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Post 13 " Bright New City "

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 7:09pm by Commodore Sureth
Edited on on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 9:51pm

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: Sagitarrius system/Savai
Timeline: Concurrent


Sureth had much in his mind with a lot as he played both Captain and Ambassador to the Savai people. Today's meeting with Fesra and Kodos was no different.

The savannah was the meeting spot outside the old city where Sureth hoped to reveal his big plan for both cultures.

" I have asked you both to come today to break ground with me." saud Sureth.
" What dies break ground me?" asked Fesra Leader of the Furs.
" Figurative we will begin construction on the joint city on the ground for your two peoples. With both pride lands and humanoid dwellings. We begin with these tools. Sureth replied handing Kodos a shover and Fedra a large silver claw tool. " The Federation will fund the whole project and employ both species to build and run it. The Star Fleet Corp of Engineers is already aboard stations and preparing to come down to begin construction."

" In what way will my people be employeed?" Fesra asked.
" Your people will be in charge of the biodome.and the terra formed savannah we are building. The Reservation will be quite extensive. The legitimate will help us build both given their humanoid ability. Most of the equipment is designed for bioped use." Sureth replied.

" It sounds exciting." Kodos added.
" It will be ." Sureth promised .

All shoveled the soil and Sureth marked the spot with his phaser on the side of one of the red crystal mounds.

Savai's New City was well under way.



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