Station #58: Family Is More Than Blood
Posted on Thu Nov 14th, 2024 @ 6:13pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
The ship dropped from warp just the other side of the outer markers. Taavis, in her seat on her Bridge, tapped the comm key. "Starbase M-69, this is the Free Trader SS Harbinger (pics in bio) requesting permission to approach. Owner-operator Captain Taavis, requesting."
The speakers sounded. "We read you Harbinger." There was a lilt of exuberance behind the tone as the one at the console was grinning as she responded. "Permission to approach granted. I see you found a way to return to the title of captain, Miss Taavis."
Taavis smiled on her Bridge. "Old habits die hard. However, this accolade grants me freedom of movement. Maybe I'll come to OPS and say hello to you lot. Until then, Taavis, out." Her hands reached out and tapped the comm off and then they moved around her controls as she got her ship moving at one-quarter impulse and headed for the station. A small holographic screen came up to ahead-left, showing the docking bay that had been slotted for her use and far large enough to house the SS Harbinger. The bay was also the delivery bay for Club Bliss, so having a large landing area for freighters that could do so was important. Her own cargo hold was full to the limit, currently. 100 metric tons of goods and supplies for Club Bliss. As she piloted her beloved vessel towards 69, Taavis tapped her Vulcan IDIC pin on her left chest, where once a Starfleet combadge had sat. The IDIC pin was a combadge and as she tapped it she spoke. "Taavis to Manny, do you read?"
"I hear ya," said Manny in response.
"Sweet." Taavis said. "I'm coming in to our bay. Have a crew of workers come down and offload the cargo from the ship. What we don't need immediately I'll set to the side in the bay."
Manny, nodding and grinning to himself, responded. "You got it. They're on their way. Anything else, Boss?" He called her that even though they were partners. This was her club and she had brought him in initially as a worker/manager. Over time that had blossomed into a friendship and partnership as he was made a partner even as he maintained his post as head bartender and manager. Manny liked being the information highway for Club Bliss, the one who was brought tidbits of information and rumors to check out and sift through. He paid good latinum, or gave favors for the data. Taavis trusted him and he trusted her and it worked well in their favor.
Taavis always grinned when she heard Manny's voice unless, of course, it was bad news. That was hardly ever the case. "No, brother, that should do. See you soon. Taavis, out." She closed the channel and continued her vector to land.
Wearing a flat, black leatheris catsuit, sleeveless, with knee high boots, Taavis descended her personnel ramp. Over top of the catsuit she wore a dark brown suede leatheris short coat to cover the dual shoulder holsters and her hand made phase pistols. As she got to the deck, Taavis looked to her right towards the aft of her ship as it faced outward, towards the bay exit as she had spun it around when landing. The cargo ramp/lift was down and a small team of workers had been sent by Manny to begin moving the cargo from ship to bay. Going over and pulling out her personal palm PADD, she began to go over the cargo manifest. One of the team were checking the electronic reader plates on each cargo unit, seeing what was inside. As he did that, Taavis would direct them as to where that would go; either to be beamed to Bliss, or set aside in a vacant cargo area within the bay. It took a good two hours to get it all done, but when it was finished Taavis gathered the laborers to herself and handed them each a credit voucher. "There you go. If you prefer latinum, take the voucher to Manny and he'll make the exchange. Either way, it's 500 strips worth of pay for each of you. Also, drinks are free tonight. Thanks for the help."
They all thanked Taavis and shook her hand before turning and leaving the bay. She shook her head with a grin, enjoying the easier life of freighter bum/privateer. It was a whole new world of respect and she knew she would have to earn it in various ways with the underworld in order to become an agent worth a damn. Putting her PADD away in a belt pouch, Taavis began the journey through station to her home away from home, Club Bliss. Now that she was no longer wearing the uniform of a Starfleet captain, Taavis noted that the lingering looks from a few interested beings was more apparent, male and female alike, and anyone in-between. Par for the course, she thought. As a Vulcanoid she had a body that did not hold onto fat, and no one had ever seen an overweight Vulcan or Romulan because their genetics did not allow for it. Anything not needed was purged and not stored within the body. This left her with a pert body in all the right places, due to genetics and a strict exercise regimen. She had symmetry and cheek bones to die for that were only enhanced by her likeability factor. Those who got to know her beyond ordering a drink tended to gravitate towards her even when in the company of friends, and Taavis was gracious to them unless they proved otherwise.
With all this in mind, Taavis arrived at the main entrance to Club Bliss and walked inside, it being late morning, with the aromas of breakfast meals and beverages permeating the atmosphere. Manny, the seemingly immovable object of Club Bliss, was behind the bar and sitting on a stool at the far end, the closed end, tapping at a PADD. Going around the open end of the bar near to the entrance, Taavis approached him. As she did so Manny looked up with a grin and she came in and gave him a hug, then spun in place to lean against him, his left arm still around her waist, his right on the bartop. "Inventory?" Taavis asked.
"Yep," said Manny. "The morning staff are putting the freight away in the back. Breakfast is done, not being served anymore. Once the crockery is collected we can open for drinks and the morning crew can go for the day."
Taavis kissed the top of his head and then stepped out of his embrace, to stand and face him instead, her back to the entrance as she leaned against the bar. "You are the most efficient man I have ever met. Without you Bliss would be in chaos. I don't say it enough, Manny, but I appreciate everything you do. Just know that if I never say it, it doesn't mean I don't feel it."
"Taavis," Manny responded. "I know that. You are preaching to the choir, here, girl. It's what is left unsaid that I cherish the most. We know each other better than anyone else and we can share a look across the room and understand each other. You are my best friend, and if I could finally, in my life, actually trust anyone completely, you are the closest thing to that. You're the only family I got and I won't let you down. Ever."
Taavis was taken aback by all that. She knew that their bond of friendship was deeply rooted, but she would never have guessed that it was the way he described from his point of view. At that moment everything changed for her. Taavis felt the same way towards him; a brother she never had. All her siblings were female. Well, the ones still alive, or that she gave a damn about. "Thank you, brother. How you feel is how I feel." It was said with the utmost seriousness before she had to break the ice and shake it off for both of them. She did the pseudo-whisper of keeping things between then by covering the side of her mouth facing the open club area with a grin. "Just don't tell the other Vulcans that I have feelings." She giggled and straightened up.
Manny gave a chuckle and shook his head. "Your secret is safe with me." Taavis had looks, to be sure, but also personality. It was one of the things that endeared her to him. Argue about nature verses nurture all you want, there were just certain personality traits she exhibited that seemed hard-coded in her being. In particular, she knew exactly who she was; just seemed to be...her. Body, behavior, all part and parcel of who she now was. He was glad to know her, to be a part of this world she had built from scratch even as she had served Starfleet. Now, she had the reins for her life, having booted the Starfleet 'driver' off the stagecoach and taken control. He knew, deep down, she would always aid Starfleet and the Federation, and if asked, would work with them to assist in situations. Loyalty was a rare thing these days and Taavis had it for those she honored as friends and colleagues.
"Stop it, you're making me blush," said Taavis, sarcastically. "The green hue won't do well with my outfit." She giggled.
"Bite me." Manny said as he got up and closed the PADD down. "I'll be in back putting away stock. I'll send Tina up to bartend."
Taavis gave him a nod of acknowledgement, got herself a tumbler of Pendleton whiskey on the rocks, and then sat down on the high backed stool he had just vacated. She turned the PADD on and began to look at the books.