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Station Post #22 Down And Dirty

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 5:03pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Edited on on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 5:04pm

Location: M-69
Timeline: Concurrent To SP #21

OOC: Lieutenant JG Albo writing for Captain Hunt and the Marines.


Captain John Hunt followed Commodore Sureth to Engineering. As they entered the corridor John could hear phaser fire. Looking to Sureth "Sir, we'll take it from here" Hunt stated then addressing his Marines "OK, Privates Jones and Anderson you two take the far side of the entrance. Sergeant Parker you're with me on this side of the entrance; SPO Evans watch our six. Remember lethal force is authorized so set your weapons to kill" came the orders as everyone fell in place.

Coming up behind the Assul fighters Captain Hunt called out "Hey you ugly bastards, the Marines are here" as everyone began to fire their weapons. A few minutes later Anderson called out "Sir, we're having little effect on these assholes." Seeing that Sarah was spot on "Set weapons to maximum, let's see how they handle that" Hunt ordered while thinking "If this doesn't work then it's on to phaser grenades" as everyone did so first one then the other as their training dictated.

Being pinned down between the crossfire from the Station Crew and the Marines the Assul had little to no chance of success but they refused to give up. Finally after about 30 minutes of exchanging fire they were finally beaten.

Seeing the results of their efforts, Hunt called out "Cease fire" as the Marines carefully advanced checking each Assul body making sure they would never get up off the deck.

Grabbing six badges Hunt placed one on each of the lifeless Assul bodies. Tapping his Comm "Transporter Room One, this is Captain John Hunt C.O. of the Marines from the USS Peel. We have six dead Assul in Engineering, lock on to their signals and beam them out into space please" he ordered figuring if there was a problem with his order they could take it up with Captain O'Connell.

"No problem Captain Hunt" came the reply as the six dead vanished in a beam of white light.

John walked over to the Engineering Crew as he received thank you's all around "You're welcome but you all did a great job holding Engineering until help arrived. Commodore Sureth should be proud" he replied then turned to his fellow Marines "Great job Marines, your training served you well" he stated "Let's go see where we're needed next" as everyone reformed into a two by two with Hunt following watching their six.


Captain John Hunt (written by LT.JG Albo)
Commanding Officer
Star Fleet Marines
USS Peel


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