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Post# 11 " Inspection Day

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:46pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Blood Oath
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


< Aux Bridge >

When he was done with the main bridge tactical systems Mr Dallas mived to the auxillary battle bridge. As luck would have it the advanced one had just recently been installed.

" This is nominal Captain."

" Great job Mister...Dallas.

Captain Rivers made sure all systems were online and ready for the big deploy. Tapping his comm badge he called for his first officer.

" Rivers to Callahan meet me on the Auxillary Battle Bridge please."

Sitting in her office Shauna tapped her comm badge. “On my way Captain” it didn’t take her long before she reached her destination.

" Thanks for coming Commander . My last XO took 30 minutes to answer coms. We launch tomorrow and the bridge tactical computer is marginally working. Mr Dallas will be using the aux tactical upon launch. Are you aware of any other problems before launching? The next Draailian shipments are in 5 days. We will reach them in 3 days and stay in sector to monitor ship movements." Rivers stated.

Shauna shook her head. “There were no major problems last time we were out, the ship and crew performed admirably well.

Mr Dallas listened on as both officers communicated but couldn't help admire the Commander for all she had recently done.

Shauna looked towards Deke. “To be honest Sir, I wasn’t expecting the ship to be leaving the station for an extended amount of time.”

" Do you mean you were not expecting to leave the station? Are you not comfortable being this ships Executive Officer? If that is so please tell me why?" Deke replied.

Shauna smiled. “It’s not that I’m uncomfortable leaving the station Captain. I was assigned here as the Second Officer for Starbase Mercury. I guess in the short time I’ve been here I’ve gotten used to being at the station, I was just starting to settle into relationships with those I serve with. It feels a little like I’m up rooting again, not that I’m refusing to go.”

" When I took command I was told you were the Exec. I wasn't told of you being the Station Second officer. My orders are to escort a convoy for the next 6 months. I need an XO who will be available for that role. Do you wish me to dismiss you from your station Commander? It will be hard to do my job without an XO this short if notice but I have done it before." Rivers replied.

Shauna shook her head. “That won’t be necessary Sir, I’m Executive Officer of this ship. It’s a dream come true, I’m honoured to be here.”

" Then I don't see the problem Shauna...may I call you Shauna?. We are both fleet officers. I have done this longer than... your grandpa I am sure but that is a story for another time. If you are ok to continue we leave tomorrow. If not grab your gear and return to your station no hard feelings.

“I’m fine with that Sir, I’ll be here.” Shauna offered a polite smile, but couldn’t help but wonder about her fledgling relationship with Sureth.

Rivers then exited leaving only she and Mr Dallas.
" I can empathize ma'am. " said Dallas

Shauna nodded. “This must be more difficult for you Mr Dallas, you have a close relationship with Isabelle. Not quite so much for Sureth and I at present.” She offered a shrug of he shoulders and carried on her way.

Deke strolled the halls slowly from the Auxillary bridge to the turbo lift, admiring every port and console on the old ship.

Deke saw Shauna behind him and paused.
" Commander you have sat in the center seat before. I read about the sphere incident. You are a great XO. I hope you don't sell yourself short in your skills. " Deke said through the empty hall as he awaited the lift.

“I won’t thank you Sir” Shauna smiled. “I’ve gotten used to being aboard the Bohr now, the station was more of a challenge for me I’m more used to starships.”

" A starship is the great equalizer. You fight with a spouse, owe some money, a ship will take you away from all that. This one is a science ship with some awesome weapons to boot. It reminds me of my old ship the Vengeance." Deke replied.

Shauna smiled. “How long did you serve aboard the Vengeance?”

" That is an old war story. Circa 2295 if you believe that I was a young helmsman. We were chasing Klingons and got lost in an amenous nebula. Who would have known firing torpedoes repeatedly would open a subspace rift. Only to emerge into a Dominion war . More to that story but I would have to share a drink with you . Why dont you join me for dinner in the mess hall ? I will fill you in on the rest of the story. It's a doozie." Rivers replied.

Shauna grinned and nodded. “I’d like that Sir.”

" Dinner it is " Deke replied.

Shauna nodded. “Wonderful. Would you like me to accompany you on the rest of your tour?”

" Certainly. I was 24 out of the academy an Ensign when I met her...Vortress. A Klingon infiltration officer . We got close and then we discovered she was an operative." Deke began to tell his tale.

“I’m sorry to hear that” Shauna offered understandingly. “To be honest I’ve never gotten close to anyone much.”

" Career officers seldomly do. Probably good not too I have loved and lost many times. But there is one love that will never leave you...the center seat of the bridge . You can leave the ship but you can't take the ship out of your blood. I also know something else... you will never find love with a Vulcan. They don't know love like we do. They love but it is a cold distant love. And only other Vulcan's can understand it." Deke added.

“You noticed that” Shauna nodded. “It’s not like I’m going to be aboard the station to be with Sureth for the next six months. Maybe longer than that if we’re kept out here.”

" Ouch. There is a song that goes ..if you cant be with the one you love love the one your with. Stick with me darlin and I'll show you the universe." Deke winked

Shauna couldn’t help but smile, Deke had a lot of charm.

Reaching the lift Deke entered and held the door for Shauna.

" Let's finish our inspection and launch this rocket Commander." Deke added.

“Aye Captain” Shauna nodded and smiled the warmest smile yet.

Tbc ..


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