Station Post #39 " New Opportunities "
Posted on Sun Oct 27th, 2024 @ 5:23pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commodore Sureth
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent
Amidst all of the recent events a pause had occurred with Captain Shauna Callaghan and Captain Jamie O'Connell heading up peace talks with the Assul Warchief Loft. Sureth now had the opportunity to right some wrongs and make some improvements to the stations staff.
After seeing to business in COps (Command Ops), Sureth had invited Bjorgo to join him in his offices to discuss the Captain's ideas. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to bring up Admiral Stone's ideas to the Commodore, Captain Bjorgo was excited to present his ideas as a sound plan for a more rounded M-69. It was, after all, why Admiral Aaron Stone had asked him to leave the USS Nazgul and join him in looking at Starfleet logistics. But, after some time doing that, Stone realized that Tore missed his command, missed being around a crew he knew and understood, and missed being out on the front lines for exploration and adventure.
Once the meeting had been called, Bjorgo had contacted both Captains, Green and Taavis, and had them meet him just outside of the Commodore's command offices. They met up and stood together a few moments, Captain Green having brought Qeritas with her to meet the Commodore. After the pleasanties and greetings were over, Tore glanced at the two women. "No more cloaks and dark tavern rooms, ladies. Shall we?"
"Aww, you lot are so cute with your cloak and dagger stuff," said Qeritas, giving a cynical grin and expression.
"Hush, Qeritas." Green said. "We need you, not your wayward observations of our character."
Taavis did a tongue in cheek and almost, but not quite, rolled her eyes. "Can we get this over with, please. You two can argue later."
Bjorgo gave a nod to that, asked Qeritas to please remain respectful of the Commodore, and then all four moved into the offices where they were announced and then proceeded to enter the actual expansive office of the Commanding Officer for M-69: Commodore Sureth.
The group came in, stopped where they should according to protocol, each announcing themselves. All except Qeritas, who simply stood and watched the interplay, hands clasped behind her back, with an amused expression on her face. Bjorgo was the last to speak before affording Sureth the chance to respond. "We've come to present our ideas to you, Sureth. Qeritas was kind enough to join us so you could meet her, too."
" Indeed. It is agreeable to meet you Qeritas. I am familiar with your legend but I prefer to assess people on their actions. CAPTAINS BJORGO and GREEN please enjoy these genuine drinks as this is as informal as you will ever find me. By nature Vulcan's do not drink but I have grown accustomed to a bourbon from Earth that is agreeable to my palate." Sureth first replied.
Thanking Sureth each in their own way, Bjorgo, Green, and Taavis went and helped themselves to the minibar. Green and Bjorgo drank for flavor since alcohol was a toxin, which they were both highly immune to. Taavis, being a Vulcanoid like their esteemed leader, chose to go with Gorn Meridor. A fermented beverage not unlike the Romulan kali-fal.
Qeritas stayed where she was, and even stepped in closer to the Commodore, on his right side, her hands falling to her sides. Her outfit changed like a mirage, going from Starfleet admiral to a catsuit style with a low neckline and quite form fitting. It was always fun to test just how 'Vulcan' a Vulcan male really was. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Commodore. Glad to be of service if I am needed." She lowered her voice so it was just between them as the others looked to head back any moment. "Be careful what you wish for. I expect to be entertained for my assistance." She went quiet.
The others returned, drinks in hand. "So, Sureth," Bjorgo said. "Where would you like to start, Sir?"
" I need a strong sleet to serve this station. Captain Bjorgo has long since proven her Command. Captain Green your services are also noted. I am now in need of a Dean of the Extended Academy? Would you be willing to assume that role Captain Green?" Sureth asked.
Going along with the plans made months ago with Bjorgo and Admiral Stone, Green gave a nod. "I would be glad to, Sir. Nazgul was a good command but, it never felt like home. Captain Bjorgo deserves to have his command reinstated."
Taavis raised a hand with the index finger up to get their attention. "If I may," she said. "Commodore, do you think Green could do both? Academy Dean and Fleet Captain? I think she could, but that would be up to you, Sir."
Bjorgo merely sipped his drink, giving a slight nodding of his head as she was following the plan to get M-69 set up perfectly for its future.
" Et tu Taavis? You would leave me now also? Captain Rivers died I can't blame his heroism but why do you wish to leave us?" Sureth replied.
~Time to put things in motion with all due respect to this man~ Thought Taavis. Taking a breath she began. "Commodore, you know I respect and honor you. So, with M-69 being what it is, and where it is strategically, I wish to tender my retirement--officially--yet, 'unnoficially'. I have worked for months in negotiating with Federation Intelligence and I will become a deep cover operative-infiltrator. But, I wish to remain here on 69, run Club Bliss, and see to other merchant activities. Your extra set of eyes and ears where many of your subordinates could not dream of getting into since they are Starfleet. I would be a privateer to the facility and, to the outside observer, just another merchant bum and business owner who would be subject to the law as much as the next citizen." It had taken some effort to get that all out, her mind speaking slowly and steadily so as to make sure all the words were correct. She let out a breath when she finished speaking.
" I see. Very Logically concluded Taavis. I accept your retirement. Captain Green front and center." Sureth then commanded with his voice. " Captain Taavis do the honors."
