#12 A type of Silk
Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 6:22pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: current
Taavis walked up to the main entry door for Mister Sean Silk, tapping the chime waiting. She knew he was home, she had checked with the internal sensors. His voice came through the speaker. "Greetings. Who is this?"
Taavis rolled her eyes. "It's your landlord, fool. Open the door."
The door slid open and she stepped within, hearing it close behind her. Silk was standing next to the comm panel for his door, and he was looking sideways at her, a big smile on his face. "T? I heard you were out this way, but I didn't think it would be this far."
"Why?" Is all she asked.
Silk looked confused, truly. "Why? Why, what?"
"Why do you insist on trying to fool me. I know damn well you knew I was out here, and exactly where. You're here because I am, and you need The Cabal to be the first to bring in trade lanes. Which leads to tribute from others so they can use those lanes. Drop the act, please."
Sean had turned to face her directly, and as she spoke, and the expressions on her face changed as rapidly as that of any emotional race, he realized she had lost her discipline. Now would not be a good time to upset her, as he had learned a few times in the past. "Alright, alright." He waved it off non-chalantly. "Look, this is a dead station when it comes to civilian life. Some people like living on the edge, and civilians can offer ideas and incite that the crew may not think of. A win-win, Taav. Come on."
Taavis actually controlled her sarcastic sigh, killing it. "I admit that a civilian population would do wonders for morale. I have opened a cantina of my own, which we will discuss later. So, why all the yamok sauce, and grapok sauce?"
"Isn't it obvious," he asked incredulously. "I put out the word to Klingon and Cardassian merchants that Mercury was ripe for the taking. Economically speaking, of course."
Taavis gave a slight grin. "Don't overstep, Sean. I have a Klingon friend who would love it out here. She is...feisty but fun. And, looks totally Human. I will set a meeting with both of you together, once she arrives. She is of House of Grilka, which was once known House of Quark. Economics is one focus for the House. She get first dibs on location."
"Done," said Sean, stepping in as he arms opened up. "May I?"
Taavis gave a warm grin. "Of course, brother." She stepped in and hugged him in a familial way, with warmth and trust. They stepped back and she straightened herself out. "You know the deal. You get caught, you pay. Minor infractions I can deal with. Above that, you're on your own."
Silk gave a respectful nod to a dear friend. Being half Human and half El-Aurian provided him an extensive lifespan since he did take after his mother. He had already spent four centuries in this galaxy, travelling here and there, learning languages and so much more. Now, in his 453rd year of life he was the sole leader of an expansive organization known as The Cabal, filled with privateers, pirates, and mercenaries. Their services were not cheap, on any level, but they absolutely guaranteed that they would succeed, and they always did. Intertwined into every society The Cabal had members everywhere, even within opposing governments. Not for politics, but for economics. "If we get caught red-handed, then we deserve to suffer." Silk's face became serious as he stepped in next to Taavis, so close his chest was touching hers as he leaned in to whisper into her right ear. "We are here for whatever the UFP needs. All other concerns are secondary." Once said he stepped back. "Have a good night, Commander."
"Thank you. You too." Taavis spun on her heel and left his quarters, many thoughts in her mind. The first, see to all cargo and the airlock system. If there were people headed this way, not all trusted transporters.