#35 Officer Exchange Program
Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2024 @ 8:32pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Marz & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF}
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
After the IKS 'Iwgargh had docked at M-69, Lieutenant Marz made his way to the hatch and gangway leading to the station. He was alone, waving off any attempts to get him to go along with other crew to have a drink. In as few words as possible he informed them that he would join them later but, for now, he had other business to attend to. Not wanting to upset the Patriarch of House Kehlani they let him be, even if they did give him the typical Klingon 'ration of shit' with laughter and claps on his back and shoulders. Making his way through the station Marz eventually ended up at his intended destination. Approaching the door it slid open, depositing Lieutenant Marz within the confines of the offices of Fleet Captain, Starfleet. He approached the desk of the assistant, seeing an ensign. He appeared to be Human, and when Marz stepped up to the front of the desk he looked up. His eyes widened a bit at seeing a rough and ready Klingon, not the typical Starfleet visitors. However, to his credit, he recovered his composure and spoke up. "Can I help you, Lieutenant?"
"Lieutenant Marz, captain of the IKS Bloodsport, here to see Captain Taavis." He stood tall and hooked his thumbs in his belt.
The ensign, not wanting to argue, reached out and tapped a key. A small, holographic bust of Taavis popped up and looked at him. "You need something, William?"
Ensign William Lang addressed the holographic visage of his boss, his eyes mainly on her, but also dancing back to the Klingon sporadically. "Yes, Captain. There is a Lieutenant Marz here to see you. Shall I send him in?"
"Please do." The holographic headshot faded.
"You may go in now, Sir."
Marz gave a growling chuckle as well as a slightly cynical rolling of his eyes as he shook his head at the situation. Walking to the double doors that led into the Captain's office, with them opening at his approach, the Klingon strode forward. As he entered he noted that Taavis was not directly ahead, at her desk, as the doors slid shut behind him. He heard a clanking of glass to his right and looked over, seeing the Vulcan Captain standing behind her minibar. Turning his course her way he approached the opposite side of the wetbar. He noted that she was opening a bottle of bloodwine, a good vintage, and she poured the contents of it into two metal goblets. Putting the empty bottle in the refuse chute, she then took up the cups and walked around the bar, handing one over to him.
"nuq neH (what do you want?)." She asked, at which point she gave a subtle salute with her goblet and took a pull from it.
Marz grinned and returned the salute, he too drinking a mouthful down to show respect for her position, and her use of his own cultural norms. "A fine vintage, Captain. You have friends in high places within the Empire, I see."
"You have no idea, Marz." Taavis used his name, with no rank or title. "Let's speak as friends, shall we? Kehlani and I have a bond so it would be wise to build the same with her mate. In here, let us speak to each other plainly. Agreed?"
"Agreed, Taavis. To a point." Said Marz. "When I am here on business, whether Imperial or colonial, I will use rank when it is of great importance." He took another swig of wine.
Taavis sipped her own as she got them moving over towards the small lounge area with sofas and chairs, and a coffee table. "That is agreeable," she said as she sat down, motioning to a lone chair for him to sit in, which he did. "So, getting those particulars out of the way, what brings you here today?"
Marz contemplated the query, arranging what he had to say within his mind so as to not sound overly belligerant. Not that he cared but, Starfleet types tended to not like a brusque attitude. "I am interested in a shared concept between our governments. One that is rarely used but still has merit. Neither sides personnel seem too...excited, to take part." He let that hang in the air as he sipped more wine.
Taavis arched her eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "I am not catching up with you," she admitted. It was not the Klingon way to dance around a subject. Perhaps his mate Kehlani was rubbing off on him, and being subtle was something he finally saw as having merit when needed. "What concept do you refer to?"
"The officer exchange program." Marz said this matter-of-fact. "I am curious if you have any personnel who wish to serve on a Klingon vessel. That would keep me close to M-69, for better use by your staff and to provide aid as an ally. Plus, one of your...soldiers, will become better acquainted with the Klingon culture."
Taavis gave a crooked grin. "Well, I can say that none are lining up to serve on a Klingon ship. Might have something to do with you lot always appearing to be grumpy and unapproachable. But, I could be mistaken." There was a lilt of humor in her tone, to let Marz know how most outsiders viewed Klingons. "However, I might be able to aid you in that." She tapped her combadge. "Taavis to Lasso."
Gavin's voice came through. "Lasso, here, Captain."
