STATION #49: A New Dawn
Posted on Fri Nov 8th, 2024 @ 4:54pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: S.S. Harbinger
Timeline: Current
Taavis had went to sleep after a few hours of talking to her sister last night. Taris had bid her farewell and departed. Now, up early as per usual, Taavis was in the galley on SS Harbinger standing over the stove top provided there. She had whipped up quite a breakfast consisting of earth favorites. Bacon, eggs, sausage links and a mass of hash browns. The aromas from the cooking and sizzling foods was quite appealing, making her stomach growl even as she cooked it all. Once the food was done and prepared she transferred each dish to a hotplate style platter with a stasis lid to keep it fresh even as it sat and waited to be consumed. One at a time she moved the platters to the dining/conference table in the main hold, setting two places, one for herself and one for Admiral Stone. Going to the replicator she created two full pitchers and four pint glasses. One pitcher held orange juice, the other Earth bovine milk. The pitchers also worked to keep the fluids cool and below room temperature.
After her own shower this morning, Taavis removed her leatheris catsuit and all the tactical gear. Instead she went with a pair of black equestrian pants and boots. Her torso was covered by a white sports bra that pushed her breasts up slightly and showed off her cleavage a bit more than standard. Over that she wore a white, button up shirt, tucked in at the waist and buttoned up to just below the cleavage. It fit loose enough to be useful, but snug enough to stretch and pull over her 'assets' in all the right ways, and again, with the buttons undone down to between her breasts they were on display when the shirt pulled open slightly with movement. As Billi had once told her; if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, distract them with tits. Well, the old Billi, not the new and improved version who was fast becoming a name for herself in Starfleet. To complete the new look Taavis had removed the left tactical holster from her gunbelt, leaving the the right one in place. She donned the belt and then buckled the holster down on her right thigh to complete her new look.
Now, out in the dining area, she placed the pitchers and sat down. Taavis so wanted to dig in and assuage her hunger but decided to be polite and wait for Stone to awaken. Sitting quietly, not looking to anything with technology, Taavis casually dealt with seeing to her nails with a nail file. As she ran through each hand and took care of any nails that had been in need, she set the file aside and swiped away the nail dust from her hands and lap. Her hearing caught the sound of movement from the locked open door leading to the crew sleeping area. Looking that way she saw Stone rubbing his face and finger combing his hair, looking a bit rough as he saw her and stopped to lean on the doorjam.
"I'm entertaining a fusion headache, Taavis. Got an analgesic handy?" asked Aaron.
"Right this way," said Taavis, standing and leading him into her small infirmary/med lab. Going to the medical replicator she created a 5CC capsule of the pain reliever and then popped it into a hypo. She handed it over, Stone injecting it and handing the device back. The affects of the medication were almost immediate as his eyes went to normal and stopped squinting in pain.
"Ahhh, much better. Thank you."
Taavis took the hypo and set it aside after emptying the cartridge into the refuse. "You're welcome." She grinned at him. "Wonderful stuff, Romulan ale."
Aaron gave a cynical nod and a crooked grin. "Last night reminded me why I rarely drink the stuff." Once his aches and pains were gone, Stone stood tall again even though he still looked a bit rough in appearance. "I saw a shower area in the crew quarters. Mind if I partake?"
"Not at all," said Taavis. "Everything you need is available in the linens locker. There's a refresher to clean your clothing and hygiene products. Taris made sure the Harbinger was fully stocked. But, please, be quick. I'm hungry and a large breakfast awaits us."
Stone, upon hearing there was fresh food, gave a smile. "I'll be quick. I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino." He chuckled and left the Sickbay.
Shaking her head with mirth, Taavis grinned at his antics as she made her way back to the main hold and sat back down. Lifting a transparent lid she nabbed two pieces of bacon and began to nibble as she waited for her guest.