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Station #41: Returning To Work

Posted on Mon Oct 28th, 2024 @ 12:17am by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Bjorgo and Green had taken a site-to-site transport to the Captain's quarters on USS Nazgul, with carry totes in hand. Arriving, Tore began to help her collect her belongings and stow them in the totes. It took all of an hour since she had not completely turned them into her quarters as of yet, having been newly assigned. Promising to have lunch soon, the two hugged quickly and off she went, beaming back to M-69.

Contacting the quartermaster on M-69, Tore had them transport his belongings over to Nazgul, to the CO's quarters. The totes all arrived in the empty space between the long, L-shaped buddy bar and the kitchen area. After the last of them arrived, Bjorgo began to unpack and place his nick-nacks and belongings back in their original spots from his previous time on Nazgul as the CO. After the totes were empty he then called down to Nazgul's quartermaster office and had a couple of crew remove the totes and store them for use by himself, or others. He had no intention of using them anytime soon as he had finally come home.

Angling his face slightly upwards, with a half smile, he spoke up. "Computer, location of Commander Billi?"

"Commander Billi is on the Bridge."

"Which department heads are still aboard, computer?" He asked.

"Lieutenant Resch, Lieutenant Kara, Lieutenant Sheyla, Commander Billi. Would you like their locations?"

"No, computer, that's fine." The warble of the computer closing down sounded. With a grin to himself, Captain Tore Bjorgo left his quarters and headed for the nearest lift, ordering it to the Bridge. He came out in the starboard lift, the doors opening as he stepped forward. His head did a slow turn from right to left as his eyes scanned the familiar space of his command deck, seeing everything was the same even if there were 69 engineers aboard doing maintenance updates to consoles and the data within them. To his left was Billi, her back to him as she spoke with one of the engineers casually, discussing all the changes. Kara was at her post, which automatically put her back to him as she was focused on her monitors while reading some kind of data stream. Looking left again, his eyes locked on to Resch's eyes. When the man's eyes lit up as if he was going to make an outburst, Tore quickly put his finger to his lips to shush him, smiling behind the finger. Griff gave a nod and smile, playing along.

Moving quietly, Bjorgo went down the steps to center Bridge, then ascended the captain's dais and sat down easily so as not to make any noise. Once leaned back in his usual command posture, leaning casually to his right while observing his Bridge, Tore spoke up. "Number One, I'm still waiting on those progress reports for maintenance."

Billi and Kara both spun around quickly, immediately recognizing that voice. "Tore!" Billi said, only a millisecond before Kara said, "Captain!" The Voran stood and began to approach, while the Orion made the trek across the Bridge while Tore got back to his feet and stepped down to the main Bridge deck. Billi gave him a hug, her smile hard to kill at this point. Kara went to hug him, but then caught herself and simply stood with her hands behind her back, and although she wore a very subtle smile, her eyes belied her joy at seeing her old CO.

"Not this time, Kara," Tore said, reaching out and pulling her into himself in a bear hug. He rubbed her back affectionately even as her own arms were still trapped along her body since she had not had time to bring them up before the assault began. Bjorgo let her go, turning back to his far left with Griffon standing there. He too got a hug and returned it. Once the embraces were finished Bjorgo gave another warm smile. "So good to see all of you. You have been sorely missed."

"You, too, Sir." Kara said. She looked a little intense, like there was something on her mind, but deciding that now was not the time. Bjorgo scrunched his brow slightly at her, the others missing the exchange due to their own excitement. Kara gave him an extremely subtle shaking of the head, as if saying now was not the time. All of this happened in a matter of moments.

"Where is Blue...I mean, Doctor Sheyla," asked Bjorgo.

"Captain, please." Billi said. "We all know you and the Doc are a thing. We even know her nickname."

"Not like she hasn't told us about it a hundred times," Griff said sarcastically, chuckling at the joke.

"A hundred?" Bjorgo asked, feigning surprise at the admission. "Wow, I must have done something right."

Billi got into the antics and gave a dramatic rolling of the eyes. "Yeah, that something was an Andorian girl. You must have hit all the right spots...sorry." She said, realizing her Orion culture was starting to burn through the Starfleet veneer.

Kara, listening quietly as she always did, put it in her mind to research 'the right spots'. Resch had said that Billi was the one to ask about intimate activities, and it became apparent when she had to apologize and stop herself from saying anything further about the sexual escapades between the Captain and the Doctor.

"Okay, that went around three times without an answer. Let me try this again. Where-is-Sheyla? Did y'all hear me that time?" Bjorgo's eyes bounced around from face to face even as he smiled.

Billi decided to answer, being Number One, and knowing where her officers were. "Last I checked, she was in her quarters after an exercise session in the holodeck."

"Ah, yes," smiled Tore. "The dance sessions."

Resch gave a puzzled face. "Dance sessions?" He caught Tore's eye and decided to switch directions. "Nevermind. Not my business."

"Can you people get your minds out of the gutter for just a few minutes," Bjorgo asked, grinning at their effort to throw him off-balance with their banter. He reached out suddenly and put his right arm around Kara's shoulders, pulling her in against him. He gave her a friendly squeeze-shake. "Thank you, Kara. You're the only one not focused on sex at the moment."

~Should I tell him~ Kara thought to herself as she thought about her moments of contemplation on the very subject of sex. ~No~ "It is difficult not to, Captain, when others keep bringing it up. But, you're welcome..."