Green handed her glass to Tore, then stepped up. Taavis removed her own Fleet Captain rank pin, then removed Green's captain's pin and replaced it with her old one. She placed Green's old pin in her palm. "There, Captain Green. You are now Fleet Captain. Just so you know my last official act was letting Lieutenant Gavin Lasso take part in the officer exchange program, and he is currently serving under HoD Marz aboard the IKS Bloodsport ('Iwgargh). That leaves you to run his FC department until he returns."
"No problem, Taavis. I got this." Green said this with confidence, not arrogance. She then looked back and forth at Tore and Sureth. "Commodore, is Captain Bjorgo going to relieve me as commanding officer of the USS Nazgul?"
" Yes Fleet Captain Green. Why don't you do the honors and make it so." Sureth again out sourced.
Tore set his glasses down on the nearest table and then turned to Green, approaching her. Extending his hand, they shook hands. "Captain Green, I am relieving you as commanding officer, USS Nazgul, effective immediately."
Green gave a big smile. "Captain Bjorgo, I am relieved. Computer; so note in duty logs that Captain Tore Bjorgo is reinstated as the commanding officer for USS Nazgul, effective immediately. Note time and stardate and file accordingly for Starfleet Command."
The computer took only a moment before responding. "Finished. Captain Tore Bjorgo is commanding officer, USS Nazgul. Logged and filed with Starfleet command. Addendum: Captain Rogue Green is now logged as Fleet Captain for starbase M-69, and head of Academy training, with all rights and privileges that entails. Fleet Captain Taavis is officially retired from Starfleet service and has passed her command to Captain Green. Done."
All eyes went to Taavis. She stood there, tapping away on a PADD, and when they looked at her she gave a casual shrug. "I got shit to do. I added my pieces to what you were saying, so it is now all official. I'm retired, you two are now placed as bishops to protect the king." Taavis handed the PADD to Green. "All my official access codes so you can get into the Fleet Captain system and change them. As of right now, I'm a civilian."
Taavis then looked to the Commodore. "Sureth, as a retirement gift, could I ask a favor?"
Sipping a drink of bourbon he then raised his left eye brow , " I am all ears."
"We have plenty of docking bays for ships here on the station. Could I designate one for use by myself, and for deliveries for Club Bliss? It needs to be a bit more sizeable than just a runabout bay." Taavis had changed her tone to that of a respectful guest asking a favor. It came from the heart. As of now he owed her nothing even if this was all a ruse for her to sink into undercover operations. She was a civilian, a citizen. "Something big enough for say, two medium freighters to land in to offload cargo."
" Yes. I'll have Lt Covenant free up some space. Taavis be careful. " Sureth replied.
Taavis gave him a slow nod. "I will. Always. You promise to do the same, old friend. Let Shauna and David know that I will aid them whenever I can."
Both Bjorgo and Green watched and listened. It was hard to not be taken in by the show of friendship between the two Vulcans.
Sureth savoured this moment inside as he had mutual respect for Taavis. He then turned his attention to his two Captains.
" Captain Green you have a lot to prepare for. There are three ships under your watch and an academy to Dean. Captain Bjorgo assume command of the Nazgul and await my and Captain Green's inspection. Dismissed." Sureth directed.
Both Captains gave their nods and said their goodbyes before walking out of the office together. Qeritas simply stood quietly, still standing next to the Commodore. Taavis gave Sureth the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life, Sureth." Her hand dropped to her side. "I better get my own affairs in order. Until next time." Having given her goodbye, Taavis then departed.
Sureth did not forget Queritas.
" Will you be on the station for a while Queritas?"
"Oh, I'll be around." Qeritas answered with a smile. A smile backed by eyes that had a plethora of mischief behind them. "Ro is my Champion, so I visit her often. Also, if you ever need me, Sureth, just call my name. I may, or may not, show up but it never hurts to try."
" Am I to understand you are a member of the Q Continuum?" Sureth asked.
"I am, yes." Qeritas answered. "We have rules about what we can and can't do, or how much we are allowed to interfere in the lives of the organics. But, I am the one willing to push those limits and test the character of those I meet. If someone thinks they are honorable, I test them. If another thinks they have high morals standards, I test them. Too many fail at what they claim to be." She gave a smile and hooked her arm into his like an old gal pal. "Like I said, Sureth, people here on your base may undergo some tests. Purely for entertainment purposes only. Well, my entertainment, anyway."
" I see. If those tests involve my daughter Isabella or my grandchildren, we will have issues. " Sureth then replied.
Qeritas gave him a smile, her eyes never faltering in appearance as they seemed to always be full of mischief and mirth. "Oh, see, that wasn't nice. But, I will take what you said into consideration. For now, I will leave those you care for out of my sights." Due to why she had been called here to begin with, Qeritas put on her serious countenance. "In regards to this temporal nonsense. Your station is flirting with things that could have disastrous effects for the entire region. Tread carefully, Sureth, please."
" I am not sure what you are referring to. There are no temporal studies or mechanics being done on this station. You are an intriguing wo...being Qeritas. " Sureth answered.
Qeritas gave him an expression that was a cross between anger and cynicism. "Oh, really? Tell me, Sureth. where are Captains O'Connell and Callaghan? You will find that what I have spoken is true. Don't be a fool." With that said Qeritas vanished into thin air.
Sureth exhaled and then exited the room. Returning back to OPS for an update.