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Station Post #20 Lending A Hand Pt.3

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 10:18pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


< Snip >

"Shields up, Red Alert, Tactical bring weapons online. When we're within range initiate Phasers, Tango-Alpha-Zulu configuration" Commander Devroe ordered. "Aye Commander, setting up the configuration now" Lieutenant SanChez replied.

< End Snip >

"Lieutenant Sayvek, scan the Assul ship and see if you can give me any idea of the size of their Crew" O'Connell ordered wanting to know what they were up against.

" Their shield pattern and hull composition prevents an accurate bio scan. I have isolated three or four different life signals. One is humanoid." Sayvek replied.

With Lieutenant Veran-Dallas safely aboard and the Marines deployed to the Base, Captain O'Connell could focus at the matter at hand as he called out "Lieutenant SanChez hang tight for a minute with the phasers. Comms hail the Assul Ship" came the orders as he could hear "Aye captain" all around. Whispering to Angel "Commander I don't mean to counter your order but maybe we can get them to leave without a fight." although he knew that was a real shot in the dark.

"No problem Captain, as always you lead and I'll follow" Angel stated with a smile letting Jamie they were good.

O'Connell stood walking forward and stopped behind Helm as he straightened his uniform "Assul Ship, this is Captain Jamie O'Connell Commanding Officer of the USS Peel. Attacking a Federation Star Base is an act of war. Stand down, recall your Crew, and leave or we will destroy you and your Ship" he stated matter of factly awaiting a reply.

On the viewer the visual image of the Assul Champion appeared. " We are not afraid of war. Your starbase holds our Princess and also our property. "

Not liking what Captain O'Connell was hearing, he turned and gave Comms the signal to terminate the conversation as he thought "No being has the right to claim another being as their property and if they want a fight then we'll bloody well will give them one." Walking back to the command chair "Commander Devroe, your up" he ordered before he sat.

Standing Angel looked towards Tactical "Lieutenant San Chez target their weapons array using the same configuration I gave you a few minutes ago; fire when ready."

"Aye Commander firing now" Maria replied "Direct hit, they're shields down to seventy five percent." The configuration acted like a 'jack hammer' pounding at their shields slowly taking them down. "Captain they're powering up their weapons.....firing"....moments later the Peel shook.

Lieutenant Albo called out "Forward shields down to ninety percent.....redirecting more power.....forward shields back to ninety seven percent."

"Helm, let's not be there when another one comes our way" Jamie ordered. "Aye Captain....ready for evasive maneuvers" Ensign Hanes replied standing at the ready.

"Captain I'm picking up a Federation Ship on short range scanners.....they're heading our way" Maria informed Command then paused "It's the USS Nazgul Sir."

A wave of relief swept over Jamie knowing they wouldn't have to go it alone "Let me know when they are within communication range." "Aye Captain."

< Assul Ship >

The Champion was very angry at his losses and watches as a second ship entered the system along side the scout class ship and the Peel.

Per his prerogative he had two choices and neither one was surrender.

< Peel >

"Commander the Assul shields are down to forty percent" Lieutenant SanChez informed command after the constant pounding at their shields for the last twenty minutes.

A smile came across Angel's face as she gave the Captain a thumbs up "Great! Load up two quantum when ready.....ten seconds between each" she ordered but before Maria could respond "Ma'am the Assul just dropped a cannon from the bottom of their Ship!"

"Helm evasive maneuvers" O'Connell called out but as hard as he tried Hanes just couldn't shake the energy pulse, it had locked on to their heat signature, then slammed into the starboard side of the Peel.

"Damage report" O'Connell called out. "Damage on Decks 6 and 7; minimal injuries" Johan replied but still checking for more damage.

Moments later the Captain's comm went off "Captain, Flannery here. That last hit we took ruptured a plasma conduit going to the warp core; we need to repair it as soon as possible but the engines will have to come offline to make the necessary repairs."

Looking at his Number One, O'Connell wasn't pleased with what he was hearing but he wasn't about to sacrifice his Ship or his Crew "Lieutenant how long to effect repairs" he inquired knowing what he would now need to do.

"About thirty minutes or so Sir using a good portion of my Staff then we'll be good as new" Marcus Flannery replied confident in his assumptions.

Letting out a long sigh "Commander looks like we'll be breaking off our attack for a bit" Jamie commented "Helm lay in a reciprocal hundred kilometers...full impulse" was the order. "Aye Captain, plotting course.....full impulse....ten hundred kilometers" Hanes replied as the Peel made a banked turn heading away from the fight.

Walking over to Tactical "Maria a word please" as Jamie had her complete attention "Not to question your abilities but were you aware of a weapon in the Ships belly."

Looking at her Captain for a moment before answering "No Sir, I was not. As Lieutenant Sayvek has stated their hull at that location makes it near impossible to get an accurate scan.....looks like it's shielded" Maria explained "Permission to speak freely Captain."

"Yes, of course" Jamie relied.

In a low voice "Sir, I apologize for missing something that crucial" then she paused a moment looking Jamie in the eyes "Looks like I screwed up big time."

Jamie grinned as he placed his hand on her shoulder replying in a low voice "Maria like I said, I'm not questioning your abilities at Tactical I just needed to know what happened" then he paused "Don't beat yourself up over this. Like my grand dad use to say 'shit happens' when he couldn't explain something and this fits in that category."

SanChez smiled "Thank you Captain that means a lot coming from you Sir" she responded.

O'Connell grinned then turned "Comms get me the Nazgul.....on Screen" came the order. Moments later the Ensign gave a thumbs up. Jamie straightened his uniform and walked up behind Helm and waited for the Nazgul's Captain.


Senior Staff
USS Peel



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