"Mister Lasso, please come to my office as soon as possible. We have things to discuss." Said Taavis. He responded that he was on his way and the transmission cut. While they waited Taavis asked Marz how the colony was doing and how the family was. Small talk until the door hissed open and Gavin entered the office. A quick eye scan and he went over to them.
Both of them stood to meet the newcomer, with Taavis motioning to the Klingon. "Lieutenant Gavin Lasso, this is Lieutenant Marz, Captain of the IKS Bloodsport, or 'Iwgargh in their tongue. He is also the Patriarch of House Kehlani since she is his mate."
Lasso extended a hand to shake, which was grasped in the warrior's forearm handshake. "An honor, Lieutenant Marz. I've heard a few things about you. All good things, of course."
Marz still gripped this man's arm, holding him in place as his eyes went up and down his body before bringing the gaze back to the Human's eyes, and locking in. "You seem capable, and sturdy." Marz released the arm as his head turned to look at Taavis. "He'll do."
"Do?" Asked Lasso, his face showing his confusion as his eyes went back and forth between the two. "Do, for what?"
Taavis loved the fact that she had just caught her lover off guard. Not an easy task. Thanks to her Vulcan discipline she was able to remain completely casual aside from a bit of humor showing in her eyes. "The officer exchange program, Gavin. I take it you're familiar with the concept?"
That is what this is about, Lasso thought to himself. His body began to lose the tension he was feeling.
"He looks like he swallowed a glob fly," Marz chuckled.
Regaining his composure, and his slick attitude, Lasso gave a chuckle in return. This time he spoke in fluent Klingon using the Imperial dialect. "Perhaps I did. One less glob fly to irritate the world."
Marz's eyes went wide even as he was taking a swig of wine, which he had to swallow quickly due to the laughter that came from him at this man's response. "majQa'! (Well done). I like you already. Where does he sign, Taavis?"
Seeing that Lasso had put on 'the charm', as it were, Taavis looked to them both. "Lieutenant Lasso, would you agree to serve aboard the IKS 'Iwgargh? It won't be easy and you will be expected to perform your duties well, even under a Klingon lash."
"We don't use lashes anymore," Marz said with a crooked grin. "Instead, you get a beat down."
"Charming," said Lasso, grinning in return. "I would say yes, Captain, but that leaves Flight Control without its fearless leader."
"I'll take over Flight Control while you are busy with this duty assignment. As the Fleet Captain position indicates, it falls under my purview for duties and assignments unless the command staff calls for FC to be involved in something else." Taavis explained all that. "Basically, a Fleet Captain's private little squadron to keep tabs on."
Lasso gave a smile and shrug. "Alrighty then. I'm in. I take it you will pass this info on to command. Last thing I need is Wallace or Callaghan hunting me down as a deserter."
Marz gave another chuckle. "They can come looking but they will not like how it ends if they come to capture one of my crew."
Giving a scrunched, humorous, cynical expression back by a cynical grin, Gavin's eyes danced back and forth between the two. "Not exactly what I meant..."
Taavis had been speed tapping keys on a PADD, and leaving a text message for the command staff. "Enough, you two. There," she gave a final few taps. "You are now assigned to the IKS 'Iwgargh, Lieutenant Lasso. They know that the Fleet Captain will run the department of FC while you are away. HoD Marz. Do you accept Lasso as an exchange officer?"
"I do." Marz stated bluntly.
"Alright, internal sensors designate that as your voiceprint, and it is verified that you agree. Mister Lasso, one more time, do you agree to serve the Klingon Empire as a representative of both Starfleet and a Federation citizen?"
"Yes, Captain Taavis. I do." Gavin watched her tap away, his own voiceprint now added to the file.
Taavis finished her tapping and then held the PADD behind her back as she clasped her hands behind her back. "Lieutenant Marz. Lieutenant Lasso is now a member of your crew."
Marz downed the rest of his wine and placed the cup on the coffee table. "Come on, Gavin. Time to visit your new home." He began to move but stopped when the man did not follow. Looking back over his shoulder he saw Lasso and Taavis kissing, which caused his own eyebrow to raise. "There will not be room for her in your footlocker, Lieutenant. I said let's go!" He did not shout but merely raised his voice in a command tone.
Taavis gave Lasso a pat on the chest. "Go. Bring honor to your name and make me proud. Dismissed, Lieutenant."
Gavin Lasso, ready for this new adventure in his life, got in step with his new CO. The two of them left the offices of the Fleet Captain.