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Station #48: The S.S. Harbinger, FT-1000

Posted on Wed Nov 6th, 2024 @ 11:13pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: Unspecified
Timeline: Current

OOC: Pics of the Taavis vessel are in her bio.


Upon landing, Taavis had gathered her large seabag and put it over her left shoulder before departing the runabout. She was met by Admiral Aaron Stone and an older Human male in a rather nice, non-descript suit.

"Taavis!" Stone said with a smile, coming in and giving her a one armed hug to her right side. "So good to see you." He half turned to hold an arm out towards the man in the dark grey suit. "This is Jake Simmons, Director, FBI (Federation Bureau of Intelligence) operations for the Beta Quadrant. Jake, this is Taavis."

Simmons stepped in and offered his hand to shake, knowing from her file that Taavis was not the atypical Vulcan. Matter of fact, her Romulan half was what he was more interested in and her family connections across the Neutral Zone and within the Star Empire. "A pleasure."

Taavis shook his hand firmly. "Good to meet you. I take it your my boss's boss?" She gave a crooked grin.

"Something like that," answered Simmons. "Just thought we should meet before Aaron pulls you away for the grand tour. I need to look into a few things, anyway. We'll definitely talk later." With a curt nod Jake Simmons walked away as if she was now an afterthought.

"Charming," Taavis said with sarcasm.

"He takes some getting used to," said Aaron, smiling as he got them moving. "First, we have a docking bay for you, and a few people who want to see you. After that we'll move on to what we need from you out here in the wilderness of space. There's a very private place we can speak in." As they kept moving, Stone explained the Borg sphere hidden behind a cloaking field large enough to appear to be a planet. Not only visually but also on sensors. He pointed out various areas where teams of multi-species teams were working together to research and investigate this rather large piece of Borg technology. Continuing their trek through the sphere, Taavis noted that some of the work teams were from the Romulan Republic, but she saw no teams consisting of Romulan Empire personnel. She had family on both sides of the Romulan life. Some chose freedom of thought and action, others chose to work for tyranny and control.

They came into a massive open area, with Stone stopping to face an inner docking bay door that was blast door. Taavis could see the seam in the metal where the doors would break apart and slide open right and left. "You ready to make the 'O' face and have your eyes pop out?" Stone chuckled as he spoke. He tapped his badge. "Stone here, with guest. Open hangar 18." He grinned at using the old reference from Earth's past about how the U.S. Government had supposedly stored a fully functional extra terrestrial space craft. None of it had been true, of course, but people would believe anything if they heard it enough. Like the Moon landing back in the 1960's. Utter and complete horse shit but people bought into it.

In those few seconds of thought there was a muffled, yet loud whirring of power and a clang as the lock released on the inner bay doors and they began to slide open. As the gap between them widened Taavis began to see the landing gear and nose of a starship, gunmetal grey with blue-white running lights. As the doors opened completely her face almost did the 'O', but her eyes did go wide in complete and utter surprise. There before her was the ship she had designed for years, her schematics having been sent to Stone over the years, a piece at a time, as new ideas came to mind. It had always been a pipe dream, that maybe some day she would have her own ship, of her own design, that someone else would build to her exacting specifications. "I...I can't believe it. Is it space worthy?"

"Believe it, Taavis. And, yes, she went through her flight trials. Commander Taris was kind enough to volunteer to do so, seeing as how you're family and all." He gave her a sidelong glance, wagged his brows once, then touched her back to get them moving towards the access ramp.

"Taris!?" Taavis was being blindsided by surprises. "Is she here?"

Taavis was looking at Stone, who chinned ahead of himself. "See for yourself."

Putting her eyes forward Taavis saw her half sister, the Romulan pure blood, descending the ramp from the interior of what would become her vessel. Taris wore the uniform of the Romulan Republic, not the Star Empire as she had in the past. Seeing a sister Taavis had great love and affection for, she dropped her bag and walked forward with hastened steps. Stone, ever the gentleman, took up the bag and followed.

Taavis met her sister and they embraced each other with love and respect. For several long moments they simply held each other, rubbing backs and squeezing out their love for one another. When that played out they stepped back from each other, still toe to toe, both of them smiling. "You look good, sister." Taris said first.

"You too," Taavis responded, reaching out to flick the rank pin. "Romulan Republic now? I didn't think you would ever leave the Empire."

Stone caught up and interrupted warmly. "I'll take your bag into the ship, Taavis. Might be more comfortable to speak inside." He gave Taris a knowing grin and look before he proceeded towards the ramp.

Taris gave a pleasant nod, turning and stepping in beside her sister as she took her left arm in hand and gently got her moving. "We spared no amenities. You have the Romulan Republic to thank for building this beauty. Unfortunately, due to size, she has a warp core not a quantum singularity drive."