The port lift opened as she was speaking, and out walked Sheyla, head down as she was reading from a palm PADD. "Billi, I was wondering..." Sheyla's face came up to locate Billi, her eyes finding the woman in a cluster of multicolored shirts.

"Pardon me, folks." Said Bjorgo, getting them to step out of his way as he approached Sheyla. He remained on the main deck, a step down from her, and stopped.

Sheyla, her mind blown, took a moment to recover from seeing the face of her beau. The palm PADD was slid into her hip pocket as she strode forward, standing right before Tore, looking slightly down at him with the difference in elevation.

"Hi, babe." Tore said, giving a grin. "I was going to surprise you at your quarters...hmmph."

Bjorgo did not get to finish his sentence as Sheyla stepped in and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close, her urgency to touch him causing her to hold him tight. She buried her face in the side of his neck as she let her tears flow freely. As an Andorian it was kind of embarrassing to be this way in front of others. But, even a warrior race can burn with passionate emotions and this man brought them out in her.

Bjorgo held her tightly, rubbing her back and adjusting his hands along her sides to squeeze her lovingly. He knew how she felt due to the grip she now had on him. "I missed you too, Blueberry. Just know, I'm back."

Sheyla heard every word, rubbing her fingers through his hair on the back of his head as she also pet it back down, just glad to be able to touch him. She pulled her head back, still holding his face in the palms of her hands, her cheeks smeared wet with the remnants of her tears. "Back? Back here? The Nazgul?"

"You got it," said Tore. He reached up and cupped her face in his hands and gave her a lingering kiss of love. He let go and reached up for her wrists, getting her to bring her hands down between them as he grasped them. "Captain Tore Bjorgo, commanding officer, USS Nazgul. I will explain later," he let one of her hands go so he could half turn to look back at the others. He also noted that every station engineer on the Bridge to aid with updates had stopped working and had watched the whole affair between captain and crew. "To all of you, how it all came about. Suffice it to say that Admiral Stone and I have history, and Captain Green is his daughter. So, we worked some things out between ourselves and Commodore Sureth."

Not giving a vole's ass about Green, or Admiral Stone, Sheyla was just glad that Bjorgo was back. "This might sound biased, but I'm glad you made that choice." She smiled when he looked back at her.

"I think that was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen." When that female voice spoke aloud, all the Nazgul crew looked that way. It was one of the station engineers who was now standing and looking at the crew during the whole Tore/Sheyla moment. She looked rather flushed. "If you have a brother, Captain, send him my way, please."

That bit of humor mixed with fact broke the ice, causing everyone on the Bridge to begin to snicker or laugh. It cut through the moment and lightened the atmosphere. The only one not laughing was Kara, though she did grin as she once again stepped slightly away from the others, creating her bubble around herself.

"Come here you," said Bjorgo, getting Sheyla to lean in for another quick kiss. Once the kiss was done he gave her the look she was all too familiar with. It was Tore, but the way his eyes were set told her that right now he was Captain Bjorgo. "You know me, Blue. Ship first. I reinstated your access to my quarters so you can wait within if I'm not there." He gave the hand he still held of hers a squeeze and then released it.

"Yes, Sir." She replied with a smile. Sheyla did not care how late he would be getting his ship back to the way he liked it. Knowing she would sleep in HIS bed, next to HIM, was enough for her. "Sickbay has been updated already, Captain. We're good to go downstairs. Once your settled in I have some things I wish to discuss in regards to work."

"Fair enough, Doctor." Bjorgo replied. Being an Andorian, it was not too difficult for Sheyla to go from being the caring girlfriend to professional officer in the blink of an eye. "We have things to discuss, as a crew." He looked around at the others who had moved closer to where he and Sheyla now stood. "Taavis retired. Completely off the books for Starfleet. Green took up the mantle of Fleet Captain, but after a decade of serving as an XO on one ship, she was right for that job. Administration is something she excels at."

Billi was glad to hear that. She would have to catch up with Taavis and make some deals in regards to her old Orion clan, ran by her mother and sisters. There was profit to be made off of this region and her clan could stand to gain some of it.

Resch nodded along, giving the expression of someone who felt that Green was right for the job, and that Taavis deserved to get away from it all. He had read her service record, what he was cleared to read, and found that that woman had been all over the place in her career. First, for Vulcan, then later for Starfleet. And, that she had a Romulan family that was one of the most powerful in the Star Empire. Family Tovan.

Ainkara merely remained stoic, taking in what was said and going through it both strategically and logically. She did not know these people being spoken of, but if all her companions sang them praises then she felt that at least some of it was well deserved. Kara still needed to talk to Captain Bjorgo in regards to an anomaly that the sensors had picked up some time ago, but with all that had gone on since it had been logged in the memory banks, Kara had only recently discovered it. It was important in the sense of what it was, not due to any other relevance or situation.

Bjorgo go this command mind back in order. "Alright, folks. I'm back and I thank you for the warm welcome. However, the USS Nazgul needs us. Let's get her ready for departure, nice and casual, before we head out for our next patrol. Carry on."

The party broke up and went back to work. Sheyla pursed her lips at Bjorgo in an air kiss before she left the Bridge. Grinning to himself at that, Tore went and sat down in the captain's chair and brought up the PADD from its slot, bringing up any reports that needed to be seen by his eyes.



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