to 69?" Captain Green asked. The Nazgul had come in with the IKS 'Iwghargh alongside starboard, their sensors scanning the station as they maaintained a crescent pattern along the orbit of the starbase to avoid a direct confrontation with the Assul dreadnought. Peel was already there and Callaghan had been specific about sending them external damage reports and keeping any smaller Assul vessels clear of the station. Having gathered said data Green had kept her ship on a continuous back and forth crescent pattern in their lanes. If Peel called then they would be there within a minute to assist. She knew the Klingons must be thinking she had lost her mind, or was a coward, for not engaging.
Kara responded to the Captain's query. "Yes, Captain. M-69 now knows all we do about the condition of the station. I informed them that Nazgul may take part in an operation to see to docking arm nine and the damaged EPS manifold there."
"Thank you, Kara. We need..."
"I'm here, Captain." A woman's voice said from the port lift as it opened onto the Bridge. Billi stepped out, still looking a bit pale despite her emerald skin. "Doctor Holbrook cleared me for duty." She went down the steps to center Bridge, not stepping onto the CO dais as she looked her commanding officer in the eye as she stopped to her left.
Green waved her in and when Billi leaned forward she was surprised when the Captain placed her hand gently along the side of her head, covering her right ear with her palm. Green closed her eyes and called on the Core, using it to Sense the damage to Billi's internal organs; mainly her brain. "A concussion, not severe but not lihgt enough to be mild." This came out in a kind of faraway tone as Green announced what was wrong exactly with the Orion's head. Ro squeezed her eyes shut slightly as she focused Core energy into Billi's skull, allowing that energy field to find the damaged tissue and heal it. No one said a word as they all watched it happen. After about 40 seconds Green's eyes came open and she pulled her hand back with a grin. "You will find that your concussion is no more, Number One. Have Ainkara reinstate you in the logs, then take your post."
Not knowing what else to say to what just happened, Billi went back to standard operating procedure. "Aye, Captain." Still confused over the occurrence, Billi silently went over to Kara and got reinstated. "I'm back on roster, Captain. I'll have Kara catch me up."
"Do it quickly, Billi. Docking arm Nine is badly damaged and anyone still in that section will suffer if we don't come up with a plan." Green informed her First Officer.
"On it, Sir." Billi got down to business with Kara.
"Mister Resch, request visual communication with Captain Marz. When confirmed, put it on screen." Ordered Green. After a minute he announced the call was accepted and coming on screen.
"Captain Green, so good to see you back. Is there a reason we are flying around like sting flies over a corpse?" Marz asked this, but gave a chuckle and a grin. Starfleet often did things that did not make sense to Klingons but, it was their station and he was here to offer his aid as an ally in any way they needed him.
"Orders from the Commodore." Green said. "We are to ascertain the external damage and send a report to them, which is done. Now, we are to engage and run off, or destroy, any other Assul vessels that try to make their way to the base. You honor us by your presence, HoD. And, it would be an honor to fight alongside you and your brave crew if you care to aid us in keeping the targs out of the planted fields."
Marz gave a laugh. "Your cultural respect is appreciated, Captain Green. Yes, we are here until this threat passes, in combat or not. There are only 53 of us aboard but, give the word, and we will storm M-69 as if Khaless himself were leading the charge!"
"I'm sure the Commodore and Captain Callaghan would appreciate that. However, I prefer to not allow any more of these baktag access to the station. USS Nazgul will be firing to destroy, not cripple. Let us hunt, Patriarch." Green gave a crooked smile at that, seeing the same appearing on the face of the Klingon Captain.
"Are you sure you are not at least half Klingon?" Marz asked in jest, liking how she spoke like any Klingon warrior would. He leaned forward to look more directly at the viewer. "If it is Assul, it dies this day. We will cloak and shadow you, Captain. Qapla'!" He gave a chopping motion near to his neck and the transmission cut off with Resch speaking up just after it closed.
"The Bloodsport has cloaked. No longer on our scopes." Griffon did not look worried at that. He looked over at his Captain, giving his own grin, knowing that the Klingons would make good use of their cloaking tactics. He gave her a nod of understanding and then his eyes went back to his station.
Leaning back in her chair, Captain Green let her people do their jobs. She leaned to the right, her right elbow on the armrest as she rubbed her chin in thought. Through the Sense provided by the Core, Ro could feel the confusion and anxiety from the Bridge crew after what they had witnessed with Billi. There were questions that needed to be asked so she could answer them truthfully but now was not the time. For trust to truly work on this ship then she would need to be forthcoming when a query came her way.