NAZGUL #12: Getting A Check Up
Posted on Thu Nov 14th, 2024 @ 4:24pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Loewen had returned to his quarters after his talk with Qeritas. Once there he took a hot, steamy shower and scrubbed himself head to foot to rid himself of sweat. For a comical moment he even considered scrubbing his tongue after the Q had kissed him, but that thought passed quickly as he chuckled to himself. Once finished bathing he applied hygiene and combed his hair. Taking up his new lightsaber he tucked it into the waistband in his lumbar region, cocked to one side so his shirt could be easily pulled over it, then departed his cabin for Sickbay. As he went he kept going over in his mind his reflection in the bathroom mirror, his body more defined and cut than it had been before, even with his steady exercise regime.
Arriving at Sickbay Sean stepped within and came to a stop after a few paces inside, his eyes looking around for Len.
Len was finishing putting the new supplies where they were supposed to go. She looked up when she heard the swish of the Sickbay door open and close. She saw Sean by the door and noticed that he seemed different. She waves him over.
Spotting Holbrook just as she spotted him, she waved him in so he went over. It was weird, he had so many 'feelings' running through his mind and body, as if he could sense every nuance in the room. If this is what it meant to have the Force coursing through his body then he was okay with it. Loewen came to a stop at a proper distance between two officers, not as a beau. "Hello, Len. I have a favor to ask you as a doctor."
Len nodded, "Alright, what is the favor?"
Loewen glanced around, seeing several of the medical staff milling about. "I need a check-up. All the scans and what not to determine if I am still, ya know, at peak efficiency. I was in the gym earlier and it dawned on me it has been a minute since my last exam."
Len nodded and motioned for him to take a seat on a biobed. She grabbed a medical tricorder and started the scans when he sat down. After a few minutes she set the medical tricorder down and looked at a PADD with the results on it. She compared the results from this scan to his previous ones and her eyes widened. "Let's go to my office and we'll go over the results."
Sean gave a chuckle, smile, and wink to her, then hopped down and followed her into her office. He pulled the lightsaber hilt out from the back of his shirt and held it in his lap as he sat in once of the guest chairs and crossed his legs as he leaned back. "I take it there are discrepancies?"
Len sat down in her chair and handed him the PADD. On one side of the PADD held his previous scan and on the opposite side has his new scans. "Indeed. It appears that your lung capacity has increased, your muscle density has increased and has become more toned. It looks as if you have been augmented. So, can you tell me what happened?"
"A Q happened," said Loewen, being completely honest with his doctor as much as with his love interest. "Remember the whole debacle about Qeritas? Well, she showed up in the gym while I was there, gave me a rundown on galactic events, and then did this." He motioned up and down at his body with the hand not keeping his saber hilt from rolling off his lap. "She said something about making me like Humans in a far older galaxy that had evolved more than we have here in this one. How they were tougher, more resilient and mentally quicker than we are here. I feel like a starship that just got a complete systems upgrade." He kept smiling, finding it hard not to. Sean hoped Len would not think he had cracked and have him hauled off to some psyche ward.
"Well in a sense, you did get a complete systems upgrade. It can take time to adjust to what will be your new normal." She said while looking at him. "I know it took me awhile to adjust to being augmented."
When she said that Sean's face went more serious but not in a way to denote fear or anxiety over the news. More like an interest, or curiosity. "You, too, huh?" He gave a slight wagging of the head, considering the news. "Well, we now learned that much more about each other. With what else I was told I should be able to handle the changes. She says I have abilities...powers that I have yet to test. Well, I tested some when I came in, but my skill at using them is only a few hours old. I do sense what I can only describe as empathy, like a Betazoid has if I were to hazard a guess." He sat up and looked back over his shoulder, seeing no one in line of sight for the CMO office window. Loewen got up quickly and made sure his hilt did not fall to the floor, and came over and gave Len a quick kiss before going back to his chair. "Sometimes it's fun to act like a kid stealing kisses." He giggled.
Len smiled and nodded. "So what did you sense when you came in?"
"Calm," said Loewen. "A casual atmosphere with no worries or anxiety. I read about the auspices of something called the Force, which she says I am sensitive to, and what provides that information to me. An extrapolated ESP type of thing." He shrugged. "Captain Green has these abilities and Qeri said I should confer with her, occasionally."
"Well I'm glad that is how Sickbay feels. I try to make sure it is calm and soothing for people to heal." She said with a smile.
Sean's face went more serious again. "Yeah...yeah. I can only imagine how it would be to feel suffering, anguish and pain. I'll have to learn to deal with it as best I can." His eyes got a far away look as he contemplated that, having not considered it before.
"I'm sure you will do fine. You can always come find me if you want to talk." She said.
Sitting up on the edge of his seat, Loewen looked Holbrook in the eyes. "I feel like a stranger in a strange land, Len. I'll need a rock to cling to from time to time, I'm sure. Thank you for being that rock." Looking back out the window again, seeing it clear, he held the hilt up and ignited the saber with its snap-hiss as it sprang forth, thrumming once exposed. "She gave me this, as well, and told me to train with it because it will be needed." He closed it down. "Against what, I have no idea."
Len looked at the blue saber and nodded. "I am sure we will find out soon enough. Ms. Qeritas seems to like testing people."
"From what the Q says, she is a mentor to Green, too." Sean sighed and let his head hang to stretch the back of his neck a bit. He brought his face back up. "All this is because Green was her first chosen, and is supposed to bring people like us together. Anyway, thanks for confirming what the Q said about my being. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't some kind of game." He grinned at her with not much humor in it. He was tired and just needed some sleep.
"Well it is definitely confirmed. You should probably go and get some sleep, having your body upgraded takes a lot on energy." She said with a small smile on her face.
Nodding his agreement, Loewen stood and came around her desk again. He leaned in and gave her a short, lingering kiss, not concerned about appearances this time. He had placed a hand on her back in a show of love and devotion. When he broke the kiss he then put his forehead against hers with another act of fidelity. "I love you." With that said he turned and left her office, and then Sickbay.
She watched him leave with a smile, before picking up one of the numerous PADDs on her desk and started doing paperwork.
Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul
Lieutenant Sean Loewen
Chief Helm Officer
USS Nazgul