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Station Post #21 " Sabers and Fire "

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2024 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Myar
Edited on on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 1:59pm

Location: NX Athena and USS Peel and Station
Timeline: Concurrent


" Starbase M-69 to approaching vessels. The station is under attack by a hostile force. Do not approach this station." Commodore Sureths voice warned.

Captain Deke Rivers listened to the Commodore's words but then watched as part of the stations ring erupted in an explosion.

" Get us closer, their might be casualties. Myar prepare transporter..." Deke ordered.

[ They hit a science lab sir ] the Caitian replied.

"Beam me in with a small team, we'll help evacuate casualties." David said "We can beam in near the intel offices and use it as a staging area."

Dr Hiri had already prepared triage for any in coming.

< Station Main Engineering >

Engineering shook as explosive were erupting sending the ripple effects throughout the stations.The MFD displayed a see of red throughout its lay out. Jessica was very concerned of the approaching threat that is closing in. She and her team equipped themself with weapons some had rifles but the majority had phaseres, Jessica and Nora equipped themselves with rifles. Almost everyone of them aimed at the main door, a few of them guarded the Jeffries tubes. They were ready. Jessica shouted “we need to hold engineer as long as we can until the needed support is coming.”

A few moments later the doors to enigineer burst open and the Assul assault team entered. Phaser, rifle and enemy fire were hissing through the air. Jessica tapped her comm. “ commodore engineer has been breached.

Sureth heard the cry from engineering and immediately called for security to get down there. With the marines not yet redeployed and the flight wing off station the station was not battle ready for an attack of this size.

" Help is coming Commander. " Sureth replied.

"Thanks," she said. Jessica and her team kept returning fire keeping the enemy at bay for now.

< Athena >

Deke looked to Wallace as he saw the explosion still erupting.

" Commander Wallace you have the con, get me close enough and beam me back to the station. " Deke stated.

"Bring us in tight as possible helm, slow us down for transport." David looked at the readings "this is gonna get bumpy."

" She is a tough ship don't blow her up." Deke said just before beaming away.

< Science Labs >

In one of the severely damaged Science labs Ellie was unconscious trapped under a pile of debris, she’d only been visiting to check on an experiment when the lab had taken a direct hit.

< Sick Bay >

Doctor Williams just received a call that some of the Science Labs had been hit by the Assul and casualties were expected. Grabbing a phaser and his go-bag Ramvek left his office "Ok people, some of the Science Labs have been hit and injured are expected; get ready for an inflection of patients; I'm going to the Labs" he ordered before tapping his Comm "Transporter Room, this is Doctor Williams, I need an emergency Transport to the Science Labs." "No problem Doctor" came the reply just before Ramvek vanished from site in beam of white light.

< Ops >

Captain Hunt and four of his Marines materialized as John was looking around for someone with authority. Seeing a Commodore John walked over "Excuse me Commodore, I'm Captain John Hunt from the Peel with some of my Marines to help. Where do you need us Sir?"

" Captain I need you to follow me to engineering. The Assul have boarded our station on multiple sections.

"Right behind you Sir" John stated then looking at his Marines "Ok people this is what we've trained for....two by two on me and stay sharp....deadly force is authorized" as the group started towards Engineering.

Captain Deke Rivers materialized nearest to the explosion and quickly found a pair of gloves. From there he began to move debris and rubble where he found a body. Checking for life signs he scooped her up and carried her to the furthest cross section away from the damage.

" Captain Rivers to sickbay. EMERGENCY Medical Transport"

< Sick Bay >

Doctor Williams had just returned from the Science complex, not able to do much there since the corridor was blocked with debris, when he heard the call "Doctor Williams here, we're ready so initiate transport when you're ready.

Moments later a young pregnant women materialized and she looked pretty banged up "Doctor Daniels help me get this woman on the bio-bed and be careful she's about seven and a half months pregnant. After getting her situated Ramvek stood for a moment looking at his newest was Ellie Kees-Odak.
Grabbing his scanner he started his scan being very mindful of the twins she was carrying. No broken bones but significant head trauma and her blood pressure was jumping around.

Ellie started moving a little and moaning somewhat "Ellie it's Doctor Williams, there was an're safe in Sick Bay....are you in pain at all" he inquired with much concern.

Ellie opened her eyes looking at Ramvek for a short time, she briefly nodded her head, then opened her mouth to speak but what came out was incoherent at best before she lost consciousness once again.

Continuing his scans, Doctor Williams saw her blood pressure spike once again for several seconds before returning to somewhat normal. Checking Ellie's twin babies he noticed one was having some minor difficulties; that's when Ramvek made the decision "Doctor Daniels prepare Surgical Ward One and be quick about it; we need to take her twins before they develop any serious problems" he ordered. "On it Doctor" as Daniels turned to get things ready. "Nurse Stone you'll be assisting me through this whole procedure" as Heidi walked over "Whatever you need Doctor" she replied glad to be of assistance.

Minutes later Ellie was being wheeled into surgery as Williams instructed "Ok help me get her on the operating bed" he stated as Dr. Danieles assisted. Bringing up the surgical dome over Ellie's stomach, Ramvek began. Several minutes later the twins were successfully extracted being placed in infant bio-beds. Dr. Daniels made a couple belly buttons then the twins were placed into the charge of a specially trained infant for the next twenty four hours just to be sure they remained stable.

Running a more specific scan Williams realized Ellie need the pressure relieved off her brain before any permanent damage happened. After a very careful and accurate incision was made, he was able to release the pressure. Giving her some meds Ramvek instructed Heidi "Nurse let's get Ellie to intensive care. I want her checked around the clock until she regains consciousness." "I'm on it" Heidi replied as she did as requested. With the twin babies safe, and healthy, now all anyone could do was wait for Ellie to come around.

Deke paused for a minute then returned to the outer ring through the corridors. Abruptly stopping as three Assul crossed his path.

" You guys are pure ugly." Deke stated.
Unamused one pulled out a large knife and engaged Deke followed by the other two. Overwhelmed leaving the now motionless man on the floor as they moved on to their next victim.

< Athena >

"We've taken a couple of good hits, we're okay otherwise, it might be wise to get things moving..." David paused as looked at a display "Did someone send out a distress signal, there's a federation ship at extreme range."

At helm Ltjg Petty replied " It's the USS Peel sir. It has engaged the Dreadnought."

[ Myar to bridge. The engines are at 92 %. Phasers are operable and quantum tubes are rearmed.]

"let's throw the hammer, get me a target let's rattle their teeth," he paused "Clock is ticking let's move people."

Ltjg Petty engaged and found a lower hull portal causing a great explosion on the Assul vessel.

" We found their weakness sir. A fuel source."


OOC-Sureth :this one is almost ready


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