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Station #40: Free and Clear

Posted on Sun Oct 27th, 2024 @ 7:42pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: Club Bliss
Timeline: Current


After leaving Sureth's office, Taavis made her way to Club Bliss. It was a slower part of the day for business, with very few patrons sitting around, mainly at the bar. Seeing the ever-present Manager/Business Partner Manny, behind the bar, Taavis broke into a crooked grin and went around to greet him. He turned to face her as she approached, reading the happiness on her face and quirking an eyebrow.

"Did you steal a cookie from a child?" Manny asked with his own crooked grin.

"As if," said Taavis. As she approached him she gave a high five as she came to a stop. "It's done. I'm finally free."

"Free?" Manny was actually a bit confused. "At some point you will explain so I can catch up, right?"

Taavis rolled her eyes and gave a sigh of pseudo-frustration. "Manny, I'm officially retired. No more ties to Starfleet. A free spirit and free trader just looking to make some currency and live the good life."

The regulars who were sitting at the bar all cocked their eyebrows at hearing that. A few who knew each other all gave each other side glances, all thinking the same thing. Just how retired did 'retired' mean? If she was looking to expand business and free trade then they would gladly work with her so long as her ties to Starfleet were null and void. Time would tell.

Leading Manny over to a spot behind the bar further from the bartop for more private talks, Taavis leaned in and whispered in his ear for a about thirty seconds. Manny's face showed raised eyebrows, nods of the head, all that when being told something. Once she finished he looked at her. "Really? That's the name?"

"Oh, yes." Taavis said. "Everyone knows it exists they just can't see it or prove it exists. Hidden in plain sight. I think it's fitting."

"I can't argue," said Manny. "After mulling it over for a few it does have a nice ring to it."

Taavis gave a light laugh. "You know me, all about style." She waved that off and moved to the next subject. "I'll be leaving within the hour, taking a transport ride on a friendly freighter. There are some things I need to pick up before I throw myself fully into retirement."

"Invictus?" Manny asked this under his breath, to keep the patrons from hearing him, but he knew that Vulcan hearing was sharper than anyone sitting at the bar, and Taavis could hear him.

"That's one thing I need to do, yes. But, this time, it's about securing my own ride for business. As always, hold down the fort until I get back." She gave him a hug and a squeeze before stepping back. "Not that I'm worried."

"Be safe and watch your six." Manny said.

"I will. This shouldn't take too long. See you when I get back." Taavis gave him a slap to the arm and left Club Bliss. Manny watched her go, the gears turning in his mind as to how they could capitalize on her newfound freedom of movement.



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