"I'll take it without complaint," Taavis responded. Her sister had let go of her arm as they both began to ascend the ramp and walk up into the ship. The interior looked more like a luxury yacht style starship, with earth-tone colors, wood paneling, carpeting in certain sections, and a large holographic display module in the main hold. Taris took her on the tour, pointing out each compartment and explaining what was what. During their visit to the small but efficient engine room, Taavis saw there was a class 4 cloaking device, the best the Romulans had to offer. The final visit, while Stone got himself some Romulan ale from the minibar, was the Bridge. It had a darkened interior, with a center seat and controls, then two seats forward of that, one on each side of another section of machinery with another holographic display, for more officers to sit at if need be. Behind the center seat, to the right, was a standing station used for ship security and tactical when necessary. Taavis had made several comments on the spectacular engineering she was seeing, everything she had envisioned and presented for consideration now being a reality. The two of them returned to the main hold, getting themselves a frosted mug of Romulan ale before joining Stone at the small conference/dining table.

"So," said Stone, grinning around his mug. "Is it all you had hoped for?"

"And then some." Taavis admitted, taking a good swallow of ale. It had been a while and it was delicious, as always. "Taris, please let me know what I can do for the Republic when I have time. They outdid themselves on this build. Truly."

Taris had swallowed a mouthful of ale as her sister spoke. "I am a Commander, you know. I have some pull and used it effectively along with my mnhei'sahe (Romulan Honor). I said the right things and promised the right things in return. That, and I had to cash in a few favors from previous mnhei'sahe."

Taavis took another drink before responding while stone went and gathered the half empty bottle to refill them all once before it was gone. "Then, sister, mnhei'sahe will be fulfilled between us. This is worth a good number of small favors, or a few well-placed ones. I debt of honor I will gladly repay."

Giving a chuckle, Taris leaned forward on her forearms, even as stone refilled their now empty mugs and went and disposed of the bottle. "I will cash in when needed. I can't have my sister running around in some vole-trap, filled with the stench of bad eating habits and filthy bodies." Her face actually scrunched a bit, as if holding down some bile in her belly.

Taavis gave a laugh, touching her sister's hand. "You have always had a weak stomach for funky bodies. It's what makes you so entertaining in private. Tell me, sister, do you make your men shower just before they climb into bed with you?" She laughed again.

"Always," Taris replied, laughing and going along with the teasing.

Feeling the Romulan ale, and smiling along with the banter, Stone heard that and sat up looking around. "Where's the shower on this thing?"

Both women cackled, they also feeling the booze, but in a different way than a Human would. "As if," Taris said, still giggling, her eyes teasing but not being insulting.

"Hey." Stone said. "I may be old but I'm not dead." More laughter in the room.

Taavis gave a pseudo-serious face. "I'm glad. I would hate to get on Green's bad side by telling her I was with you when you...ughh, died of exhaustion." Another round of laughter.

Spending another twenty minutes in good times and laughs, with another bottle of ale being opened between them, they settled down. Stone was way drunk, the two women feeling fuzzy but not quite tipsy. "Aaron," Taavis said. "I'll give you a ride to M-69 if you need one." Something came to mind. "By the way, what is the vessel designation?"

Stone spoke well for how intoxicated he was now, only slurring a little bit. "FT-1000, is the class designation." He said proudly. "This is the prototype, and the only one that exists."

"FT?" Taavis asked.

Taris stepped in. "Fast Transport. Although, those who built it call it the Wraith-class. FT seemed more of a subtle approach, and could mean fast transport or free trader."

"I like it." Taavis said, drinking her last swallow of her third mug of ale. She would not drink any more since she wanted to get underway and head back to M-69. "Let your government know, Taris, that the name is S.S. Harbinger. I'll contact Venis (pronounced Venice) and have the same done for me in the Empire through the Tovan Family. I take the identification codes are up to date, and the transponder?"

"They are," nodded Taris, herself done with drinking. She corked the bottle and got up to put it back in the minibar. She came halfway back, then stopped and spun a slow circle. "I'm kind of jealous. You have the means to go where you will, with no direct command structure. Something to envy."

Taavis got up, needing to walk off a bit of the ale. "Then retire and join me, sister. I could use that brain of yours."

Taris gave a grin and a hmph. "Something to consider, for sure. However, as it stands, the Republic needs all the officers it can get in its military. We are far stronger than we were a few years ago, but the Tal Shiar never rests, as you well know."

"Unfortunately, yes." Taavis said. "The offer will always be open, sister. You know how to find me. Let's spend the evening catching up, and we'll put Aaron back in the crew bunk area so he can sleep it off." They both looked to the snoozing Human in his chair. Together they got in and lifted him up under each armpit and walk-carried him to a bunk. Making sure he was positioned well enough to not roll off the bed they let him be and returned to the main hold, going and sitting on the sofas after gathering a thermomug each of hot apple cider. It had always been a favorite for Taavis, and the cinnamon stick made it that much better. The two sisters took their seats and began to talk about whatever came to mind. It could be some time before they met up in person again and this opportunity would not be squandered.



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