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NAZGUL: Reactor Six Back Online

Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 10:36pm by Lieutenant JG Ken Kudo

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Kudo stood with Mazzeo, Samson, and Frasier. They had all worked diligently on the assigned projects, finding issues that needed to be seen to, but after the systems they checked were operating as they should be, the damn reactor was still not wanting to kick on. "Seems we maintained the reactor since all we did needed to be done anyway. But, none of those systems seemed to be the issue with the reason they're shut down. Well, at least Reactor Six," Kudo said.

Anita Mazzeo shook her head. It has to be something we're not seeing. With no power it's hard to pin down what the actual problem is, Lieutenant."

The Science Ensign, Lars Frasier nodded along with that. "She has a point, Sir. Without power running through the reactor, even if in standby mode, it's hard to pinpoint any further issues."

"They're not wrong, Ken." Samson added. "I think we should power up the reactor as if we're going to run a diagnostic on the systems. Enough juice to activate the algorithms and see what the diagnostics show."

Kudo could not disagree. The question was, since the initial pulse that had sent them reeling into this subspace bubble, would the reactor even light up that much. "We can try it. Whatever happened to us as we entered subspace knocked them all offline, and the warp core, which is a whole other animal."

"We'll leave the warp core to Commander Ejo, Lieutenant." Mazzeo said. "Right now, let's focus on this broken turd. It will be nice to have our own auxiliary power instead of relying on a Delta Flyer. I know I'd feel more at ease, anyway."

"As would I," offered Frasier.

"Alright, we have a plan. Mister Frasier, please go up on the control platform and begin to initiate power up for diagnostics. The rest of us, tricorders in hand and scans going as he does so." Everyone gave each other nods, and a few friendly slaps to backs or arms to show solidarity in their tasks. Frasier ascended the steps and began to tap keys, relying on the data collected so far on his own tricorder to do so.

It took about five minutes but there was a minimal power signature from within the reactor but, nowhere near enough to get the damn thing to activate to its full capacity. "Got it, Sir," announced Frasier. "Power feeding through all systems, but only enough to get them to show a signature. I'll begin diagnostics, now."

"Got it, Frasier. Go ahead." Kudo responded. Looking to the others. "Start scanning for anything unusual. Power spikes, ambient energy release--anything." Both of them nodded and did as instructed.

The team scanned and worked on the diagnostics for about twenty minutes, halting the work to come together and discuss their findings. Frasier was still up on the control landing, with the other three at the base of the steps. Frasier started things off. "The diagnostic shows there's a power drop in the system. Try as I might, Sir, I couldn't see where using the computer."

Kudo looked to Mazzeo who shook her head no. He then turned his face to Samson. Brett Samson spoke up. "There's an ionic release going on, Sir. It's disrupting the flow for the electroplasma system (EPS) within the reactor. Problem is it's not isolated. It seems to be a kinetic reaction creating ionic energy due to a malfunction somewhere." Samson looked up at Frasier. "Lars, you sure you got no data as to how and where?"

"None," Frasier replied. "If it is affecting multiple systems, this ionic disturbance, then it could be affecting the diagnostic readers, as well. Just a hunch, but makes sense."

Kudo had been thinking, giving subtle nods to all that was being said as he half-listened. "Alright. We know it's an ionic disturbance so, we need to get inside and recheck everything while it is running. Be careful, though. If that much kinetic energy is flowing through the air it is bound to cause static discharge when certain things are touched. I would advise insulated kid gloves so our hands don't get cooked and we don't get zapped so bad we're dizzy for a week." They all gave laughter at that. They all had such gloves in their engineer vests, so they brought them out and slipped them on. "This means, people, no leaning against anything on the interior. Our hands are protected but our bodies won't be." Again that was acknowledged and the three down on the main deck clambered back inside of the reactor through its maintenance crawlway.

Cautiously moving through the crawlspace, the three of them made sure not to try and lean on, nor even touch the walls and machinery within. All of them, at certain points, could not avoid an 'almost touch' of a millimeter from the surrounding metallic masses. Like static electricity between fingers and skin between two people, they each took a zap that definitely woke them up but did not harm them beyond a painful bee-sting feeling. Mazzeo, who was in front by her doing, having crawled in first, stopped in a three point stance as she held her tricorder in her right hand. "I think I have something."

Kudo, second in line, had had to keep his eyes off of Anita's backside, which was bent over right in front of him as she moved. He focused his mind on the task at hand to avoid any lingering leering at her. Maybe she would like to hang out sometime, he thought. Mazzeo sat up on her haunches as she scanned and read her data.

"The ionic flux inhibitor and the Dekyon polarizing equalizer are out of alignment with each other." Mazzeo informed them. "All this ambient kinetic energy is the bleed off. It is causing the EPS system to sputter in its flow."

"Hot damn!" Samson said. "Good shit, Mazzeo. Let's get this bitch fixed and turn on our own lights, Lieutenant."

"Sound good to me," Ken said with a smile. "Brett, go out and get the parts we need. Anita, keep scanning and see what we can do from here until the parts get back."

Both the ensigns gave acknowledgements and went to work. Ken was also now sitting up on his haunches, a familiar pose for one who was a samurai. Soon enough, Samson came back with the needed parts to begin replacing certain elements of the two systems out of alignment. Frasier cut the power so they could work better in the confined space and not keep getting shocked by the environment. Kudo had squeezed passed Samson to get out, stretched his back, then went and gathered even more parts for all the systems around the two problem ones. Might as well update those, as well, he thought.

The ionic conversion grid, ionic reaction grid, and the ionic polarizing grid were all given new isolinear chips and upgraded reader boards. All of this, all their work, was being continuously updated and sent to Commander Ejo so she could see what was being done for Reactor Six. It would give her people places to start when looking into the other reactors. Once they finished the repairs and maintenance they all crawled back out and told Frasier to run his diagnostics again. Kudo, Mazzeo, and Samson stood at the bottom of the steps drinking from water bottles, having been sweating in the confined spaces in the crawlway. "Heck yeah!" Came from above them, and they all looked up to see Frasier do a quick fist pump. "Diagnostic says all systems in the green, with no ambient energy bleed-off. I think we're good to give this beauty a chance to shine."

"Start the engines, Mister Frasier, by all means." Kudo said, smiling along with everyone else. Watching Lars tap keys and bring the reactor online, the massive machine kicked on to show it was in full power mode and running smoothly.

Frasier looked down to them, pointing at the reactor with a big smile on his face. "Now that's what I like to hear, Sir!"

"Me too, Ensign. Me too," agreed Kudo, his own smile still on his face. He shook hands with the two next to him. "Good job," he looked up to Frasier. "All of you. One more accomplishment for your service records. I'm putting you all in for a commendation."

All of them were glad and excited to hear that. Kudo had to get them to stay focused, though. "Alright, folks, let's clean up our flotsam and button up the panels and crawlway hatches. When that's done, meet me in the lounge this evening for a round of drinks." Again, they all gave smiles, looking forward to a lounge get together where rank was not adhered to. They could be themselves and relax. All of them began to clean up and batten down.



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